Conspiracy Theory There actually are people (State and non-State actors) who ARE brainwashing you, and most of you don't actually know it's happening.

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Oct 2, 2007
AFL Club
The TL-DR is this - There is a complex psy-op being run at the moment; but it's mainly (and ironically) conspiracy theorists who are the actual victims.

As we all know, social media (Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Telegram, Snapchat, 8kun, 4chan, Truth Social, Reddit, TikTok, Google etc) and Mobile companies (Apple, Samsung, Huawei) etc are in the business of collecting metadata on their customers. It's the principal means of how those companies make money, and why they exist.

They collect metadata, and then (via the use of complex algorithms) 'suggest' content to users or sell that metadata to advertisers (and others). They can quite literally use that metadata to create scarily accurate psychological profiles of an individual user. There is a reason Facebook is banned by the Russians and the Chinese (just like the West ban Huawei) and both nations have an extensive national firewall.

For example, just from a scrape of the metadata on your phone, I could tell:
  • Where you sleep at night, where you live, what route you take to work, where you work, and any other regular movements you make (GPS)
  • Your health status and likelihood to be concerned about your health (health and heartbeat monitors and apps and steps counters, plus Google searches and your amount of engagement with sites and apps that deal with health issues)
  • Your pr0n habits and sexual kinks and orientation (Google search history)
  • Your political alignment, levels of engagement (via social media, and app usage like Truth Social)
  • Your spending habits (banking apps, Samsung/ Apple/ Google pay) likelihood to spend money on something following a 'suggestion' by the algorithm.
  • Your relationship status and dating successes and whether you're an Incel or not (Tinder, Bumble, Hinge etc, and your rates of engagement with it, and amount of matches you get)
  • Your hobbies (social media, app usage, search history)
  • Your date of birth, social class, wealth, gender, and race.
  • Your taste in music (Spotify, iTunes)
  • Whatever images are in your photo and video folders.
  • How popular you are (number of friends on apps like Facebook and Instagram, and amount of engagement)
And that's just scraping the surface. I wont even get into what can be done with that data, particularly considering the new AI being built as we speak, and what it could do with that data (and if you are not scared by that, you're a fool).

At present, with just a basic metadata scrape, I can then construct an algorithm to figure out what kind of person you are, what you engage with, and what makes you tick, and then to 'suggest' content that re-enforces a particular worldview, or suggest things for you to spend money on, or target advertisements to you.

Or target you with a particular political message.

In the case of Cambridge Analytica and the Internet Research Agency this is exactly what they did. They used that metadata to literally brainwash people into thinking a totally different worldview, by reinforcing a particular view of reality, in opposition to a different view of reality. Armed with metadata collected from social media sites, they pushed fake news, misinformation, and conspiracy theories out to people the algorithm had decided were vulnerable to it. Those people then went further and further down the rabbit hole, as their computers 'suggested' additional content, that re-enforced this particular world view. They liked and shared this misinformation, spreading the insanity to other people.

Governments are already using this data to brainwash people. Either directly (in the case of the Internet Research Agency in the Kremlin) or via third parties (in the case of Cambridge Analytica).

So called 'influencers' (grifters I prefer to call them) also rely on this phenomenon. This can range from something as benign as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) all the way to Lauren Southern/ Alex Jones shit, where they post an outrageous made-up video on YouTube about 'the White Replacement', or 'the sun cures COVID' or 'Satanic Paedo's are breeding bloodlines while also cloning children in a bio-lab in Ukraine' or whatever and rely on the algorithms on social media to do the rest. Right leaning (or conspiracy vulnerable) people start getting videos like this 'suggested' to them (videos their own computer already knows they'll watch and believe) and before long they wind up radicalized, fervently believing a bizarre set of 'truths', and generally socially isolated by peers in the real world (ironically further entrenching those radical and extreme views). Meanwhile the 'influencer' makes money via monetized advertising, sponsorship, affiliates, donations, patreon accounts, or other forms of grift.

Reddits Qanon casualties' thread is one example of tens of thousands of victims of this phenomena. Ditto sorryantivaxxer with stories of tens of thousands of real-world people who were clearly radicalized into anti-vaxx positions online (slathering the shit all over Facebook) and are now dead from COVID. See also Sov Cits (including the three who murdered those people in QLD, pausing only to post a video to YouTube) and a growing number of Incel mass shooting attacks (livestreamed and influenced by 4chan and 8kun).

Here is a local example:

“My husband was normal up until Covid and now he isn’t the same person,” she said.

“We do have moments where he is his old self. However, he believes in all sorts of things, and can even contradict himself in the same sentence.

“I have heard everything from the vaccine will kill you, to Trump, to change of the money system, to we need to buy silver, to child trafficking, to the world is flat, to they are trying to starve us/kill us. You name it, my husband believes it.”

The wife blamed her husband’s unwelcome transformation on the online community that spread rapidly during the pandemic.

“Social media and certain websites (BitChute in particular) have led to his downfall even though he can’t see it,” she said, adding that his new-found beliefs had seriously damaged his closest relationships.

You think you're 'doing your own research' and are one of the select few that 'get it' but you're not. Your computer (and the algorithms in it) are leading you down a rabbit hole and warping your perception of reality. In the conspiracy and far right-wing world this is often called being 'red-pilled' by those that embrace it. For everyone else, it's generally called 'getting cooked'.

The psy-op is so insidious, that the very people that get sucked into it (i.e. conspiracy theorists) dont even realize that they're the actual victims (and participants) in the actual psy-op, which is deliberately designed to get them to believe kooky shit.

I'll pause for a second (before any of you accuse me of political bias) and say the above phenomena also happens to 'left' leaning people. Many of whom got sucked down the COVID conspiracy rabbit hole, or alternatively got 'wokeness' so ingrained in them (via the same re-enforcing paradigm), that they're as radical as the far right Incel crowd, cancelling everything left right and center and clutching pearls at anything not waving an inclusive rainbow flag.

I implore you guys who post here to stop and consider, that you're actually caught up in this psy-op. You're the victims of the very conspiracy you've been looking for all these years.

I'll finish for anyone skeptical at this point (despite the above being objectively true) and get you all to ask yourselves; before computers, and especially before social media (say 10 years ago) were your views pretty radically different to what they are now? Sit back for a second, be honest with yourself and think:

'Have my thoughts and beliefs changed in the past 10 years, since social media became thing? Do I now sit on my computer a lot more than I used to and absorb information via the (biased) lens of my electronic device and its algorithms which are designed to tell me.... exactly what I now think is true? Have I become more socially isolated, and my views become more radical and polarized? Have I always been pro-vaccine, but now I find myself regularly being called out for posting anti-vaxx misinformation? Do I find myself knowing a shitload about US Politics (Trump, Biden, Pelosi) but next to **** all about Australian politics? Have I been reading a lot of people talking about 'international bankers and cabals of wealthy Jews and Jesuits and Masons secretly running the world? Do I find myself suddenly cheering on or ambivalent towards Russia, and thinking about 'Biolabs' and 'microchips?'

If the answer to any part of that question is 'yes', you're a victim.
The documentary "Social Dilemma" reinforces the points you are making.
We all need to be mindful that algorithms are feeding our dopamine needs no matter what we believe or which end of the political spectrum we reside.
It's becoming increasingly difficult to obtain facts and be truly objective but it's something we cannot give up on - the consequences are too dire.

Australians used to have excellent bullshit barometers - I'm not so sure that's accurate any more - otherwise why would some of these batshit crazy propositions get any traction whatsoever?
Interesting. yet not a single shred of that will ever convince anyone of anything, because their device and digital consumption of info, no matter what it is,is more important than food, sex...nearly anything else at all.
Were doomed. Genie is out of the bottle.

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Interesting. yet not a single shred of that will ever convince anyone of anything, because their device and digital consumption of info, no matter what it is,is more important than food, sex...nearly anything else at all.
Were doomed. Genie is out of the bottle.
That in part is due to these beliefs becoming part of a person's self-identification system.
Once someone is far enough down the rabbit hole, any evidence that runs contrary to their beliefs is just 'part of the conspiracy', ironically serving to reinforce their beliefs.

Plenty of posters were proclaiming that Covid was 'just the flu' in the early days, they simply pivoted their position as time went on into some sort of 'plandemic' conspiracy.
That in part is due to these beliefs becoming part of a person's self-identification system.
Once someone is far enough down the rabbit hole, any evidence that runs contrary to their beliefs is just 'part of the conspiracy', ironically serving to reinforce their beliefs.

Plenty of posters were proclaiming that Covid was 'just the flu' in the early days, they simply pivoted their position as time went on into some sort of 'plandemic' conspiracy.

They also neglected that the flu was the cause of one of the worst pandemics the planet has seen.
The TL-DR is this - There is a complex psy-op being run at the moment; but it's mainly (and ironically) conspiracy theorists who are the actual victims.

As we all know, social media (Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Telegram, Snapchat, 8kun, 4chan, Truth Social, Reddit, TikTok, Google etc) and Mobile companies (Apple, Samsung, Huawei) etc are in the business of collecting metadata on their customers. It's the principal means of how those companies make money, and why they exist.

They collect metadata, and then (via the use of complex algorithms) 'suggest' content to users or sell that metadata to advertisers (and others). They can quite literally use that metadata to create scarily accurate psychological profiles of an individual user. There is a reason Facebook is banned by the Russians and the Chinese (just like the West ban Huawei) and both nations have an extensive national firewall.

For example, just from a scrape of the metadata on your phone, I could tell:
  • Where you sleep at night, where you live, what route you take to work, where you work, and any other regular movements you make (GPS)
  • Your health status and likelihood to be concerned about your health (health and heartbeat monitors and apps and steps counters, plus Google searches and your amount of engagement with sites and apps that deal with health issues)
  • Your pr0n habits and sexual kinks and orientation (Google search history)
  • Your political alignment, levels of engagement (via social media, and app usage like Truth Social)
  • Your spending habits (banking apps, Samsung/ Apple/ Google pay) likelihood to spend money on something following a 'suggestion' by the algorithm.
  • Your relationship status and dating successes and whether you're an Incel or not (Tinder, Bumble, Hinge etc, and your rates of engagement with it, and amount of matches you get)
  • Your hobbies (social media, app usage, search history)
  • Your date of birth, social class, wealth, gender, and race.
  • Your taste in music (Spotify, iTunes)
  • Whatever images are in your photo and video folders.
  • How popular you are (number of friends on apps like Facebook and Instagram, and amount of engagement)
And that's just scraping the surface. I wont even get into what can be done with that data, particularly considering the new AI being built as we speak, and what it could do with that data (and if you are not scared by that, you're a fool).

At present, with just a basic metadata scrape, I can then construct an algorithm to figure out what kind of person you are, what you engage with, and what makes you tick, and then to 'suggest' content that re-enforces a particular worldview, or suggest things for you to spend money on, or target advertisements to you.

Or target you with a particular political message.

In the case of Cambridge Analytica and the Internet Research Agency this is exactly what they did. They used that metadata to literally brainwash people into thinking a totally different worldview, by reinforcing a particular view of reality, in opposition to a different view of reality. Armed with metadata collected from social media sites, they pushed fake news, misinformation, and conspiracy theories out to people the algorithm had decided were vulnerable to it. Those people then went further and further down the rabbit hole, as their computers 'suggested' additional content, that re-enforced this particular world view. They liked and shared this misinformation, spreading the insanity to other people.

Governments are already using this data to brainwash people. Either directly (in the case of the Internet Research Agency in the Kremlin) or via third parties (in the case of Cambridge Analytica).

So called 'influencers' (grifters I prefer to call them) also rely on this phenomenon. This can range from something as benign as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) all the way to Lauren Southern/ Alex Jones s**t, where they post an outrageous made-up video on YouTube about 'the White Replacement', or 'the sun cures COVID' or 'Satanic Paedo's are breeding bloodlines while also cloning children in a bio-lab in Ukraine' or whatever and rely on the algorithms on social media to do the rest. Right leaning (or conspiracy vulnerable) people start getting videos like this 'suggested' to them (videos their own computer already knows they'll watch and believe) and before long they wind up radicalized, fervently believing a bizarre set of 'truths', and generally socially isolated by peers in the real world (ironically further entrenching those radical and extreme views). Meanwhile the 'influencer' makes money via monetized advertising, sponsorship, affiliates, donations, patreon accounts, or other forms of grift.

Reddits Qanon casualties' thread is one example of tens of thousands of victims of this phenomena. Ditto sorryantivaxxer with stories of tens of thousands of real-world people who were clearly radicalized into anti-vaxx positions online (slathering the s**t all over Facebook) and are now dead from COVID. See also Sov Cits (including the three who murdered those people in QLD, pausing only to post a video to YouTube) and a growing number of Incel mass shooting attacks (livestreamed and influenced by 4chan and 8kun).

Here is a local example:

You think you're 'doing your own research' and are one of the select few that 'get it' but you're not. Your computer (and the algorithms in it) are leading you down a rabbit hole and warping your perception of reality. In the conspiracy and far right-wing world this is often called being 'red-pilled' by those that embrace it. For everyone else, it's generally called 'getting cooked'.

The psy-op is so insidious, that the very people that get sucked into it (i.e. conspiracy theorists) dont even realize that they're the actual victims (and participants) in the actual psy-op, which is deliberately designed to get them to believe kooky s**t.

I'll pause for a second (before any of you accuse me of political bias) and say the above phenomena also happens to 'left' leaning people. Many of whom got sucked down the COVID conspiracy rabbit hole, or alternatively got 'wokeness' so ingrained in them (via the same re-enforcing paradigm), that they're as radical as the far right Incel crowd, cancelling everything left right and center and clutching pearls at anything not waving an inclusive rainbow flag.

I implore you guys who post here to stop and consider, that you're actually caught up in this psy-op. You're the victims of the very conspiracy you've been looking for all these years.

I'll finish for anyone skeptical at this point (despite the above being objectively true) and get you all to ask yourselves; before computers, and especially before social media (say 10 years ago) were your views pretty radically different to what they are now? Sit back for a second, be honest with yourself and think:

'Have my thoughts and beliefs changed in the past 10 years, since social media became thing? Do I now sit on my computer a lot more than I used to and absorb information via the (biased) lens of my electronic device and its algorithms which are designed to tell me.... exactly what I now think is true? Have I become more socially isolated, and my views become more radical and polarized? Have I always been pro-vaccine, but now I find myself regularly being called out for posting anti-vaxx misinformation? Do I find myself knowing a shitload about US Politics (Trump, Biden, Pelosi) but next to * all about Australian politics? Have I been reading a lot of people talking about 'international bankers and cabals of wealthy Jews and Jesuits and Masons secretly running the world? Do I find myself suddenly cheering on or ambivalent towards Russia, and thinking about 'Biolabs' and 'microchips?'

If the answer to any part of that question is 'yes', you're a victim.
not sure what the conspiracy is.

The IRA and Wagner have been hand in hand,for ever.
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  • #7
not sure what the conspiracy is.

They're convincing people of bio-labs, WEC/WEF and 'Soros the Rothschilds and International banking cabals' plot in seeking 'world domination via the use of socialism' Trump is leading some kind of anti-Satanic-paedo ring, Bidens laptop, some kind of conspiracy re the US Democrats, GO ON A MASS SHOOTING SPREE BECAUSE WHITE CULTURE IS AT RISK, pretty much everything you read on 4chan and 8kun, while also directly behind 4 years of severe riots in the USA, the January 6th insurrection at Washington, and a shitload more.

They're using social media algorithms to literally brainwash stooges like Lebbo in thinking the above is true, while collecting metadata on him via Telegram and other apps he's literally signed up for and installed on his phone.
And that's just scraping the surface. I wont even get into what can be done with that data, particularly considering the new AI being built as we speak, and what it could do with that data (and if you are not scared by that, you're a fool).

Very interesting, thanks but what's the A1?

This is a very real thing and I know I'm not the only one who's been looking at some of the old friends I thought I knew and wonder WTF happened to their brains and if I ever really knew them at all.

So many examples. Logical, intelligent, compassionate people totally cooked.

Someone I've known for a long time called in last week and we were having a chat about the basis of your OP actually and he burst out "You know the worst part?! Is your friends falling in to this chit." And he went on to name some of them, by the time we'd finished naming everybody we knew who's essentially lost down one rabbit hole or another, it was looking even worse than we'd both thought.
  • Thread starter
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  • #13
This is a very real thing and I know I'm not the only one who's been looking at some of the old friends I thought I knew and wonder WTF happened to their brains and if I ever really knew them at all.

So many examples. Logical, intelligent, compassionate people totally cooked.

Someone I've known for a long time called in last week and we were having a chat about the basis of your OP actually and he burst out "You know the worst part?! Is your friends falling in to this chit." And he went on to name some of them, by the time we'd finished naming everybody we knew who's essentially lost down one rabbit hole or another, it was looking even worse than we'd both thought.

Its genuinely scary how effective it's been.

Brainwashed into an aternate reality via manipulation of metadata and social media algorithms.

And the irony of it is that the people who are the unwitting victims of this conspiracy are conspiracy theorists (sov cits, Qanon, antivaxxers, deep state etc).

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Its genuinely scary how effective it's been.

Brainwashed into an aternate reality via manipulation of metadata and social media algorithms.

And the irony of it is that the people who are the unwitting victims of this conspiracy are conspiracy theorists (sov cits, Qanon, antivaxxers, deep state etc).

It is both genuinely scary and completely unfathomable how ridiculous some of alternate reality is :
Biden , Harris and Hilary are all in Gitmo and replaced by body doubles
JFK Jnr is alive and part of the Security Service protecting Trump
Princess Diana is alive and has had a child with Trump
NWO is around the corner with all the worlds military ready to take over
Tom Hanks and Alec Baldwin are dead.

And so on and so forth - each revelation more ridiculous than the next.
People who espouse and believe this utter crap can never be brought back to sanity...........:rolleyes:
The TL-DR is this - There is a complex psy-op being run at the moment; but it's mainly (and ironically) conspiracy theorists who are the actual victims.

As we all know, social media (Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Telegram, Snapchat, 8kun, 4chan, Truth Social, Reddit, TikTok, Google etc) and Mobile companies (Apple, Samsung, Huawei) etc are in the business of collecting metadata on their customers. It's the principal means of how those companies make money, and why they exist.

They collect metadata, and then (via the use of complex algorithms) 'suggest' content to users or sell that metadata to advertisers (and others). They can quite literally use that metadata to create scarily accurate psychological profiles of an individual user. There is a reason Facebook is banned by the Russians and the Chinese (just like the West ban Huawei) and both nations have an extensive national firewall.

For example, just from a scrape of the metadata on your phone, I could tell:
  • Where you sleep at night, where you live, what route you take to work, where you work, and any other regular movements you make (GPS)
  • Your health status and likelihood to be concerned about your health (health and heartbeat monitors and apps and steps counters, plus Google searches and your amount of engagement with sites and apps that deal with health issues)
  • Your pr0n habits and sexual kinks and orientation (Google search history)
  • Your political alignment, levels of engagement (via social media, and app usage like Truth Social)
  • Your spending habits (banking apps, Samsung/ Apple/ Google pay) likelihood to spend money on something following a 'suggestion' by the algorithm.
  • Your relationship status and dating successes and whether you're an Incel or not (Tinder, Bumble, Hinge etc, and your rates of engagement with it, and amount of matches you get)
  • Your hobbies (social media, app usage, search history)
  • Your date of birth, social class, wealth, gender, and race.
  • Your taste in music (Spotify, iTunes)
  • Whatever images are in your photo and video folders.
  • How popular you are (number of friends on apps like Facebook and Instagram, and amount of engagement)
And that's just scraping the surface. I wont even get into what can be done with that data, particularly considering the new AI being built as we speak, and what it could do with that data (and if you are not scared by that, you're a fool).

At present, with just a basic metadata scrape, I can then construct an algorithm to figure out what kind of person you are, what you engage with, and what makes you tick, and then to 'suggest' content that re-enforces a particular worldview, or suggest things for you to spend money on, or target advertisements to you.

Or target you with a particular political message.

In the case of Cambridge Analytica and the Internet Research Agency this is exactly what they did. They used that metadata to literally brainwash people into thinking a totally different worldview, by reinforcing a particular view of reality, in opposition to a different view of reality. Armed with metadata collected from social media sites, they pushed fake news, misinformation, and conspiracy theories out to people the algorithm had decided were vulnerable to it. Those people then went further and further down the rabbit hole, as their computers 'suggested' additional content, that re-enforced this particular world view. They liked and shared this misinformation, spreading the insanity to other people.

Governments are already using this data to brainwash people. Either directly (in the case of the Internet Research Agency in the Kremlin) or via third parties (in the case of Cambridge Analytica).

So called 'influencers' (grifters I prefer to call them) also rely on this phenomenon. This can range from something as benign as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) all the way to Lauren Southern/ Alex Jones s**t, where they post an outrageous made-up video on YouTube about 'the White Replacement', or 'the sun cures COVID' or 'Satanic Paedo's are breeding bloodlines while also cloning children in a bio-lab in Ukraine' or whatever and rely on the algorithms on social media to do the rest. Right leaning (or conspiracy vulnerable) people start getting videos like this 'suggested' to them (videos their own computer already knows they'll watch and believe) and before long they wind up radicalized, fervently believing a bizarre set of 'truths', and generally socially isolated by peers in the real world (ironically further entrenching those radical and extreme views). Meanwhile the 'influencer' makes money via monetized advertising, sponsorship, affiliates, donations, patreon accounts, or other forms of grift.

Reddits Qanon casualties' thread is one example of tens of thousands of victims of this phenomena. Ditto sorryantivaxxer with stories of tens of thousands of real-world people who were clearly radicalized into anti-vaxx positions online (slathering the s**t all over Facebook) and are now dead from COVID. See also Sov Cits (including the three who murdered those people in QLD, pausing only to post a video to YouTube) and a growing number of Incel mass shooting attacks (livestreamed and influenced by 4chan and 8kun).

Here is a local example:

You think you're 'doing your own research' and are one of the select few that 'get it' but you're not. Your computer (and the algorithms in it) are leading you down a rabbit hole and warping your perception of reality. In the conspiracy and far right-wing world this is often called being 'red-pilled' by those that embrace it. For everyone else, it's generally called 'getting cooked'.

The psy-op is so insidious, that the very people that get sucked into it (i.e. conspiracy theorists) dont even realize that they're the actual victims (and participants) in the actual psy-op, which is deliberately designed to get them to believe kooky s**t.

I'll pause for a second (before any of you accuse me of political bias) and say the above phenomena also happens to 'left' leaning people. Many of whom got sucked down the COVID conspiracy rabbit hole, or alternatively got 'wokeness' so ingrained in them (via the same re-enforcing paradigm), that they're as radical as the far right Incel crowd, cancelling everything left right and center and clutching pearls at anything not waving an inclusive rainbow flag.

I implore you guys who post here to stop and consider, that you're actually caught up in this psy-op. You're the victims of the very conspiracy you've been looking for all these years.

I'll finish for anyone skeptical at this point (despite the above being objectively true) and get you all to ask yourselves; before computers, and especially before social media (say 10 years ago) were your views pretty radically different to what they are now? Sit back for a second, be honest with yourself and think:

'Have my thoughts and beliefs changed in the past 10 years, since social media became thing? Do I now sit on my computer a lot more than I used to and absorb information via the (biased) lens of my electronic device and its algorithms which are designed to tell me.... exactly what I now think is true? Have I become more socially isolated, and my views become more radical and polarized? Have I always been pro-vaccine, but now I find myself regularly being called out for posting anti-vaxx misinformation? Do I find myself knowing a shitload about US Politics (Trump, Biden, Pelosi) but next to * all about Australian politics? Have I been reading a lot of people talking about 'international bankers and cabals of wealthy Jews and Jesuits and Masons secretly running the world? Do I find myself suddenly cheering on or ambivalent towards Russia, and thinking about 'Biolabs' and 'microchips?'

If the answer to any part of that question is 'yes', you're a victim.

Whilst I share your belief and concern with everything you've presented, it is heavily aimed at the far right and mostly neglects the significant social impact the far left is having on our society today.

I'm more of a centrist when it comes to politics. I usually take a considerable dislike to most activism on both sides because I just don't connect with it. This was the case prior to social media and it hasn't changed since. I think this feeds into my core value that we shouldn't be telling other people what they can or cannot say, think or do provided they are within the legal framework of society. Pretty much everything that the far left presents these days flies in the face of this.

Thanks to the far left beliefs, more so than the far right, our society is completely going down the toilet at a rapid rate. We face a significant foe over the coming decades in a more and more powerful China that threatens the very core values of Western countries and yet at the same time, were going to have to rely on a generation of snowflakes who are either consumed with finding a way of being offended or petrified of saying or doing something that might offend someone else. In other words, we're f***ed and we'll have social media to thank for it.

In 10 or 20 years time if China decided to invade us, we would most likely have a Prime Minister turning to the UN complaining that our feelings have been hurt and pleading for a "safe space".
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  • #16
Whilst I share your belief and concern with everything you've presented, it is heavily aimed at the far right and mostly neglects the significant social impact the far left is having on our society today.

I'm not seeing the 'Far Left' getting radicalized and committing mass shooting attacks like the other side is.

And where is the sudden upswing in Socialism and Communism (far left)? Im looking around and I'm not seeing it.
I'm not seeing the 'Far Left' getting radicalized and committing mass shooting attacks like the other side is.

And where is the sudden upswing in Socialism and Communism (far left)? Im looking around and I'm not seeing it.

In regards to your first sentence, I do not support any sort of mass shooting attack either for any reason. Nor did I approve any of the anti-lockdown or anti-vax protests during the covid pandemic. Nor did I approve of the spread of misinformation of stupid backyard remedies as Covid cures.

As for your second sentence, re-read your initial post, have a think about the types of discussions and consensus that currently dominates our Society, Religion and Politics boards and then be honest with yourself.

I am happy to discuss with you an example via PM if you want because quite frankly with the way things have become on here, I wouldn't feel comfortable about having a frank discussion on certain issues on here anymore. That's how bad things are nowadays with the name calling, cancel culture etc.
Whilst I share your belief and concern with everything you've presented, it is heavily aimed at the far right and mostly neglects the significant social impact the far left is having on our society today.

I'm more of a centrist when it comes to politics. I usually take a considerable dislike to most activism on both sides because I just don't connect with it. This was the case prior to social media and it hasn't changed since. I think this feeds into my core value that we shouldn't be telling other people what they can or cannot say, think or do provided they are within the legal framework of society. Pretty much everything that the far left presents these days flies in the face of this.

Thanks to the far left beliefs, more so than the far right, our society is completely going down the toilet at a rapid rate. We face a significant foe over the coming decades in a more and more powerful China that threatens the very core values of Western countries and yet at the same time, were going to have to rely on a generation of snowflakes who are either consumed with finding a way of being offended or petrified of saying or doing something that might offend someone else. In other words, we're f***ed and we'll have social media to thank for it.

In 10 or 20 years time if China decided to invade us, we would most likely have a Prime Minister turning to the UN complaining that our feelings have been hurt and pleading for a "safe space".

If you think most of the discourse in modern society is far left then I don't think you're a centrist.
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  • #19
In regards to your first sentence, I do not support any sort of mass shooting attack either for any reason. Nor did I approve any of the anti-lockdown or anti-vax protests during the covid pandemic. Nor did I approve of the spread of misinformation of stupid backyard remedies as Covid cures.

But that wasnt my point.

My point was when it comes to extremism, it's all one way traffic. Far right wing/ incel/ Sov Cit mass killers. Posting manifestos on 4Chan or 8Kun or Youtube and livestreaming attacks in the same places they're getting radicalized by the algorithms I discuss in my OP.

Im not seeing the same thing from 'left wing' types, be they Centre left or even full-blown Commies on the far left.

As for your second sentence, re-read your initial post, have a think about the types of discussions and consensus that currently dominates our Society, Religion and Politics boards and then be honest with yourself.

The rules of SRP are 'don't be a racist, homophobe or sexist, or post batshit conspiracy stuff or COVID/ Russian misinformation'. If you're defining 'not being a racist, homophobe or sexist or conspiracy nut' as 'far left' then we likely have other bigger problems at play here.

Give me a single example of so called 'far leftism' from the SRP board. Just one.
But that wasnt my point.

My point was when it comes to extremism, it's all one way traffic. Far right wing/ incel/ Sov Cit mass killers. Posting manifestos on 4Chan or 8Kun or Youtube and livestreaming attacks in the same places they're getting radicalized by the algorithms I discuss in my OP.

Im not seeing the same thing from 'left wing' types, be they Centre left or even full-blown Commies on the far left.

The rules of SRP are 'don't be a racist, homophobe or sexist, or post batshit conspiracy stuff or COVID/ Russian misinformation'. If you're defining 'not being a racist, homophobe or sexist or conspiracy nut' as 'far left' then we likely have other bigger problems at play here.

Give me a single example of so called 'far leftism' from the SRP board. Just one.

I personally don't consider myself to be any of those things but i'll still pass on your offer thanks
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I personally don't consider myself to be any of those things but i'll still pass on your offer thanks

No, you were making the claim that SRP is somehow 'far left' and that there is some kind of threat from the 'far left' that is in some way equal to that of the 'far right.'

Im asking you to provide a single example. A thread or some kind of discussion that is (in your view) 'far left'.

The 'far left' is shit like Marxism, revolutionary socialism and the like, while the 'far right' is shit like Fascism, Nazism and the like.

Im not seeing it on SRP, and I'm not seeing it elsewhere either. The days of 'reds under the beds' is over. Liberal capitalism won (thank God).

If you wont provide an example (because you cant, because it doesnt exist), can you at least show me what you define as 'far left' and provide a source for that definition?

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