To Pies Supporters (Non Vic based)

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All Australian
Apr 29, 2007
AFL Club
Have always wondered, if you live interstate, do you just follow the Pies or do you attend games of the teams in your state?
Given the Pies might visit your state once, I am curious to know if you support your home state teams too?
I remember going to the Gabba and was surprised to see people with Pies membership lanyards, then also wearing Lions Jumpers.
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Have always wondered, if you live interstate, …


… do you just follow the Pies …


…or do you attend games of the teams in your state?

I’ve been to a few as a social thing with mates, but it’s not common.

Given the Pies might visit your state once, …

Yeah, you would have thunk that. Under Ed Collingwood visited every AFL state at least once a season. A couple of lucky states would get two games.

Under the current administration they clearly don’t give a stuff about that (I didn’t think CFC could have been more oblivious of its national profile, but I was wrong). This year is the first in yonks that there is no game in Sydney. And we’re playing 3 games in Adelaide! Go figure.

I am cutious to know if you support you home state teams too?

The stock answer of any CFC supporter is a given “I only support one team”. But putting that aside …

It depends who is playing. I’ll want whoever is playing Carlton to win. More inclined to want Swans to lose (they get enough support in this town). More inclined to want to see GWS win (they need all the support they can get)

I remember going to the Gabba and was surprised to see people with Pies membership lanyards, then also wearing Lions Jumpers.

I do own a Swans polo from an occasion I was sitting in the members and forgot to wear a collar so had to go shopping in a hurry. Never worn it otherwise.

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Under the current administration they clearly don’t give a stuff about that (I didn’t think CFC could have been more oblivious of its national profile, but I was wrong). This year is the first year in yonks there is no game in Sydney. And we’re playing 3 games in Adelaide! Go figure.

True but Sydney barley play against us in Melbourne
True but Sydney barley play against us in Melbourne

Fair enough, so let’s play them twice a season? This year we play 7 teams twice, why can’t Swans be one of them?

We never play Swans twice in H&A, why not?
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Have been to quite a few Sydney games over the years through past ties with being from the old Swans zone.

And no, I support no one but the Pies. Makes me vomit to think otherwise but the sydney thing is a catch-up with mates from the old South Melbourne/ Swans playing days.
yes, pie supporter in WA. I bought a dogterds membership one year because i was going to take a family member to the footy......even saw dogterds v fitzroy last game....the last game by the lions ever....

but lost interest soon after that. I dont mind the dogturds supporters. They are long suffering and lot of them are blue collar freo people. I cant say anything good about the beagles...

the local WA magpies run a supporters group and had a radio spot. I havent listened to them for a couple of years because I dont drive to bunnings at that time anymore. Probably the most boring hour on radio. THe last podcast was 2 years ago so that probably indicates a lack of any support by head office.

$175 for a membership but there is only a limited amount of seats to the one game which usually go to those in the know. You also get 5 games in melb ...but no airfares and hotels strangely...oh and a keyring.. I've bought a membership a couple of times in the long past and a few anzac memberships in more recent years but head office really doesnt care too much about us.

During the virus, we had the pies v geelong over here. There were 30K in the crowd, i think, and the seats were lovely. I would go every week if I could access to something that resembles that. The crowd was mostly us, and the size indicates how many of us are in the woodwork. Still, there's more money for head office in playing at the MCG and that dictates things.
Sad to read posts from Interstate supporters that feel unloved by the club.
I hope someone at HO reads Big Footy.
I get we are based in Melb, but the club should do better with interstate memberships.

I had the opportunity to meet Eddie at my work (when he was Pres) and I told him I was pissed paying for a Legends membership and receiving an average supporter pack (acrylic scarf). Thankfully that has changed now to Aussie Merino Wool. I know it's just a scarf, but if you want people to pay a premium membership then you need to back it up with premium apparel.
Have always wondered, if you live interstate, do you just follow the Pies or do you attend games of the teams in your state?
Given the Pies might visit your state once, I am curious to know if you support your home state teams too?
I remember going to the Gabba and was surprised to see people with Pies membership lanyards, then also wearing Lions Jumpers.

Pies members sharing their memberships to mates would be my guess.
Have always wondered, if you live interstate, do you just follow the Pies or do you attend games of the teams in your state?
Given the Pies might visit your state once, I am curious to know if you support your home state teams too?
I remember going to the Gabba and was surprised to see people with Pies membership lanyards, then also wearing Lions Jumpers.

I've spent half my life in Melbourne and half in Queensland, so have seen it from both sides.
Including practice matches, I think we've played about 40 matches in Queensland since I've been here, and have attended 39 of them.
Make a couple of trips to Melbourne every year, including finals and a grand final.
It's frustrating, but makes every match special and you really look forward to it, where as in Melbourne in the 1980s we'd go every week and often be very drunk and acting silly.
Grew up Melbourne, and followed the Pies wherever they were playing, till I moved to WA in '91 for work reasons.
Have maintained a membership during my time over here. Working with Eagles supporters, and dealings with corporate customers, I have been always had a seat available, if my membership didn't avail me of this luxury. I used to get offered a seat with my membership when the Subiaco cess pit was operating, but since Optus opened, tickets for Eagles games have not offered in the membership in resent years. This year it has returned in the package.

Fremantle games are a different story, as demand has never been an issue. Just about purchase a Record and a bucket of chips and they will let you in.
In short yes I go as often as I can. As my brother lives in Melbourne I offer my ticket for him to see a few games over there.
The only way I would follow West Coast is to have a full frontal Lobotomy. Other WA Pies supporters over here would understand. As Markfs commented about the Dockers, I don't mind the Freo fans either, long suffering lot, and still treated with contempt by their big brother, even though they are higher on the ladder at the moment. The local paper doesn't even give Dockers much of a run. I could never follow either side, but always Freo when playing the Water Closet.

Have no fear, the only time I hear from Collingwood HQ, is to pull my wallet out. Which I guess is better than pulling my hair out, which I did before McRae got the top job.
Have always wondered, if you live interstate, do you just follow the Pies or do you attend games of the teams in your state?
Given the Pies might visit your state once, I am curious to know if you support your home state teams too?
I remember going to the Gabba and was surprised to see people with Pies membership lanyards, then also wearing Lions Jumpers.

I'm in Cairns. If the AFL comes to town I almost alway's attend to support it. I've watched the most random collection of minnow teams here, but never the Pies who have never played here. It's also an excuse to catch up with mates. I'll usually get down to Melbourne for a game each year (at least did pre-covid). I would never ever give any support to the Lions and i'm ambivalent towards the Gold Coast.
I don't 'support' the Giants (have moved to Canberra this year), but if I get the chance to go to a game at Manuka I will. I will often root for them vs the opposition, chiefly due to a soft spot for some of their players like Greene and Green. But I wouldn't classify it as support in terms of a week-to-week thing, more just when it pops up on my radar.

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Yep, I'm Cairns based CFC member too, don't support other teams. I go and watch the AFL teams that come to Cairns and try and get to CFC games every couple of years. I like to go to grounds I haven't been before. In recent years I've been to Sydney, Brisbane and next year I plan to go to gather-round with my girls. I've been to Anzac Day a couple of times too.

Edit: Melbourne is just as close to Brisbane as Cairns is, to give you an Idea of geography.
Gold Coast based supporter here.

I have a reserved seat home game Pies membership, I get to Melbourne for a few (3-4 games a year). I also of course attend when the Pies play at the Gabba and Metricon.

I hate the Lions and have no feeling either way for the Suns. I’m a teacher and the Suns do a bit of work with our school’s AFL excellence program, which is nice, but no thanks.

I will attend other games socially - I used a friends membership to watch Freo get slaughtered by the Lions yesterday at the Gabba, but I only did that because I still have a soft spot for James Aish.
Have always wondered, if you live interstate, do you just follow the Pies or do you attend games of the teams in your state?
Given the Pies might visit your state once, I am curious to know if you support your home state teams too?
I remember going to the Gabba and was surprised to see people with Pies membership lanyards, then also wearing Lions Jumpers.
ACT Pies member, got the 4 game (in VIC) membership this season because no games in NSW. Usually get the interstate membership and go to Pies v Swans & GWS games in Sydney. Get to Melbourne every 2 or 3 years for a game in Melbourne.

Pies played GWS in the 2018 preseason at Manuka Oval in Canberra which I went to. Bloody brilliant.

I would never support another team. Grew up playing in black and white stripes in Canberra in late 80s and the 90s. Tony Francis poster on my bedroom wall from the newspaper. I was a ruckman so Monkhorst was my favourite player.

My brother is a member (also ACT). We've watched many games on TV together. If we're not together we always do a vid call to sing the song when we win!

Fond memories of the 2007 semi-final against Eagles in Perth, jumping up and down in the loungeroom as we smacked them in extra time. Attended an ANZAC day win together.

We got tickets to 2018 GF and drove down with an overnight stop in Albury. Unfortunate result, great experience.

It would be nice if the club did more for interstate members but I understand it's a Melbourne based club which is a footy bubble.

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To Pies Supporters (Non Vic based)

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