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I think this flat tyre (The OP) is irreparable
Richmond have an obsession with SA, first taking Port Adelaide's scraps and now Adelaide's!

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OP is a Bosnian Ski Instructor.

Someone quote me and reply, as I'm on his infamous ignore list. I'm probably on his Sexy Man list too.:$
Croats are Serbias bitches......... quote me so shitboy can see :).
Croats are Serbias bitches......... quote me so shitboy can see :).
LOL I'm bloody hitting wikipedia to find out more about this region. Who else is there? **** is there anything else these campaigners do over there besides engage in war?
The Croatian tyreboy was a popular attraction in the Yugoslav Navy. But only below deck......... quote me so shitboy can see :).
The Croatian tyreboy was a popular attraction in the Yugoslav Navy. But only below deck......... quote me so shitboy can see :).

Quoted for Shitboy......... oh waite I am on ignore, I just wanted to say Shitboy in an effort to make that name stick.
A pity you're most probably on his universal shitboy ignore list too. We need a cleanskin to quote us.

I just realised that I knew who you were right off the get go.

I am on the list.

And who am I??:drunk:

And why am I being civil with you, because you are a schlong ;).

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