Alien/UFO UFO Disclosure Imminent? * Former US Intelligence Official & Whistleblower Speaks

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NEWS - Former Pentagon Intelligence Officer David Grusch says 'We are not alone".


There are some similar videos if watching these on youtube.

High-ranking US Govt and Military Admit UFOs exist

Mexican Military Releases Video

Former Canadian Defense Minister admits USA using Alien Tech

Buzz Aldrin says there's proof on a moon of Mars (4:50 on video)
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What Jerome Nelson describes at 12:15 of the video is shown in captured footage by NASA, which was subsequently released and shown on YouTube. I believe these are spirit beings - fallen/former angels, what the bible calls demons, who rebelled against God and were cast out of heaven by Jesus, down to the vicinity of the earth.
NASA has supposedly recorded these beings taking right angle turns while traveling at 65,000 miles per hour. Such supposedly defies the laws of physics. This is possible for such beings because they are supernatural. Changing shape and making themselves visible and then invisible to human eyes is possible for them.

I believe that some of those in the highest places of power in governments, as well as some of the elites, know exactly what these beings are, but are being tight lipped in regards to this information because they're secretly in league with the demons, and are carrying out a demonic agenda. The powers and principalities that's spoken of in the bible at Ephesians 6:12 are these demons. They are the power ruling and manipulating world events from behind not only the highest positions in governments, but the powerful elite who wield more power than those in the highest places in government.

Those in the Air-Force may classify these things "UFO's," but these things called UFO's by some, aren't unidentified to everyone.
What Jerome Nelson describes at 12:15 of the video is shown in captured footage by NASA, which was subsequently released and shown on YouTube. I believe these are spirit beings - fallen/former angels, what the bible calls demons, who rebelled against God and were cast out of heaven by Jesus, down to the vicinity of the earth.
NASA has supposedly recorded these beings taking right angle turns while traveling at 65,000 miles per hour. Such supposedly defies the laws of physics. This is possible for such beings because they are supernatural. Changing shape and making themselves visible and then invisible to human eyes is possible for them.

I believe that some of those in the highest places of power in governments, as well as some of the elites, know exactly what these beings are, but are being tight lipped in regards to this information because they're secretly in league with the demons, and are carrying out a demonic agenda. The powers and principalities that's spoken of in the bible at Ephesians 6:12 are these demons. They are the power ruling and manipulating world events from behind not only the highest positions in governments, but the powerful elite who wield more power than those in the highest places in government.

Those in the Air-Force may classify these things "UFO's," but these things called UFO's by some, aren't unidentified to everyone.

I'm not sure if this is serious or not, either way it's amusing.

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What Jerome Nelson describes at 12:15 of the video is shown in captured footage by NASA, which was subsequently released and shown on YouTube. I believe these are spirit beings - fallen/former angels, what the bible calls demons, who rebelled against God and were cast out of heaven by Jesus, down to the vicinity of the earth.
NASA has supposedly recorded these beings taking right angle turns while traveling at 65,000 miles per hour. Such supposedly defies the laws of physics. This is possible for such beings because they are supernatural. Changing shape and making themselves visible and then invisible to human eyes is possible for them.

I believe that some of those in the highest places of power in governments, as well as some of the elites, know exactly what these beings are, but are being tight lipped in regards to this information because they're secretly in league with the demons, and are carrying out a demonic agenda. The powers and principalities that's spoken of in the bible at Ephesians 6:12 are these demons. They are the power ruling and manipulating world events from behind not only the highest positions in governments, but the powerful elite who wield more power than those in the highest places in government.

Those in the Air-Force may classify these things "UFO's," but these things called UFO's by some, aren't unidentified to everyone.

Why hasnt this post recieved the ridicule it deserves?

I will never cease being amazed by the shit some otherwise rational people believe.
It's amazing to me that the topic of UFO's (the actual unidentified flying objects) still generates silly upfront comments. Basically, you have official disclosure already in the above videos, not to mention thousands of other military personnel over the decades who have encounters and information amounting to disclosure as well.

Sure, the possible form/etc of 'aliens' has brought up a wide array of suggestions/theories, but the idea of other humanoid beings in the universe is more and more a sci-fact, not sci-fiction.
It's amazing to me that the topic of UFO's (the actual unidentified flying objects) still generates silly upfront comments. Basically, you have official disclosure already in the above videos, not to mention thousands of other military personnel over the decades who have encounters and information amounting to disclosure as well.

Sure, the possible form/etc of 'aliens' has brought up a wide array of suggestions/theories, but the idea of other humanoid beings in the universe is more and more a sci-fact, not sci-fiction.

Tesseract is a Christian fundie.

Thus he cant accept the existence of intelligent beings from another planet. He's literally forbidden to do so, otherwise it throws his whole religion down the toilet.

Furthest he could fo is that if they do exist, they dont have souls (like other animals) or some shit like that.

Its easier to try and conform them into 'angels' and 'demons' in his mind.
Tesseract is a Christian fundie.

Thus he cant accept the existence of intelligent beings from another planet. He's literally forbidden to do so, otherwise it throws his whole religion down the toilet.

Furthest he could fo is that if they do exist, they dont have souls (like other animals) or some shit like that.

Its easier to try and conform them into 'angels' and 'demons' in his mind.

Don't speak for me, Mal. I'm capable of doing that for myself. Do you feel so threatened by my views that you feel obligated to speak on my behalf to distort my views and beliefs?

I have an open mind as to whether non-human, intelligent, material beings from other planets exist. I'm not sure whether they do or don't, the bible doesn't mention it. So, the info that's provided by GG is appreciated.

As a Christian and a believer of what's said in the bible, of course I believe in spirit beings. If you don't, that's your choice, and I respect your right to choose.
Just because intelligent, material beings from another planet isn't mentioned in the bible, that's not to say they don't exist, or that it'd throw my whole religion down the toilet if they do exist. My religion is based on God, not whether material ET's exist or not, so my religion would go on regardless.
Just on the Bible, there are many mentions of spaceships in there, tho described with the limited words of the time, but portrayed as a separate thing to the idea of demons/angels.

Ancient carvings and murals also depict actual physical spaceships. Pictures are unmistakeable.

This would suggest 'aliens' are physical.

There are some other accounts from military insiders in recent years where 'aliens' are described as not being physical, but spiritual or mental entities that interfere/involve themselves thru brainwaves of humans. And other accounts where it's a mix of the two: physical beings but existing inter-dimensionally (thus not physical to us) and also have telepathic ability. These latter descriptions are in the ballpark of the 'angels' and 'demons' that tesseract expounded on earlier.

It stands to reason that there's a correlation between ancient aliens and the birth of and evolution of religion itself. As in, early man understood them as real as they interacted physically teaching them everything etc, but as they disappeared, and man evolved, these tales became "myths" and "religions".
I am never afraid to be open about stuff, not fearing mockery and what others think.

I personally think it's likely that 'aliens' are inter-dimensional -- ONLY because I have my own experience of such a thing in my teenage years. Where the actual encounter doesn't make sense. Coming out of nowhere or nothing, showing both physical presence yet not. Detectable but not there at the same time. Hard to explain. I can elaborate :D
The bible does speak of the Nephilim, which were demons materialized into physical human bodies, who took human women as wives. They were destroyed along with wicked humankind in the global flood. The demons shed their physical bodies to escape. God stopped the demons from continuing to take physical human form. That's accounted for in the bible, so I didn't include it.
Don't speak for me, Mal. I'm capable of doing that for myself. Do you feel so threatened by my views that you feel obligated to speak on my behalf to distort my views and beliefs?

I have an open mind as to whether non-human, intelligent, material beings from other planets exist. I'm not sure whether they do or don't, the bible doesn't mention it. So, the info that's provided by GG is appreciated.

As a Christian and a believer of what's said in the bible, of course I believe in spirit beings. If you don't, that's your choice, and I respect your right to choose.
Just because intelligent, material beings from another planet isn't mentioned in the bible, that's not to say they don't exist, or that it'd throw my whole religion down the toilet if they do exist. My religion is based on God, not whether material ET's exist or not, so my religion would go on regardless.

A few questions:
  • Do Aliens have 'souls', and thus obtain salvation in heaven or damnation in hell like mankind does?
  • If so, why do Aliens have souls, and say Octopuses (Octopi?) - the most intelligent creature on Earth after Mankind - not have souls?
  • Also, if Aliens do have 'souls', did Jesus save the Aliens as well with his coming?
  • If he did, how were the Aliens to know - was there an Alien Jesus on the aliens home planet?
  • Did God create Aliens in his image - or in Mankinds?
  • How do Aliens fit into Genesis and Biblical creation? With the Garden of Eden?
  • Any sufficently advanced ET life must have been around for well beyond 6000 years. Unless God magicked them into super intelligence and interstallar flight at day 1. What does this say about Creationism?
  • What happens to the Aliens when the rapture comes?
I could go on, but ET life on othr planets and Christian dogma kinda... clash bro.
The bible does speak of the Nephilim, which were demons materialized into physical human bodies, who took human women as wives. They were destroyed along with wicked humankind in the global flood. The demons shed their physical bodies to escape. God stopped the demons from continuing to take physical human form. That's accounted for in the bible, so I didn't include it.

I'm not sure the name of the book(s), but there's also mention of actual flying saucers. There's (i think) a mention in John Revelations (new testament), where he joins them on the craft to witness future events (so they're amicable). And there's some other old testament mentions (in the latter half/end of books), where they are described (again not as hostiles). All without reference to the Genesis Nephilim.

Ie, separate things.

Note (and this also answers malifice's post).....the original transcript of Genesis never mentions God the singular btw, only in the plural (elohim). There's also the mention of the Cherubim (interbred children between the literal "gods"/angels, and women of the earth. Which borrows from the Epic of Gilgamesh (Sumerian text) describing in detail that 'aliens' genetically engineered humans out of their own dna and the mammals of the earth (apes/monkeys) as well as the great flood etc. Which off-topic, explains why apes didn't evolve into humans, but out of nowhere humans popped up with stark biological similarity with apes. Basically, the whole old testament are stories borrowed from, passed down from, chinese-whispered alterations of, original Sumerian text.

I reckon you should read up on the Epic of Gilgamesh, or a description of the Sumerian story, as you will find it makes more sense than the early Old Testament, which has been chopped and changed over the centuries. Eg, how in the current bible you will read about Adam and Eve and Cane and Able being the sole humans and then suddenly Cane gets banished to a whole other 'town' full of humans.

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A few questions:
  • Do Aliens have 'souls', and thus obtain salvation in heaven or damnation in hell like mankind does?
  • If so, why do Aliens have souls, and say Octopuses (Octopi?) - the most intelligent creature on Earth after Mankind - not have souls?
  • Also, if Aliens do have 'souls', did Jesus save the Aliens as well with his coming?
  • If he did, how were the Aliens to know - was there an Alien Jesus on the aliens home planet?
  • Did God create Aliens in his image - or in Mankinds?
  • How do Aliens fit into Genesis and Biblical creation? With the Garden of Eden?
  • Any sufficently advanced ET life must have been around for well beyond 6000 years. Unless God magicked them into super intelligence and interstallar flight at day 1. What does this say about Creationism?
  • What happens to the Aliens when the rapture comes?
I could go on, but ET life on othr planets and Christian dogma kinda... clash bro.

I know you could go on, just as I could answer all of your questions if I had the inclination to do so. Considering you're just going to call BS on every response I give you, I won't waste my time. You have a history of doing such.

As for your questions: I suggest you not just read the bible, but study and research it deeply to find the answers to your questions.
There's a very interesting site where I first read about this stuff: The Annals of Earth

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”

Assuming this quote from the Bible is a correct statement, it nevertheless does not necessarily imply that the “heaven” thus created consisted of the stars, the galaxies, or even our sun -- much less the entire universe. There is, in fact, the distinct possibility that the act of creation described in the first verse of the first chapter of Genesis refers to the creation of the heaven and the earth as a simultaneous event. In other words, the biblical heaven is only about 4.3 billion years old, in effect, the same age as the earth -- a significant deviation from the age of the universe currently celebrating its 15th billionth birthday! The "heaven" mentioned in the first book of Genesis may actually be the outer planets, asteroid belt, or other heavenly bodies in the local solar neighborhood.

Would you believe the preponderance of evidence elicited from ancient and scholarly sources support rather precisely this radical view?

And if that one doesn’t grab you, would you also believe that:

-Adam was the first test-tube baby some 250,000 years ago?
-A single mother of the same era (Eve?) was the common ancestor of every human being currently living on the planet?
-Extraterrestrials created Man in their own image?
-Certain of these extraterrestrial “gods” sought the destruction of Man through the Great Flood (the Deluge) some 13,000 years ago?
-Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by nuclear fission?
-These extraterrestrial “gods” may still be among us?
-It don’t rain in Indianapolis in the summertime?

If these fundamental and profound questions intrigue you or cause you to lay awake at night, you might consider the currently most effective cure of insomnia: listening to the speeches of former Vice-President Al Gore -- or Defense Secretary Rumsfeld reasons for unilaterally invading without cause another nation.

Alternatively, you might want to learn the answers to these questions (or at least a brilliant attempt at the answers) and thereby swear never to listen to political speeches. If so, then rush in where angels, gods, and even life-insurance salesmen fear to venture: Read, study, and devour the contents of the Annals of Earth! Your life will never be quite the same as the result. (The latter has got to be the best news you’ve heard this year! Not that your life is drab, dreary, and generally dismal, but your best friend thinks so!)

And from there I learned about Sumerian text, and the early Gnostic religion (which is what Jesus preached: gnosis, not christianity). All three of these share many similarities and make sense of the world once you get passed the 'shock' or 'outlandishness' of it compared to what one was brought up believing.
For a brief recap chronology of Annals of Earth...


All dates “circa” (or “somewhere thereabouts, in the rough temporal vicinity”)

15 Billion B.C.E.—Creation of “Local Universe”.

4.6 Billion B.C.E.—Creation of Sun, Moon and Solar System planets (other than Earth).

4.1 Billion B.C.E.—Arrival of planet Nibiru (Marduk) into Solar System. Creation of Earth.

3.8 Billion B.C.E.—First evidence of Life on Earth.

544 Million B.C.E.—Beginning of Cambrian Period (the “Cambrian Explosion” of species).

155 Million B.C.E.—Beginning of Jurassic Period (Dinosaurs and the like).

68 Million B.C.E.—Cretaceous Period mass extinction and beginning of Cenozoic Era.

32 Million B.C.E.—First appearance of Aegyptopithecus , first possible ancestor of Man.

5 Million B.C.E.—First appearance of Australopithecus , Man's immediate predecessor.

2 Million B.C.E.—First appearance of Homo erectus , first truly man-like creature.

900,000 B.C.E. -- Alleged appearance of Lemuria civilization (according to Edgar Cayce ).

500,000 B.C.E.—Lemuria civilization apparently destroyed (Edgar Cayce, again).

485,000 B.C.E.—Alalu of Nibiru descends “to the dark-hued Earth”.

444,000 B.C.E.— ENKI and the Anunnaki (“Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came”) arrive.

414,000 B.C.E.—ENLIL arrives to take command. ANU directs Enki to mine in South Africa .

400,000 B.C.E.—First appearance of Archaics , semi ape-men – i.e., almost Homo sapiens .

350,000 B.C.E.—Lemuria Civilization supposedly restored (according to Edgar Cayce).

385,000 B.C.E.— The War of the Olden Gods (also known as “The Battle of the Titans”).

270,000 B.C.E.—The Anunnaki mutiny! ENKI and NINTI use genetic engineering to create Adapa, the “mixed worker”. This is, essentially, the first creation of man and woman using “Birth Goddesses”. [The mutiny occurred before the use of Birth Goddesses!]

250,000 B.C.E.— Homo sapiens “abrupt” appearance in Southern Africa . Time frame of modern Man's one common grandmother is based on mitochondrial DNA population mapping. -- This is also the time of the final disappearance of the alleged Lemuria (according to Cayce).

210,320 B.C.E.—Theoretical time for first appearance of Adam and Eve .

200,000 B.C.E.—First appearance of Homo sapiens neanderthalis .—According to Edgar Cayce, the Civilization of Atlantis began in this time period.

135,680 B.C.E.—Theoretical time for birth of Enoch (Who did not die, “for God took him”).

125,000 B.C.E.— Neanderthals begin migrating “Out of Africa”, sign movie rights, reach Europe , and began “replacing” remnants of Homo Erectus , without intermixing and without apparent bloodshed.

110,000 B.C.E.—First evidence of split between Negroid and Caucasian/********* races.

92,000 B.C.E.—First appearance of Homo sapiens sapiens , Cro-Magnon Man.

87,000 B.C.E.—First major disturbance in Atlantis (according to Edgar Cayce). [Probably the advent of “Water World” (with Kevin Costner).]

83,600 B.C.E.—Theoretical time for birth of Noah (“Respite”—aka Ziusudra, Utnapishtim).

40,000 B.C.E.—Demise of Neanderthals. Split of Caucasian—********* races.

35,000 B.C.E.—Time frame for “sons of God” and “daughters of Man” biblical reference [ Genesis 6: 1-2]. Also corresponds to the final extinction of Neanderthals (which essentially died out over a roughly 5,000 year time period).

20,450 B.C.E.—Ptah (aka the Sumerian Enki) begins kingship rule in Egypt .

15,608 B.C.E.—Beginning of the Age of the First Sun (The Aztec “Age of the White Haired Giants” and the Incan “Age of the White and Bearded Gods”) in MesoAmerica

15,000 B.C.E.—Earliest possible date for construction of Kalasasaya in Tiahuanaca ( Bolivia ).

11,600 B.C.E.—Biblical and Sumerian Great Flood, followed by the Deluge . Also, the beginning of the Age of the Second Sun (the Aztec “Golden Age”, the Incan “Age of Giants”).

11,500 B.C.E.—End of Paleolithic, beginning of Mesolithic in the Near East .

11,420 B.C.E.—Ra, son of Ptah, becomes King of Egypt.

11,000 B.C.E.—Building of the Sphinx in Egypt . Also, possibly the Cheops Pyramid.

10,420 B.C.E.—Shu and Tefnut rule Egypt .

9,720 B.C.E.—Geb and Nut rule Egypt .

9,220 B.C.E.—Osiris rules Egypt . Ra later divides Egypt between Osiris and Seth.

8,770 B.C.E.—Seth murders Osiris and begins rule of all of Egypt .

8,420 B.C.E.—Horus avenges death of his father, Osiris, and begins rule in Egypt . Sumerian texts refer to the period as the First Pyramid War (which had begun about 8,450 B.C.E.).

8,120 B.C.E.—End of the Second Pyramid War (according to Sumerian texts). Rule over Egypt given to Thoth (Sumerian Ningishzida , son of Enki), followed by Maat and ten other divine rulers.

8,000 B.C.E.—Begining of Neolithic in the Near East (reaching England by 3,000 B.C.E.). First fortified city (Jerico) established. Prolification of agriculture occurs with human settlements in Mesopotamia . Mankind advances.

7,590 B.C.E.—Beginning of the Age of the Third Sun (the Aztec “Age of the Red Haired People, the Incan “Age of Primitive Man”).

6,550 B.C.E.—Upper and Lower Egypt ruled over by a succession of thirty demigods.

4,000 B.C.E.—Beginning of the Sumerian Civilization, giving rise to multiple “firsts” of human civilized life. In MesoAmerica , the megalithic walls of Cuzco and Sacsahuaman ( Peru ) built between 4,000 and 2,000.

3,760 B.C.E.—Mankind granted Kingship. Calendar begun at Nippur ; Jewish Count of years begun (making 2004 the Jewish year of 5,763 – there's no year “0”).

3,509 B.C.E.—Beginning of the Age of the Fourth Sun (the Aztec “Age of the Black Headed People, the Incan “Age of Heroes”).

3,450 B.C.E.— Tower of Babel . Marduk defeated and sent into exile.

August 13, 3113 -- Day One of the Mayan calendar's “Long Count” (ending in 2,012 A.D .).

3,100 B.C.E.—“Point Zero” in the Incan Calendar. Manco Capac given kingship at Lake Titicaca .

2,900 B.C.E.—Upper and Lower Egypt ruled by ten human rulers. The goddess Inanna given dominion over the “Third Region”—the Indus Valley civilization begins. Early Stonehenge construction in Southwestern England .

2,550 B.C.E.—Upper and Lower Egypt united by a human, MŽn (Menes); Capital at Memphis .

2,400 B.C.E.—MesoAmerican kingship begins in New Lands (beginning in Peru and Bolivia )

2,123 B.C.E.—Abram born in Nippur (Sumeria), the son of a Nippurian priest, Terah.

2,113 B.C.E.—Ur-Nammu enthroned in Ur . Terah moves to Ur to liaison with royal court.

2,096 B.C.E.—Ur-Nammu dies in battle. Terah departs with family for Harran .

2,048 B.C.E.—Abraham departs Harran for South Canaan , as leader of an elite corp of cavalrymen.

2,041 B.C.E.—Beginning of the War of the Kings, pitting the Kings of the East under Amar-Sin and the Elamite Khedorla'omer, against Abraham and the Kings of the West, the latter under Enlil and Ninurta.

2,024 B.C.E.—Marduk takes Babylon , fighting spreads to central Mesopotamia , and Nippur defiled, while Ninurta destroy Sodom and Gomorrah with nuclear weapons.

2,023 B.C.E.—Winds carry radioactive clouds to Sumer . Sumerian Civilization destroyed.

2,000 B.C.E.—Pharoah Khufu, Khafre and Menkarue rule Egypt during the Fourth Dynasty, waging wars against Kings of the East. Temple to Amon-Ra constructed at Karnak . Olmec Civilization begins along the Mexican Gulf Coast , coming to full bloom by 1,500 to 1,200 B.C.E.

March 5, 1953 B.C.E.—Beginning of the Chinese Calendar, based on astronomical alignment.

1,601 B.C.E.—End of the Old Kingdom of Egypt and beginning of Intermediate Period of 50 years.

1,551 B.C.E.—Beginning of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt .

1,433 B.C.E.—Exodus of Jewish People, and end of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt. After 40 years of wandering in the Sinai, Moses receives the Ten Commandments and builds the Ark of the Covenant .

1,392 B.C.E.— Sun stands Still , as the Israelites conquer Canaan . “The Day of Darkness” occurs in MesoAmerica (or a very long night with the sun rising, setting and then again rising in the East).

1,374 B.C.E.—The Olmecs of MesoAmerica construct Teotihuacan , a complex including the Pyramid of the Sun, Moon, etcetera. A strong similarity between these pyramids and Egyptian Great Pyramids exists to this day.

1,030 B.C.E.—Saul conquers the Amalekites.

987 B.C.E.—Beginning of the New Kingdom of Egypt .

980 B.C.E.—King Solomon receives the Queen of Sheba. Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt visits Punt.

950 B.C.E.—Menelik, son of Solomon and Hatshepsut, takes Ark of the Covenant to Elephantine .

920 B.C.E.— Palestine invaded by Shishak (biblical sources); Thutmose II invades Palestine ( Egypt ) [Perhaps there is a connection!]

830 B.C.E.—Akhaton rules Egypt and advocates a single God of the Sun.

722 B.C.E.—Ten lost tribes of Egypt are exiled by the Assyrians and then vanish without a trace.

700 B.C.E.—Ramses II rules Egypt .

650 to 550 B.C.E.—Birth of Lao Tze, Budda, Confucious, and Zoroaster, i.e. 600 B.C.E .

505 B.C.E.—The Persian Cyrus the Great conquers and rules Egypt .

404 B.C.E.—Persians expelled from Egypt with Greek aid. Egyptian kings enthroned.

341 B.C.E.—Reconquest of Egypt by Persians.

332 B.C.E.—Conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great. Founding of the City of Alexandria , and ultimately the Library of Alexandria ( Egypt ).

323 B.C.E.—Death of Alexander the Great (following his conquest of Persia , Egypt and most of the known world). Ptolemy (a general of Alexander) founds Ptolemaic Dynasty in Egypt . The Library of Alexandria is expanded and becomes an ecumenical center of wisdom and world religions – from Judaism to (after the time of Christ) Gnosticism .

200 B.C.E.— Teotihuacan abandoned—eventually becomes a Toltec City .

47 B.C.E.—Julius Caesar stupidly damages the Library of Alexandria.

4 B.C.E.—Birth of Jesus Christ.

The city again recovered a portion of its former splendor, only to have the main library destroyed in the civil war that occurred under Aurelian in the late third century. Meanwhile the "daughter" library, located within the temple to Sarapis, was destroyed by fanatical Christians in A.D. 391.

C.E. 200 -- Beginning of the “Classic” Mayan period (and lasting until C.E. 900)

C.E. 215—The Roman emperor Caracalla concocts a general massacre of the inhabitants of the City of Alexandria , again damaging the Library of Halexandria.

C.E. 350—Main Library of Library of Alexandria destroyed during civil war with the Roman Emperor Aurelian.

C.E. 391—Final destruction of the Library of Alexandria by fanatical Christians destroying the “daughter library”, located within the temple to Sarapis (a Greek-Egyptian form of Zeus-Osiris).

C.E.. 533 -- Beginning of the Age of the Fifth Sun (“The Age of Kings”).

C.E. 1000 – Miscellaneous events occurring in Europe , including subsequent crusades to “liberate” the Holy Land from the scholars and wise men of the Middle East .

C.E. 1,020 -- The Cuzco dynasty of the Incas established in Peru .

C.E. 1,325 -- The Aztecs (Mexica or Tenochas) establish Tenochtitlan as their capital.

C.E. 1519 -- Conquest of Aztecs by Cortez. Beginning of the destruction of the Aztec civilization and literature by the Catholic Church.

C.E. 1533 -- Conquest of Incas by Pizzaro. Subsequent shipment of tons of gold and silver from the Americas to Spain and Europe .

C.E. 1940—Burning of Books by Nazis – in the tradition of Catholics and other religions.

C.E. 2003— The Library of Halexandria – along with “ The Earth Chronicles ” and “ Annals of Earth ” posted on the web.
Note (and this also answers malifice's post).....the original transcript of Genesis never mentions God the singular btw, only in the plural (elohim). There's also the mention of the Cherubim (interbred children between the literal "gods"/angels, and women of the earth. Which borrows from the Epic of Gilgamesh (Sumerian text) describing in detail that 'aliens' genetically engineered humans out of their own dna and the mammals of the earth (apes/monkeys) as well as the great flood etc. Which off-topic, explains why apes didn't evolve into humans, but out of nowhere humans popped up with stark biological similarity with apes. Basically, the whole old testament are stories borrowed from, passed down from, chinese-whispered alterations of, original Sumerian text.

I actually have some time for the whole Alien/ genetically engineered theory of the Missing link.

Its my second favorite explanation after the Aquatic Ape theory.

No compelling scientific evidence for the Alien explanation however, and its totally unscientific supposition.
I actually have some time for the whole Alien/ genetically engineered theory of the Missing link.

Its my second favorite explanation after the Aquatic Ape theory.

No compelling scientific evidence for the Alien explanation however, and its totally unscientific supposition.

Hadn't seen that one before.:thumbsu::)

Although now I read a bit more I have seen the theory mooted as a possible contributor to becoming truly bipedal.
It's amazing to me that the topic of UFO's (the actual unidentified flying objects) still generates silly upfront comments. Basically, you have official disclosure already in the above videos, not to mention thousands of other military personnel over the decades who have encounters and information amounting to disclosure as well.

Sure, the possible form/etc of 'aliens' has brought up a wide array of suggestions/theories, but the idea of other humanoid beings in the universe is more and more a sci-fact, not sci-fiction.

I don't think the existence of UFO's is in dispute.
They exist and have since humans gained sight and things could traverse the sky.
The first bird seen flying was one such UFO until it was identified.

What is open for debate is the identification of the yet unidentified.

Are you claiming that the some UFO's have been now positively identified as interstellar craft, possibly or definitively piloted by alien life forms and that this has been acknowledged by an official source.?


That the incidents in which still unidentified flying object/s were witnessed and/or recorded have been acknowledged by an official source?
I don't think the existence of UFO's is in dispute.
They exist and have since humans gained sight and things could traverse the sky.
The first bird seen flying was one such UFO until it was identified.

What is open for debate is the identification of the yet unidentified.

Are you claiming that the some UFO's have been now positively identified as interstellar craft, possibly or definitively piloted by alien life forms and that this has been acknowledged by an official source.?


That the incidents in which still unidentified flying object/s were witnessed and/or recorded have been acknowledged by an official source?

The videos linked above, not me, are official sources claiming the former. You could even reference William Cooper and others like him (people who are former CIA/military or Area 51 workers) claiming/acknowledging even more than that.
I'm betting the people who have abducted by aliens are the ones trumpetting 9/11 was an inside job :D

As for UFO's...well are we talking "alien beings" flying around earth and snaring certain people for research or are we talking about flying objects we can't pinpoint as to what they really are, due to many factors...

Freaking CIA they won't come clean on anything :(
Hadn't seen that one before.:thumbsu::)

Although now I read a bit more I have seen the theory mooted as a possible contributor to becoming truly bipedal.

It explains Homo Sapiens Sapiens:
  • Inner ear
  • Webbed fingers and toes
  • Downwards pointing nose
  • Innate ability to hold breath underwater (see water births)
  • Lack of body hair
  • Upright stance
  • Widened hands and feet
  • etc
Also humans digest Omega 3 fats (found in seafood) particulary well. They are the only fats that have a good effect on the human body. We dont digest the fats in red meats all that well (unlike for example Tigers and other great cats where the opposite occurs).

Omega 3's are also noted for brain function and development.

There is the argument that water births were used by female homo sapiens to take the pressure off childbirth (unlike with every other Ape, Human heads are far larger than the birth canal - water births help with this - Its also why we are born so helpless - we need to get spit out early or we simply wont fit).

Its certainly an intresting argument.
Just some more info on the OP....

Extraterrestrial Life is censored subject says Professor

According to a famous astronomy professor there is a reason why a majority of scientists avoid the subject - it is censored! Even though the general public embraces ideas of extraterrestrial life, science is expected to shun this subject no matter how strong the evidence, albeit through a conspiracy of silence.
Wickramasinghe believes that this campaign of explicit denials and censorship may have started between 1962 and 1965 when microorganisms were actually recovered from the stratosphere using balloons flown to heights between 20 and 43km.
"This important pioneering work, carried out by NASA at the dawn of the Space Age, probably rang alarm bells to which the authorities had to react, and react they surely did.

"Using state of the art technology Hoover concludes that microbial fossils unambiguously exist in great profusion. The furore that greeted this new publication, with vocal condemnation from Science journals and from NASA chiefs, shows that earlier tactics of rejection by silence have now been replaced by strident ranting and even personal insults.

Had we lived in the Middle Ages there is no doubt that Richard B Hoover, and possibly Fred Hoyle, Pflug, and I too, would have come to a bad end - suffering the fate of Giordano Bruno in 1600!", says professor Wickramasinghe.

It should be added that professor Wickramasinghe's research dealt only with extraterrestrial microbial life. One can imagine what would happen if scientists suddenly started to debate in public issues concerning the existence of advanced, intelligent extraterrestrial life.


Irrefutable Evidence of Aliens found by Archeologists
It explains Homo Sapiens Sapiens:
  • Inner ear
  • Webbed fingers and toes
  • Downwards pointing nose
  • Innate ability to hold breath underwater (see water births)
  • Lack of body hair
  • Upright stance
  • Widened hands and feet
  • etc
Also humans digest Omega 3 fats (found in seafood) particulary well. They are the only fats that have a good effect on the human body. We dont digest the fats in red meats all that well (unlike for example Tigers and other great cats where the opposite occurs).

Omega 3's are also noted for brain function and development.

There is the argument that water births were used by female homo sapiens to take the pressure off childbirth (unlike with every other Ape, Human heads are far larger than the birth canal - water births help with this - Its also why we are born so helpless - we need to get spit out early or we simply wont fit).

Its certainly an intresting argument.

Interesting yes, but from a cursive "glance" those key points have been fairly thoroughly debunked.
Not to say disproven.

I think it is inevitable that interaction with aquatic environments would have taken place though.

I think the extent of the interaction and the evolutionary influence of said is the contentious issue.

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