Exe Gesis
Kylo was here
Companion piece to the "Beautiful Cities of the World" thread....
Doesn't have to be just the look of it, or environmental reasons like smog, or intense daily humidity, can be time spent there, imbibed into their culture, found the locals and/or customs to be a bad experience. Etc.
I nominate the city I currently live, Sydney. It has beautiful beaches, mountains, parks, etc, etc, but the entire city is underwhelming.....poor town planning, ugly architecture, subpar amenities, public transport systems, not even a 24 hour place, the people suck, horrible and shallow, unhelpful, demeaning, even the immigrants who come here end up becoming Sydneyfied as shallow and self-centered. Etc.
And Sydney, Australia as a whole, is way way more expensive than it should be compared to other cities/countries in the world. Another complaint, is the city/country has far too many rules for everything....people with small to large businesses are crucified financially, ripped off by protocol, can't do anything without having the govt put theor hands into your cookie jar. Also things like everything heavily taxed (govt collecting money) for things that cost next to nothing overseas. House and land prices, on and on.
Ugly looking city, terribly planned, a hotch potch of things slappped together, shit people in a shithole.
Doesn't have to be just the look of it, or environmental reasons like smog, or intense daily humidity, can be time spent there, imbibed into their culture, found the locals and/or customs to be a bad experience. Etc.
I nominate the city I currently live, Sydney. It has beautiful beaches, mountains, parks, etc, etc, but the entire city is underwhelming.....poor town planning, ugly architecture, subpar amenities, public transport systems, not even a 24 hour place, the people suck, horrible and shallow, unhelpful, demeaning, even the immigrants who come here end up becoming Sydneyfied as shallow and self-centered. Etc.
And Sydney, Australia as a whole, is way way more expensive than it should be compared to other cities/countries in the world. Another complaint, is the city/country has far too many rules for everything....people with small to large businesses are crucified financially, ripped off by protocol, can't do anything without having the govt put theor hands into your cookie jar. Also things like everything heavily taxed (govt collecting money) for things that cost next to nothing overseas. House and land prices, on and on.
Ugly looking city, terribly planned, a hotch potch of things slappped together, shit people in a shithole.