NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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It really isn't. And why does not guilty not mean innocent?

Sounds like the typical
'I like the legal system when they deliver the verdict I wanted'
'I like the Supreme Court when they deliver a verdict I agree with but if they dont then they are corrupt and the bench needs to be expanded.

Jesus. Metaphorically speaking, every time you open your mouth on this forum, it's to change feet.

If you don't know that a legal verdict of Not Guilty is not the same as innocent, I don't know how to help you.
And here lies the problem that I am trying to explain.
There is a two-tiered justice system in the US using lawfare to persecute, attack, cancel and silence Trump supporters.

I asked for one name charged with insurrection and so far we have mentioned an individual who was the main Proud Boy.
He (Enrique Tarrio) wasn't even at DC on Jan 6, and now has a 22 year prison sentence because of some messages sent on the day to some other Proud Boys that were there. There was no evidence shown of any conspiracy, plot or plans ... just Tarrio celebrating some of the actions of his mates.
The prosecution wanted 30 years are are even appealing the 22 year sentence. The maximum sentence for seditious conspiracy is 20 years so they had to pile on other nonsense charges aswell.
Appeals courts have since found egregious sentencing for J6ers stating the use of enhancements when sentencing were not proper or lawful.
Prior to these Jan 6 prosecutions, the last time a person was found guilty of seditious conspiracy in the US was in 1995 when some Islamic militants conspired to bomb New York landmarks.

The Feds asked Tarrio to do a deal and have him lie about Trump being involved in a conspiracy to attack the Capitol.

And now we have anti-Trumpers celebrating Tarrio's sentencing because they will gladly take any wins, regardless of the details or justice, so long as it means a point score against Trump and Trump supporters.

Are you familiar with the Dunning-Kruger effect? It's when a person who thinks they have knowledge of a topic is too ignorant to realise that they don't have adequate knowledge of said topic.

Perhaps an example will help. Let's take the case of an Australian non-lawyer (it's painfully obvious) stating their view that the outcomes of certain US legal trials are wrong. This person is implying they hold a level of knowledge that surpasses that of US legal experts and wilfully ignores the fact that the trial outcomes were based on US statutes heard in front of US judges / juries.

Surely you'd agree that it's pure ignorance to run such an argument. And/or gullibility to parrot said argument from biased sources.
The gaslighting comment was directed at one particular poster who has a long history with me.
And any thread he finds me in generally ends up with him banning me from the thread after I show evidence supporting my gaslighting claims.

Only this morning I was banned from yet another covid vaccine thread with no infractions or warnings.
This is the world we live in, but it is only apparent to those who do not preach in line with the official narratives.

You undermine your claim that Trump and his supporters are subject to unfair ('two-tiered') treatment by bleating about your own 'unfair' treatment, when everyone who posts here know that rules and why bans happen. You're not a victim, you broke the rules. Join the dots re Trump.

You even have the whiny victim stuff in your sig. It's laughable that you think this gives you credibility.

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My apologies in the delay in responding to these questions ... again, I will try to keep answers short and concise (when in reality my "beliefs" come from 1000's of hours of research over more than a decade on this topic.

Who are the persons / entities comprising the "current corrupt globalist cabal that exists in the US"?

I generalise when I often use the term globalists.
Typically they are powerful elite people and families who have little concern for a countries nation values ... hence globalists because they see the world is ripe for their taking and the US typically provides the best tools for them.
If you want names, you have the political families, Bushes, Clintons, Obamas. Billionaires like Soros, Gates. Generational wealth like the Rothchilds, etc...

On what basis do you base your claim that "The MAGA community are not so much Republicans"? How do you refute the view that they are absolutely a sub-set of the population of Republicans? The sub-set that supports Trump.

MAGA community understand the Republican and Democrats are one disappointing uniparty.
Republicans have RINOs who pretend they hold Republican values but don't.
Democrats to a lesser degree, but they still have people like RFK Jnr who does not goosestep in line with DNC agendas so he has to find his way as an Independent.
The two party concept is pushed to generate tribal division. The MAGA movement (under Trump's leadership) is much more about Nationalists vs Globalists. The US left side of politics now push the tribal division simply with Trump vs Anti-Trump.
But ... I do not pretend MAGA supporters are not a sub-set of Republicans or at least closely tied, I merely try to highlight MAGA is more than just simply Republicans vs Democrats or Right vs Left.

Who are the persons / entities comprising the Establishment/Deep State/Globalists? Are all three the same? What are they focused on achieving? Any evidence or examples to support this?

Globalists think in terms of WHO, WEF, United Nations, New World Order, Agenda2030 ...
Establishment are used to push the Globalists agendas through over regulation with laws and bureacracy.
Deep State are more the nasty buggers who hide in the shadows regardless of which political power is in administration.

Basically they are mostly selfish and greedy and so will align their beliefs with any that serve them best.
Some of the most powerful globalists are driven by population control and a journey to transhumanism (god-like beliefs, eg. Soros & Gates).
Lower down you may just have career bureaucrats who are compromised and corrupt but benefit greatly when they tow the line of instructions from above, eg. the US DoJ.
What is your evidence that Trump continues to shine the light on these entities? Do you have any clear examples of him doing so?
Trump just keeps on fighting. The vast majority would have given up by now. So they get more desperate with their attacks on him until the corruption becomes more and more obvious. For example, Trump support goes up when he got his mug shot. After being found guilty of his recent 34 felonies he then raises ridiculous campaign money.

If you could answer these questions with clear and irrefutable evidence, I would be most surprised. I'm betting you can't. Absent any plausible evidence, your claims are not indicative of an open mind, despite you implying they are.

Have I answered these questions with clear and irrefutable evidence ... of course I haven't and I never expect to be able to in such a small response. It takes much time and research to understand the details and complexities of what is happening in the US and the wider world. The Mainstream Media and controlled spaces (even here in BigFooty) will not gift you the truth. You need to want to dig deep for it.
is there some way you would you like people to engage with you?
Or would you prefer if people didn't.

Because you are just making claims and wanting them to be accepted. And it seems that anyone who has a different opinion to you on your claims are deliberate actors who are part of a system geared at 'discrediting the truth'. Gaslighting etc. Rather than substantiating your claims.
I don't see a way to engage with you, with that framework.

Do you want your ideas and views to be challenged, or would you prefer to just be able to post your opinions to people to be agreed with?
I ask because you and I have very different base positions that many of these issues stem from, and I don't want you to feel attack by me responding to you, if you don't actually want that kind of interaction.

If you or I think we are going to change the beliefs of each other with our posts then we would be naive.

A healthy discord is to explain our beliefs and reasons for them for the wider public to view and to question.

My current beliefs do not define me. If you post something I find challenging, it may well lead me to do some research and learn something new and maybe then have new beliefs ... I see that as a good thing, and not something I will waste time dismissing or fighting against.

And don't take insult to my use of the term gaslighting. Most of us are guilty of doing it (me included). The MSM is full of it and at levels that disappoint me far more than any individual in this space.
My apologies in the delay in responding to these questions ... again, I will try to keep answers short and concise (when in reality my "beliefs" come from 1000's of hours of research over more than a decade on this topic.

I generalise when I often use the term globalists.
Typically they are powerful elite people and families who have little concern for a countries nation values ... hence globalists because they see the world is ripe for their taking and the US typically provides the best tools for them.
If you want names, you have the political families, Bushes, Clintons, Obamas. Billionaires like Soros, Gates. Generational wealth like the Rothchilds, etc...

MAGA community understand the Republican and Democrats are one disappointing uniparty.
Republicans have RINOs who pretend they hold Republican values but don't.
Democrats to a lesser degree, but they still have people like RFK Jnr who does not goosestep in line with DNC agendas so he has to find his way as an Independent.
The two party concept is pushed to generate tribal division. The MAGA movement (under Trump's leadership) is much more about Nationalists vs Globalists. The US left side of politics now push the tribal division simply with Trump vs Anti-Trump.
But ... I do not pretend MAGA supporters are not a sub-set of Republicans or at least closely tied, I merely try to highlight MAGA is more than just simply Republicans vs Democrats or Right vs Left.

Globalists think in terms of WHO, WEF, United Nations, New World Order, Agenda2030 ...
Establishment are used to push the Globalists agendas through over regulation with laws and bureacracy.
Deep State are more the nasty buggers who hide in the shadows regardless of which political power is in administration.

Basically they are mostly selfish and greedy and so will align their beliefs with any that serve them best.
Some of the most powerful globalists are driven by population control and a journey to transhumanism (god-like beliefs, eg. Soros & Gates).
Lower down you may just have career bureaucrats who are compromised and corrupt but benefit greatly when they tow the line of instructions from above, eg. the US DoJ.

Trump just keeps on fighting. The vast majority would have given up by now. So they get more desperate with their attacks on him until the corruption becomes more and more obvious. For example, Trump support goes up when he got his mug shot. After being found guilty of his recent 34 felonies he then raises ridiculous campaign money.

Have I answered these questions with clear and irrefutable evidence ... of course I haven't and I never expect to be able to in such a small response. It takes much time and research to understand the details and complexities of what is happening in the US and the wider world. The Mainstream Media and controlled spaces (even here in BigFooty) will not gift you the truth. You need to want to dig deep for it.

I appreciate the effort to respond.

I'm not interested in arguing against a new poster (to me) saying the same old things. Let's just say that my eyes glaze over when I see Rothschilds, Soros, WEF, and Deep State used as the basis for Trump support.

My final comment: there is a reason Trump keeps fighting and it's not what you state. It's obvious to all who are unwilling to gloss over every bad act of his (and there are many) due to personal political bias.
You undermine your claim that Trump and his supporters are subject to unfair ('two-tiered') treatment by bleating about your own 'unfair' treatment, when everyone who posts here know that rules and why bans happen. You're not a victim, you broke the rules. Join the dots re Trump.

You even have the whiny victim stuff in your sig. It's laughable that you think this gives you credibility.

What rule did I break?
You don't think Joe Biden threatening to withdraw $1B of aid unless the preosecutor targetting Burisma was fired, was corruption?
Its legit amazing this one still gets wheeled out. Weird play from Joe to lay out the details of his nefarious corruption scheme to to a live audience in a recorded interview lol :drunk:

He was carrying out official US foreign policy, in-line with the positions of the the IMF and several other Eurpoean countries. Like - you do get that don't you? That he literally wouldn't have been doing his job as VP if he didn't apply pressure to have the bloke removed?

Joe Biden had also repeatedly said he had never talked to Hunter about hs overseas business dealings. Why lie about it if it was all above board?
Guessing coz he knew Republicans would paint it as corruption even if it wasn't.

Can he be prosecuted for those lies once he's no longer POTUS? Unsure which law would have been broken but surely they could find one, go for it.
The whole there is no proof thing is just a fallback position.
Just reality actually, in this instance. Reality being well known for having a liberal bias, as generally related to Republican actions and accusations lol

You want Joe charged, go ahead, I'm here for it. I'm on record here as believing politicians and POTUS' being held to far greater account would be one of the best things to happen to that country for decades. But there still needs to be a charge, and Republicans have been fumbling around trying to find one for 4 years. They couldn't even get an impeachment vote up, despite controlling the house and not even needing a crime for that.

Probably tells you something imo.
I simply do not see what you describe as evidence for your reasons ...

What I read in the transcript was Trump saying Zelenskyy should be asking for more help from European countries and Zelenskyy saying they were almost ready to buy more Javelins.
There was no 'quid pro quo'. Zelenskyy states intent to buy and Trump asks him to investigate the Crowdstrike stuff. The exact details of that part we do not know because the transcript may not include everything verbatim then said (I remind you this is a transcript of what an agent listening heard and chose to repeat).
I believe Trump's biggest fail here is his lack of understanding about the Crowdstike stuff. At this point in time, he appears to believe there is a physical Crowdstrike server in Ukraine, which was highly unlikely (ie. Crowdstrike would use virtual servers for such a task at that time). That is, if Zelenskyy had done an open and transparent investigation in to this, it would have given Trump nothing anyways. So where is the 'quid pro quo' that you and others speak of? Trump was simply searching for truth and information and Zelenskyy said they may soon buy javelins.


The President: Well it is very nice of you to say that. I will say that we do a lot for Ukraine. We spend a lot of effort and a lot of time. Much more than the European countries are doing and they should be helping you more than they are. Germany does almost nothing for you. All they do is talk and I think it’s something that you should really ask them about. When I was speaking to Angela Merkel she talks Ukraine, but she ·doesn’t do anything. A lot of the European countries are the same way so I think it’s something you want to look at but the United States has been very very good to Ukraine. I wouldn’t say that it’s reciprocal necessarily because things are happening that are not good but the United States has been very very good to Ukraine.

President Zelenskyy: Yes you are absolutely right. Not only 100%, but actually 1000% and I can tell you the following; I did talk to Angela Merkel and I did meet with her I also met and talked with Macron and I told them that they are not doing quite as much as they need to be doing on the issues with the sanctions. They are not enforcing the sanctions. They are not working as much as they should work for Ukraine. It turns out that even though logically, the European Union should be our biggest partner but technically the United States is a much bigger partner than the European Union and I’m very grateful to you for that because the United States is doing quite a lot for Ukraine. Much more than the European Union especially when we are talking about sanctions against the Russian Federation. I would also like to thank you for your great support in the area of defense. We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost. ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

The President: I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike…I guess you have one of your wealthy people…

Again, I fail to see what you claim about the Biden topic. Trump asks Zelenskyy to investigate the Biden thing with the Attorney General as stated in the transcript.

"The other thing, There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great."

In my efforts to try to understand, I was sincerely hoping you would show some credible evidence/quotes supporting your reasons why you believed this transcript was bad for Trump. Sadly, I only see the same propaganda gaslighting used at the time to justify one of their many time wasting political witch-hunts against Trump.
Thoughts on the withheld aid being released to Ukraine a day or 2 after the story broke? Just co-incidence ya reckon? :tearsofjoy:

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And here lies the problem that I am trying to explain.
There is a two-tiered justice system in the US
There sure is. And Trump is a major beneficiary of it, having being given every advantage and privilege, afforded accommodations and leeway normal people could only dream of receiving from the legal system, in all his cases so far.

If he wasn't who he is he would have already gone through trials for both the classified docs and the fake electors, both of these cases absolute locks compared to the hush money one.
And here lies the problem that I am trying to explain.
There is a two-tiered justice system in the US using lawfare to persecute, attack, cancel and silence Trump supporters.

I asked for one name charged with insurrection and so far we have mentioned an individual who was the main Proud Boy.
He (Enrique Tarrio) wasn't even at DC on Jan 6, and now has a 22 year prison sentence because of some messages sent on the day to some other Proud Boys that were there. There was no evidence shown of any conspiracy, plot or plans ... just Tarrio celebrating some of the actions of his mates.
The prosecution wanted 30 years are are even appealing the 22 year sentence. The maximum sentence for seditious conspiracy is 20 years so they had to pile on other nonsense charges aswell.
Appeals courts have since found egregious sentencing for J6ers stating the use of enhancements when sentencing were not proper or lawful.
Prior to these Jan 6 prosecutions, the last time a person was found guilty of seditious conspiracy in the US was in 1995 when some Islamic militants conspired to bomb New York landmarks.

The Feds asked Tarrio to do a deal and have him lie about Trump being involved in a conspiracy to attack the Capitol.

And now we have anti-Trumpers celebrating Tarrio's sentencing because they will gladly take any wins, regardless of the details or justice, so long as it means a point score against Trump and Trump supporters.

Remind me, which charity did Trump steal money from?
I was banned from the entire SRP forum in late 2019 for making what I consider was an evidenced backed factual statement about George Soros.

Wow, thats some kinda evidence backing your factual statement there :tearsofjoy:

If you do some good research, you will find the narrative of Shokin being corrupt was Soros manifested propaganda.
I could provide you links but do not want to hijack this thread. This post is just to clarify why I was banned.
Not at all mate, this is the conspiracy board so you're in the right place, hijack away.

Lay it all out for us.
Its legit amazing this one still gets wheeled out. Weird play from Joe to lay out the details of his nefarious corruption scheme to to a live audience in a recorded interview lol :drunk:

He was carrying out official US foreign policy, in-line with the positions of the the IMF and several other Eurpoean countries. Like - you do get that don't you? That he literally wouldn't have been doing his job as VP if he didn't apply pressure to have the bloke removed?

Guessing coz he knew Republicans would paint it as corruption even if it wasn't.

Can he be prosecuted for those lies once he's no longer POTUS? Unsure which law would have been broken but surely they could find one, go for it.
This is exactly what the censored story was about. I'm not surprised you haven't read it, and just parrot the official party line.
This is exactly what the censored story was about. I'm not surprised you haven't read it, and just parrot the official party line.
The censored story was focused on Joe acting on his own/Hunter's interests rather than carrying out official US policy? What was on the laptop explaining;
  • how Joe wrangled several other countries and IMF into backing his nefarious scheme
  • why the GOP Senate investigation found no illegality
I'm all ears mate. Post up 'the censored story' you're talking about - I reckon I have read it but happy to have another look.
The censored story was focused on Joe acting on his own/Hunter's interests rather than carrying out official US policy? What was on the laptop explaining;
  • how Joe wrangled several other countries and IMF into backing his nefarious scheme
  • why the GOP Senate investigation found no illegality
I'm all ears mate. Post up 'the censored story' you're talking about - I reckon I have read it but happy to have another look.
Ahh yep, I've read that one. Seems to be 2 main points being made re: corruption

(1), that Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before Biden snr carried out his job as VP to have a corrupt prosecutor removed. I'm not sure how an introduction breaks any laws.

And (2), that an adviser to Burisma sent an email to two board members, Hunter and Devon Archer, lobbying them to assist with what Bursima saw as unfair or politically motivated potential prosecutions after some kind of blackmail attempt failed. We don't know what Hunter did in response, beyond his email reply including "“Who is ultimately behind these attacks on the company? Who in the current interim government could put an end to such attacks?”

Now call me crazy but that doesn't exactly seem like an open and shut corruption case to me. When paired with Archer's own testimony not supporting the accusations against Hunter and Joe I think you can kinda see why the likelihood of securing a conviction here might be low, possibly offers some rationale as to why no one has tried to and may explain why the GOP Senate investigation found no illegality;

Now, does that mean Joe shouldn't be prosecuted, for anything? Of course not, go for your life, throw the book at him. I'm just guessing they're gonna need more than this. Like I said above, GOP couldn't even get an impeachment vote up despite controlling the house - pretty telling don't you think?
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Its legit amazing this one still gets wheeled out. Weird play from Joe to lay out the details of his nefarious corruption scheme to to a live audience in a recorded interview lol :drunk:

He was carrying out official US foreign policy, in-line with the positions of the the IMF and several other Eurpoean countries. Like - you do get that don't you? That he literally wouldn't have been doing his job as VP if he didn't apply pressure to have the bloke removed?

Guessing coz he knew Republicans would paint it as corruption even if it wasn't.

Can he be prosecuted for those lies once he's no longer POTUS? Unsure which law would have been broken but surely they could find one, go for it.
I've been so proud of you at times m8, really maturing and growing in front of our very eyes. You say you want justice equally applied to all, if there's wrongdoing on either side then you're against it - tremendous. Then you circle back to "Dems getting their unqualified kids jobs at Ukrainian fossil fuel companies is no biggie. A VP withholding aid to a country unless they fire the guy looking into a company his own son is on the board of? I see no conflict here m8 (muh IMF)".

It's the same reason that Pelosi and other pollies of both sides are straight up shameless in terms of their insider trading and conflicts of interest. These folk know they don't need to even be subtle because in a divided society there will always have a legion of simps to defend their honour, including those like yourself and big mof who claim to want fairness but are tragically just in simp-denial :( be true to yourself m8!
Ahh yep, I've read that one. Seems to be 2 main points being made re: corruption

(1), that Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before Biden snr carried out his job as VP to have a corrupt prosecutor removed. I'm not sure how an introduction breaks any laws.

And (2), that an adviser to Burisma sent an email to two board members, Hunter and Devon Archer, lobbying them to assist with what Bursima saw as unfair or politically motivated potential prosecutions after some kind of blackmail attempt failed. We don't know what Hunter did in response, beyond his email reply including "“Who is ultimately behind these attacks on the company? Who in the current interim government could put an end to such attacks?”

Now call me crazy but that doesn't exactly seem like an open and shut corruption case to me. When paired with Archer's own testimony not supporting the accusations against Hunter and Joe I think you can kinda see why the likelihood of securing a conviction here might be low, possibly offers some rationale as to why no one has tried to and may explain why the GOP Senate investigation found no illegality;

Now, does that mean Joe shouldn't be prosecuted, for anything? Of course not, go for your life, throw the book at him. I'm just guessing they're gonna need more than this. Like I said above, GOP couldn't even get an impeachment vote up despite controlling the house - pretty telling don't you think?
You're very naive if you believe everything the govt tells you. I suppose a crackhead got a board position on merit as well.
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