NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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What exactly are you on about? Do you think a pollie not being charged with a crime means no crime was committed?
Not at all - just that in this case, the Bidens' not being investigated or charged for corruption when Trump's DoJ had the laptop for 12 months tells you that your belief that there is evidence of their corruption on that laptop wrong. There may well be evidence of their corruption elsewhere, it just ain't on the laptop.

Which you actually do realise I suspect, but just can't bring yourself to acknowledge, just like the 93% against/Oxford 15 minute city thing. So you dance about and obfuscate with stuff like "no pollie is interested in prosecuting another one", so you don't have to man up and say yeah I obviously got that wrong.

Its all pretty obvious and transparent.
Not at all - just that in this case, the Bidens' not being investigated or charged for corruption when Trump's DoJ had the laptop for 12 months tells you that your belief that there is evidence of their corruption on that laptop wrong. There may well be evidence of their corruption elsewhere, it just ain't on the laptop.

Which you actually do realise I suspect, but just can't bring yourself to acknowledge, just like the 93% against/Oxford 15 minute city thing. So you dance about and obfuscate with stuff like "no pollie is interested in prosecuting another one", so you don't have to man up and say yeah I obviously got that wrong.

Its all pretty obvious and transparent.
You are just straight up disingenuous. You make up claims others have made and repeat them ad nauseum.

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Trump continues to shine the light on the corrupt one sided establishment anti-trump mainstream media agendas and fake narratives.

Trump is literally corrupt (with him and his company being convicted of it multiple times), is literally part of the establishment (as a billionare and former President of the USA) and literally spends his entire time spruiking fake narratives.

You do get that right?

It is only now that the powers to be and Democrat puppet masters are timing their strategic replacement of Joe that we will finally start to see some general discussion about Joe's fitness to lead the US.

I agree Biden is senile, and I've said as much before.

But he isn't a threat to the liberal democratic Republic.

Do you study History? Do you know how the Weimar Republic fell in Germany?
No we can't agree on it. He flip flops between owning and disowning the bills he wrote.

No, he doesnt flip flop.

He's repudiated much of what was in the Bill, along with parts of the Clinton crime bill (which was how the Democrats managed to sneak Gun control during Clintons Presidency).

Heck Joe Biden is currently running on a platform to decriminalise Cannabis federally, and expunge all criminal records of people convicted of cannabis charges.

Does that sound like a bloke who (as one of your fellow cookers stated, and what started this whole discussion) 'wants to lock up drug users forever'?

I mean, mate you're talking utter shit. It's self-evident that the Democrats (and Biden) have a very different approach to drug crime to the Republicans. If you're whining about the Dems and their approach to 'tough on crime' surely you can concede that the Republicans are far stricter?

If you cant concede that fact, you're cooked.
I've already posted quotes from Biden that the only way rehab and education was happening was in prison.

No, the Bill literally provided for education in schools and elsewhere as well.

You say Biden hasn't repudiated the provisions of the mandatory sentencing Bill he sponsored?

The Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 (Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 111–220 (text) (PDF)) was an Act of Congress that was signed into federal law by United States President Barack Obama on August 3, 2010, that reduces the disparity between the amount of crack cocaine and powder cocaine needed to trigger certain federal criminal penalties from a 100:1 weight ratio to an 18:1 weight ratio[1] and eliminated the five-year mandatory minimum sentence for simple possession of crack cocaine, among other provisions.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_Sentencing_Act#:~:text=Sentencing disparity and effects,-In the three&text=While a person found with,she held five hundred grams.

In 2010, as Vice President of the USA, he (and his party) literally repealed the mandatory sentencing provisions (which applied retroactively, freeing 2,600 people), and drastically altered the original provisions of the law.

Again, bearing in mind he legislated to remove the provisions of the law you're so angry about, do you agree that he has repudiated (or at least walked back from) his original position?
You need to stop cooking so hard on the links to Russia. That was shown to be false 7 years ago.

No it wasn't. The Republican party openly admit that the Russians have been engaged in cyberwarfare and psyops targeting the USA.

Specifically (among other things) the Russians interfered in the US election, by creating fake bot accounts (several of which you've linked on here) that spread deliberate misinformation, designed to interact with social media algorithims to cook vulnerable people (like you) into believing the things... which you now believe (but didnt before you sat down in front of your computer 10 years ago to 'do your own research').

There were also clear links to many Republican party hangers-on-ers, with many of them literally admitting to (and being imprisoned for) colluding with the Russians (or lying about it to the FBI). Some of whom Trump pardoned.

The Mueller report stopped short of recommending Trump be investigated directly, because they believed that Trump was immune from Criminal prosecution (so why bother) due to the fact he's the President of the US and they assumed he has Legal Immunity.

The question of whether he has legal immunity or not, is now about to come before the SCOTUS.

Caught up yet?
No, he doesnt flip flop.

He's repudiated much of what was in the Bill, along with parts of the Clinton crime bill (which was how the Democrats managed to sneak Gun control during Clintons Presidency).

Heck Joe Biden is currently running on a platform to decriminalise Cannabis federally, and expunge all criminal records of people convicted of cannabis charges.

Does that sound like a bloke who (as one of your fellow cookers stated, and what started this whole discussion) 'wants to lock up drug users forever'?

I mean, mate you're talking utter shit. It's self-evident that the Democrats (and Biden) have a very different approach to drug crime to the Republicans. If you're whining about the Dems and their approach to 'tough on crime' surely you can concede that the Republicans are far stricter?

If you cant concede that fact, you're cooked.
You are cooked. 100% done. You are attempting to rewrite history. All this talk of Biden is moot anyway, no chance he will be the candidate. I will leave you with some quotes, though.

"Every time Richard Nixon, when he was running in 1972, would say, 'Law and order,' the Democratic match or response was, 'Law and order with justice' — whatever that meant. And I would say, 'Lock the SOBs up.'"

"The truth is, every major crime bill since 1976 that’s come out of this Congress, every minor crime bill, has had the name of the Democratic senator from the State of Delaware: Joe Biden."
You are cooked. 100% done. You are attempting to rewrite history. All this talk of Biden is moot anyway, no chance he will be the candidate. I will leave you with some quotes, though.

In addition to publicly and openly repudiating the provisions you're banging on about, also literally legislated to revoke the provisions yet you're still trying to tell me... he still supports them?

You're so ****ing partisan you can't concede the above, despite it being objectively true.

Yes, Biden sponsored the Bill that contains tough on drugs (5 years mandatory sentencing for 5 grams of Crack cocaine).

Since then, he has not only repudiated those provisions, he ****ing legislated to remove them, and free a bunch of people imprisoned over them.

I can concede that Biden is senile. I can concede those provisions are shit, target black people disproportionately and that Biden sponsored this Bill. Those things are objective ****ing facts.

Yet you still cant concede the objective ****ing fact that Biden also acknowledges the above (the laws are shit, and disproportionately affect black people) has repudiated those laws, and literally was part of the legislature (as VP) that revoked them.

Stop cheering on a side, and be objective.
In addition to publicly and openly repudiating the provisions you're banging on about, also literally legislated to revoke the provisions yet you're still trying to tell me... he still supports them?

You're so ****ing partisan you can't concede the above, despite it being objectively true.

Yes, Biden sponsored the Bill that contains tough on drugs (5 years mandatory sentencing for 5 grams of Crack cocaine).

Since then, he has not only repudiated those provisions, he ****ing legislated to remove them, and free a bunch of people imprisoned over them.

I can concede that Biden is senile. I can concede those provisions are shit, target black people disproportionately and that Biden sponsored this Bill. Those things are objective ****ing facts.

Yet you still cant concede the objective ****ing fact that Biden also acknowledges the above (the laws are shit, and disproportionately affect black people) has repudiated those laws, and literally was part of the legislature (as VP) that revoked them.

Stop cheering on a side, and be objective.
"He had criticized Reagan in 1981 for insisting on harsher sentences, arguing that prisons were already overcrowded and calling for alternative sentencing for non-violent offenders."

This is his flip flopping. He is a politician, a professional liar akin to lawyers and used car salesmen.

“I know we haven’t always gotten things right, but I’ve always tried.” - Joe Biden

God bless you Joe. You tried your best, and even though it wasn't good enough and you ruined peoples lives and destroyed whole communities, at least you gave it a shot. That's all anyone can ask.
"He had criticized Reagan in 1981 for insisting on harsher sentences, arguing that prisons were already overcrowded and calling for alternative sentencing for non-violent offenders."

This is his flip flopping. He is a politician, a professional liar akin to lawyers and used car salesmen.

He literally repealled the provisions youre talking about in 2010!

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****s sake mate.
As i said, he flip flops. He knows he should keep his mouth shut about how proud he is of his horrendous crime bills, but he just can't help himself.

Another quote from Soft Brain Joe:

"Make sure of two things. Be careful — microphones are always hot, and understand that in Washington, D.C., a gaffe is when you tell the truth. So, be careful."
Have you ever watched 2001: A Space Odyssey, Malifice ? You remind me of the computer, HAL-9000. He feels entitled to answers to his questions, and blames everyone but himself for his malfunction. I think I will start calling you MAL-9000.

No, Im trying to have a dicussion with you.

Im asking you questions for your opinion on the topic we're discussing. Instead you simply ignore them and parrot points I've already agreed with you on multiple times.

Me: What's your opinion on X?
Me: I agree. Also, maybe you missed it but what is your opinion on X?
Me: Ummm... yeah. I agreed with you already. But what is your opinion on X?
Me: Yes. I know. You seem to be avoiding the question I'm asking you for some reason. What is your opinion on X?
Me: Dude I am literally agreeing with you. Can you please answer my question I've asked half a dozen times now?
Me: Screw it. You're deliberately obfuscating, and I already know the answer anyway. You're just too shit scared to admit it.

Thats basically a summary of the past 2 pages of this thread.

Try being less of a flog, and actually answer difficult questions. I always answer the ones you put to me. For example, I'm more than prepared to agree with you (multiple times) that Biden is entering senility or dementia, he authored the above Bill, and it was shit.

All I'm asking is that you show me the same courtesy.
No, Im trying to have a dicussion with you.

Im asking you questions for your opinion on the topic we're discussing. Instead you simply ignore them and parrot points I've already agreed with you on multiple times.

Me: What's your opinion on X?
Me: I agree. Also, maybe you missed it but what is your opinion on X?
Me: Ummm... yeah. I agreed with you already. But what is your opinion on X?
Me: Yes. I know. You seem to be avoiding the question I'm asking you for some reason. What is your opinion on X?
Me: Dude I am literally agreeing with you. Can you please answer my question I've asked half a dozen times now?
Me: Screw it. You're deliberately obfuscating, and I already know the answer anyway. You're just too shit scared to admit it.

Thats basically a summary of the past 2 pages of this thread.

Try being less of a flog, and actually answer difficult questions. I always answer the ones you put to me. For example, I'm more than prepared to agree with you (multiple times) that Biden is entering senility or dementia, he authored the above Bill, and it was shit.

All I'm asking is that you show me the same courtesy.
MAL, you didn't agree at all. You've spent the last 2 pages trying to convince me Biden is a top bloke. He isn't. You have accused me previously of being bipartisan and taking a side, yet it it you who has taken a side and will defend it to the point of absurdity. You have done the same with the laptop. The russian disinfo BS about the laptop is just that, BS. It was spread so no one would question the censorship of a legit story. It worked on you, nobody is perfect but you can move on from that. My advice to you is to treat all politicians with mistrust and contempt, regardless of whether they crack their eggs at the big end or the little end.

Here's a thought for the day, from Uncle Bad Touch himself:

"Make sure of two things. Be careful — microphones are always hot, and understand that in Washington, D.C., a gaffe is when you tell the truth. So, be careful."
No it wasn't. The Republican party openly admit that the Russians have been engaged in cyberwarfare and psyops targeting the USA.

Specifically (among other things) the Russians interfered in the US election, by creating fake bot accounts (several of which you've linked on here) that spread deliberate misinformation, designed to interact with social media algorithims to cook vulnerable people (like you) into believing the things... which you now believe (but didnt before you sat down in front of your computer 10 years ago to 'do your own research').

There were also clear links to many Republican party hangers-on-ers, with many of them literally admitting to (and being imprisoned for) colluding with the Russians (or lying about it to the FBI). Some of whom Trump pardoned.

The Mueller report stopped short of recommending Trump be investigated directly, because they believed that Trump was immune from Criminal prosecution (so why bother) due to the fact he's the President of the US and they assumed he has Legal Immunity.

The question of whether he has legal immunity or not, is now about to come before the SCOTUS.

Caught up yet?
Whatever helps you sleep at night
Wrong, he was talking about the 94 crime bill.

Yeah, years after he'd repealed the parts he regretted.

You're just a bad faith poster, as the continued refusal to answer a straight question for the last couple of pages demonstrates.

Frankly, I shouldn't have expected any better from a WEF Chicken Little.
MAL, you didn't agree at all. You've spent the last 2 pages trying to convince me Biden is a top bloke.

I did nothing of the sort. I don't know a damn thing about Bidens character so why on earth would I?

I spent the last two pages asking you if you thought the Bill Biden sponsored (with billions in government spensing in education and rehabilitation programs) would have passed a Republican Senate and Ronald Regan without tough on crime provisions (around mandatory sentencing for drug possession).

A question you literally have yet to answer.
You are just straight up disingenuous. You make up claims others have made and repeat them ad nauseum.
Sorry, are you now pretending you never said you think there is evidence of corruption on the laptop, and that it wasn't pursued because both Chris Wray and Bill Barr are corrupt? :tearsofjoy:

Wouldn't put it past you to try honestly, you're that far gone. Very Trumpian, as I said.
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