USA Mid Term elections in November

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After these scenes over the past week, I reckon statements of hope and vision for the future from the other side of politics, as hokey as they might have seemed, is just what the US public needed to hear:



Why do these KKK weirdos always think up all these cringe cultist shit, if they wanna do ninja hand seals just watch Naruto or something instead of being a racist bitch
I think the QGOP caucus' attempt at governing will be the lesser of the potential problems facing the next couple of years. I think a bigger danger is them getting co-opted or bought out by even worse big moneyed interests than the Federalists. The Q's have no idea how to get laws done, but I'm sure they'll take suggestions or orders from those who do, and wouldn't normally be received even by the usually craven congress rats.

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So the first bill the GOP House passed contains changes to how ethics is investigated. First thought was deja vu. So googled gop congress ethics change, and of course more than half the returns were from 2017 when the GOP again took over the House, and THEIR first bill included watering down ethics for Congress vermin and other similar issues. But they didn't include anything on corruption, or insider stock trading.(which they had attacked Pelosi for not doing either) They have the chance to go after the swamp, but of course they don't.
My search also included reasoning for the changes, and like when they gerrymander voting districts, they never really present a clear reason or need for their actions. FO GOP

TBH some of the changes on legislation look interesting, some appear to address the OTT pork barreling, etc. But time will tell how the campaigners use or abuse them.
So the first bill the GOP House passed contains changes to how ethics is investigated. First thought was deja vu. So googled gop congress ethics change, and of course more than half the returns were from 2017 when the GOP again took over the House, and THEIR first bill included watering down ethics for Congress vermin and other similar issues. But they didn't include anything on corruption, or insider stock trading.(which they had attacked Pelosi for not doing either) They have the chance to go after the swamp, but of course they don't.
My search also included reasoning for the changes, and like when they gerrymander voting districts, they never really present a clear reason or need for their actions. FO GOP

TBH some of the changes on legislation look interesting, some appear to address the OTT pork barreling, etc. But time will tell how the campaigners use or abuse them.

I believe the main motivation was to defang whichever committee was going to go after the MAGA nutters who ignored legal subpoenas from the Jan 6 committee. They took away all the funding, forced a bunch of them to quit by changing term limits & put a hiring freeze on so that committee is now incapable of continuing.

There is an article about it somewhere but I can’t remember where I read it sorry. I know my explanation is vague but I’m paraphrasing from memory.
I believe the main motivation was to defang whichever committee was going to go after the MAGA nutters who ignored legal subpoenas from the Jan 6 committee. They took away all the funding, forced a bunch of them to quit by changing term limits & put a hiring freeze on so that committee is now incapable of continuing.

There is an article about it somewhere but I can’t remember where I read it sorry. I know my explanation is vague but I’m paraphrasing from memory.
No worries, I think most of us instinctively feel they are doing MAGA's work (inshAllah MAGA). Pretty much what Trump was doing to the FBI, intell services, and DoJ when he came into office.
I think the QGOP caucus' attempt at governing will be the lesser of the potential problems facing the next couple of years. I think a bigger danger is them getting co-opted or bought out by even worse big moneyed interests than the Federalists. The Q's have no idea how to get laws done, but I'm sure they'll take suggestions or orders from those who do, and wouldn't normally be received even by the usually craven congress rats.
Thank christ Dems have the senate.
So I've been wondering, what will happen if Santos is stripped of his office. What is the procedure for replacing him? Special election? Runner up takes it? Governor appointment?
It has been reported that it was the RNC's responsibility to vet the candidates. McCarthy has said it is up to the voters. BUT...
Whatever it turns out to be, my money is on that the GOP House leadership will demand that it is their right to appoint the replacement. I believe they will not, even before changing the ethics committee, do anything against Santos on the campaign/bio lies. No way, they didn't move against sex with minors charges, so they won't bat an eyelid over lying. It will be up to that Brazil thing or the fraud thing of impersonating to get donations.
The Republican Party will never police their own.

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So I've been wondering, what will happen if Santos is stripped of his office. What is the procedure for replacing him? Special election? Runner up takes it? Governor appointment?
It has been reported that it was the RNC's responsibility to vet the candidates. McCarthy has said it is up to the voters. BUT...
Whatever it turns out to be, my money is on that the GOP House leadership will demand that it is their right to appoint the replacement. I believe they will not, even before changing the ethics committee, do anything against Santos on the campaign/bio lies. No way, they didn't move against sex with minors charges, so they won't bat an eyelid over lying. It will be up to that Brazil thing or the fraud thing of impersonating to get donations.
The Republican Party will never police their own.
They'd have to have another election, surely. Be the same as what happens here if someone in parliament resigns/dies or whatever.
They'd have to have another election, surely. Be the same as what happens here if someone in parliament resigns/dies or whatever.
and a POTUS does not have the absolute right to nominate a SCOTUS justice in the final year of his/her term :rolleyesv1:

always remember, we are talking about the US Republican Party here. :winkv1:
and a POTUS does not have the absolute right to nominate a SCOTUS justice in the final year of his/her term :rolleyesv1:

always remember, we are talking about the US Republican Party here. :winkv1:
I didn't think it was up to the party though. It isn't here in Australia, its just how the system works. Political parties don't have byelections here just cos they are nice.
So I've been wondering, what will happen if Santos is stripped of his office. What is the procedure for replacing him? Special election? Runner up takes it? Governor appointment?
It has been reported that it was the RNC's responsibility to vet the candidates. McCarthy has said it is up to the voters. BUT...
Whatever it turns out to be, my money is on that the GOP House leadership will demand that it is their right to appoint the replacement. I believe they will not, even before changing the ethics committee, do anything against Santos on the campaign/bio lies. No way, they didn't move against sex with minors charges, so they won't bat an eyelid over lying. It will be up to that Brazil thing or the fraud thing of impersonating to get donations.
The Republican Party will never police their own.

Constitutional Provisions:
The Constitution provides for vacancies in the House of Representatives in Article I, Section 2, clause 4:
When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies.
The Constitution thus requires that all House vacancies must be filled by special election. State governors—“the Executive Authority”—are authorized to issue the orders for special elections. In contrast with the Senate, there is no constitutional provision for the appointment of interim Representatives

Senate is different - When Harris became VP, Gov Newsom (California) was able to appoint Alex Padillo to replace her in the Senate.
I didn't think it was up to the party though. It isn't here in Australia, its just how the system works. Political parties don't have byelections here just cos they are nice.
Sorry, need an emoji to soak my post in irony :smilev1:

I meant it doesn't matter what the law, the norms, or the citizenry say, the GOP are going to do what they want to do. :winkv1:

The Nassau GOP seems to want his ass out. Can they force him out I don't know. How far is he willing to go?
I do think you are correct in that a special by-election will have to take place. I also think the GOP will try something to not decrease their slim majority.
Constitutional Provisions:
The Constitution provides for vacancies in the House of Representatives in Article I, Section 2, clause 4:
When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies.
The Constitution thus requires that all House vacancies must be filled by special election. State governors—“the Executive Authority”—are authorized to issue the orders for special elections. In contrast with the Senate, there is no constitutional provision for the appointment of interim Representatives

Senate is different - When Harris became VP, Gov Newsom (California) was able to appoint Alex Padillo to replace her in the Senate.
Cheers Maggs, I'm ignorant of actual US statutes, and lazy as hell to look them up to boot. :grinv1:
"Kevin's a piece of shit. And let's just be honest about this, because he will say whatever you need to say to stay in power," said Kinzinger during Charlie Sykes' Bulwark podcast. "I'm not even saying that gratuitously to be mean to him. It's just a fact."

He also said that "House moderates have a lot of power they're not willing to use, while the Freedom Caucus —AKA "The Terror Club" — is willing to shoot hostages." These anonymous, cowering moderates? Where are they? Are there any moderates left in the Republican Party?
Adam Kinzinger On McCarthy: Kevin's A Piece Of Sh*t
So anyone remember Inflation! Gas Prices! ? Have those super-efficient and effective Republican Reps put forth their plan to get the inflation under control? Surely, since they knew they would be winning big in the midterms, that they had worked out a super duper policy to show how much better at the economy and governing they were than the weak, do-nothing Dems.
Surely the right-wing media ecosystem is calling for anti-inflation measures.

Well I guess smoking in the Capitol, banning LatinX, and dress codes for females were a priority, eh? :rolleyes:
Inflation is just an excuse by the rich to increase prices. Whilst inflation does play a part, the biggest driver of the cost of living is corporate greed.

Oil driven countries already pocket tens of billions a year in profits, yet they still jacked up prices by 50c-60c over the last couple of years. Has the biggest chain reaction impact of any price increase given the reliance of fuel for transportation of goods and supplies. I suppose someone has to help them build their palaces, mega cities and sponsor terrorist groups.

When I worked for a major retail company as manager. It was always share holders this, share holders that. Their job is only to make their investors more money, customers and their workers are secondary. Most investors are super rich people, not your regular citizen putting a little on, hoping to make something significant long term. You have to put a ridiculous amount of money in, or strike it crazy lucky with a new company to really benefit.

We had a meeting where the target goal is to make a billion in overall profit up from the like 750 million by early 20s. They fell way short as I expected, and since then they have cut the rosters, expect more work done with less man power, stopped replacing part timers, sooked to the media about a bulls**t 50,000 gap in worker shortages, so they want to be allowed to hire 13 year olds. Translation, "we want to replace everyone with child labor and cheap wage bills so we can make more money". Which jacking up prices. You might buy something for $20 and it actually cost only $4 to buy off the supplier. They are NOT losing money. Could make 750 million in total profits a year and it will still be considered bad.

Not to mention companies are using profits to buy back their stocks, so they can self control themselves. Or buying out rivals so they do not have any competition and can control the market. The rich have to much power world wide and dictate to much of the market, living costs, politics and the housing market. Why should such a small group have so much power over the majority population?

It is amazing how most people,, if they win 50 million dollars, suddenly decide it is not enough and they need 50 million more for themselves. So if they were offered another 50 million, and had the chance between sharing it with 100 poor people to change their lives for the better, or keeping it to themselves. Most would pick the latter.

As for the Republicans and Americans. Cannot believe how dumb the American conservative base is. Inflation and cost of living is a world wide problem, but somehow its only an American thing, driven by Biden. Both parties have side deals with corporate America, but Republican Senators are the worst, and most bought out group. They claim they would drain the swamp, when they ARE the swamp. Any policy made is with their own selves and sponsors in mind. Nothing to do with the general American citizen. The constant argument about blocking wage increases, because it will drive up inflation is BS. Given wages kept in line world wide for decade without causing a rise.

The amount of boot licking by their base is astonishing. So is the American obsession with defending and worshiping Billionaires. Most who had Daddys money to play with to begin with. And then buy out companies, and see their pockets fill more as their exploit workers, and feed leach off investor. Before they buy their next project, whilst pretending to be smart when it was other people doing all the thinking for them. Example, Musk did not found Tesla, he did not design or create any of their products, other people did. Yet people act like he did. Or they run a few business into the ground, like Trump did, only to have Dad pay off his hundreds in millions in bankruptcy debts. Yet somehow they are worshipped as good financial mangers. (tax dodgers)

Imagine a world where people could afford health, housing, education and less poverty? I mean the government will...
1. Have less to pay in welfare costs which right wingers always bitch about and call anyone on it feeders
2. Less to cover in medical costs as people can afford to stop themselves getting to sick. Less people will die young
3. Consumer spending is the biggest driver for the economy, imagine we all had more to spend. Businesses will do better, and government will be swimming in extra taxes
4. Poverty breeds crime, less poverty means less crime.

But nope, lets just stick to a system that has an ever increasing gap between lower income people, and higher income people. The lessening of the middle class, and push more people into the miserable poverty cycle.

Late stage capitalism. The world economy will crash very hard one day. Might be the best thing needed to happen. Republicans helped create the mess with Reagan's stupid trickle down ideology. They took an economy that was working for most, and turned it into being about the few.
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So anyone remember Inflation! Gas Prices! ? Have those super-efficient and effective Republican Reps put forth their plan to get the inflation under control? Surely, since they knew they would be winning big in the midterms, that they had worked out a super duper policy to show how much better at the economy and governing they were than the weak, do-nothing Dems.
Surely the right-wing media ecosystem is calling for anti-inflation measures.

Well I guess smoking in the Capitol, banning LatinX, and dress codes for females were a priority, eh? :rolleyes:

Two weeks away I hear.
Inflation is just an excuse by the rich to increase prices. Whilst inflation does play a part, the biggest driver of the cost of living is corporate greed.

Oil driven countries already pocket tens of billions a year in profits, yet they still jacked up prices by 50c-60c over the last couple of years. Has the biggest chain reaction impact of any price increase given the reliance of fuel for transportation of goods and supplies. I suppose someone has to help them build their palaces, mega cities and sponsor terrorist groups.

When I worked for a major retail company as manager. It was always share holders this, share holders that. Their job is only to make their investors more money, customers and their workers are secondary. Most investors are super rich people, not your regular citizen putting a little on, hoping to make something significant long term. You have to put a ridiculous amount of money in, or strike it crazy lucky with a new company to really benefit.

We had a meeting where the target goal is to make a billion in overall profit up from the like 750 million by early 20s. They fell way short as I expected, and since then they have cut the rosters, expect more work done with less man power, stopped replacing part timers, sooked to the media about a bulls**t 50,000 gap in worker shortages, so they want to be allowed to hire 13 year olds. Translation, "we want to replace everyone with child labor and cheap wage bills so we can make more money". Which jacking up prices. You might buy something for $20 and it actually cost only $4 to buy off the supplier. They are NOT losing money. Could make 750 million in total profits a year and it will still be considered bad.

Not to mention companies are using profits to buy back their stocks, so they can self control themselves. Or buying out rivals so they do not have any competition and can control the market. The rich have to much power world wide and dictate to much of the market, living costs, politics and the housing market. Why should such a small group have so much power over the majority population?

It is amazing how most people,, if they win 50 million dollars, suddenly decide it is not enough and they need 50 million more for themselves. So if they were offered another 50 million, and had the chance between sharing it with 100 poor people to change their lives for the better, or keeping it to themselves. Most would pick the latter.

As for the Republicans and Americans. Cannot believe how dumb the American conservative base is. Inflation and cost of living is a world wide problem, but somehow its only an American thing, driven by Biden. Both parties have side deals with corporate America, but Republican Senators are the worst, and most bought out group. They claim they would drain the swamp, when they ARE the swamp. Any policy made is with their own selves and sponsors in mind. Nothing to do with the general American citizen. The constant argument about blocking wage increases, because it will drive up inflation is BS. Given wages kept in line world wide for decade without causing a rise.

The amount of boot licking by their base is astonishing. So is the American obsession with defending and worshiping Billionaires. Most who had Daddys money to play with to begin with. And then buy out companies, and see their pockets fill more as their exploit workers, and feed leach off investor. Before they buy their next project, whilst pretending to be smart when it was other people doing all the thinking for them. Example, Musk did not found Tesla, he did not design or create any of their products, other people did. Yet people act like he did. Or they run a few business into the ground, like Trump did, only to have Dad pay off his hundreds in millions in bankruptcy debts. Yet somehow they are worshipped as good financial mangers. (tax dodgers)

Imagine a world where people could afford health, housing, education and less poverty? I mean the government will...
1. Have less to pay in welfare costs which right wingers always bitch about and call anyone on it feeders
2. Less to cover in medical costs as people can afford to stop themselves getting to sick. Less people will die young
3. Consumer spending is the biggest driver for the economy, imagine we all had more to spend. Businesses will do better, and government will be swimming in extra taxes
4. Poverty breeds crime, less poverty means less crime.

But nope, lets just stick to a system that has an ever increasing gap between lower income people, and higher income people. The lessening of the middle class, and push more people into the miserable poverty cycle.

Late stage capitalism. The world economy will crash very hard one day. Might be the best thing needed to happen. Republicans helped create the mess with Reagan's stupid trickle down ideology. They took an economy that was working for most, and turned it into being about the few.
Yes, well written :thumbsu:
Anyone with some econ classes can probably explain a lot of it. But the zombie mob listens to the idiot box and parrots it mindlessly. Especially before an election.
I'm pissed off at that commentary. The walking dead endlessly retweeting rightwing propaganda talking points regardless of actual validity. So when that party has the reins do they do anything. Nope, and the base 'base' don't notice that they've been fleeced yet again.
I know, I know... I'm an old man shouting at the rain, like screaming about HTB or DOB calls watching footy. ;)
But damn it riles me sometimes. :laughv1:
Yes, well written :thumbsu:
Anyone with some econ classes can probably explain a lot of it. But the zombie mob listens to the idiot box and parrots it mindlessly. Especially before an election.
I'm pissed off at that commentary. The walking dead endlessly retweeting rightwing propaganda talking points regardless of actual validity. So when that party has the reins do they do anything. Nope, and the base 'base' don't notice that they've been fleeced yet again.
I know, I know... I'm an old man shouting at the rain, like screaming about HTB or DOB calls watching footy. ;)
But damn it riles me sometimes. :laughv1:

I believe that in this context, the correct term is "the walking deadsh!ts".

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USA Mid Term elections in November

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