Very good news about the economy

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Or what part of this do you fail to understand...
A similar analysis, conducted by the US Council of Economic Advisers, but using different forecasts, and examining June quarter 2009 forecast errors, also found statistically significant relationships between fiscal stimulus and the extent to which economic outcomes exceeded forecasts

You do realise the IPA is a liberal think tank? Fool.:p

Yes, I do. The problem for you Dip is that they caught Treasury out using a dodgy graph which they have withdrawn as a response. They then selectively used countries in their replacement to achieve the same result.

If Attila the Hun said the sky is blue, well he is right ... doesnt matter the source, facts are facts. The simple facts are that Treasury has used dodgy graphs to support a position, it is politicised and compromised and its usefulness in provided anything approach even-handed or trustworthy information is dead - as currently constructed. I mean Henry is a dead man walking.
The stimulus worked. It kept australia out of recession.

No it did not. That is why per capita GDP fell. This seems beyond your comprehension.

Immigration kept Australian out of recession (if one goes by the narrow definition of GROSS GDP)

As for treasury allegedly misleading re stimulus benefits, perhaps you missed this;

Oh please. G-20 didnt work, so they went to OECD countries. Read the notes. As if taking out Euro countries and replacing them with Korea, Mexico and Turkey is somehow rational or reasonable

When the analysis is restricted to the 11 OECD members of the G-20 (the G7, Australia, Korea, Mexico and Turkey), the slope coefficient in the resulting regression is positive and statistically significant (Chart C and Table A).

For completeness, note that including Greece, Hungary, Iceland and Ireland in the regression generates a statistically insignificant slope coefficient.

It should be noted, though, this is a simple bivariate relationship. If monetary policy stimulus or some other policy that generates GDP growth is highly correlated with fiscal stimulus, we might mistakenly attribute some of the impact of the other policy to the fiscal stimulus.
Yes, I do. The problem for you Dip is that they caught Treasury out using a dodgy graph which they have withdrawn as a response. They then selectively used countries in their replacement to achieve the same result.

If Attila the Hun said the sky is blue, well he is right ... doesnt matter the source, facts are facts. The simple facts are that Treasury has used dodgy graphs to support a position, it is politicised and compromised and its usefulness in provided anything approach even-handed or trustworthy information is dead - as currently constructed. I mean Henry is a dead man walking.

No ******** the graph is not an issue. Bottom line stimulus worked and you are a stupid denier...:p
Treasury screws you.
Will you now STFU?

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Very good news about the economy

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