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On the oncogene thing. Did some reading. Doesnt seem to have been studied in depth (yet), but did find one study:

"Thus, SARS-CoV-2 is closer to oncoviruses than to non-oncoviruses. We should point out that it may take over a decade or longer for cancer to emerge post-infection Thus, increased cancer rates might be a long term consequence of COVID-19" "We next performed a 3-way merge between the interactome/GWAS neoplasm comorbidity enriched MOA proteins, the SARS-CoV-2 differentially expressed genes, and the COSMIC database oncogenes. We found 11 and 1 overlapping gene(s) from the interactome and GWAS 3-way merge, respectively. The pathway analysis on the overlapping COVID-19 differentially expressed genes and the COSMIC database indicates that viral replication and oncogenesis employ similar biochemical mechanisms. Indeed, a number of the identified pathways such as interferon-gamma signaling, immunoregulatory interactions between lymphoid and non-lymphoid cell and antigen processing-cross presentation are related to viral replication and oncogenesis"

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Lets hope not!
