What’s your weekly training schedule look like?

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Oct 17, 2022
AFL Club
West Coast
What’s your weekly training schedule look like?

Mon: long run
Tues: strength training - lower body
Wed: easy slow run
Thurs: tempo (race pace) run
Fri: strength training upper body
Sat: speed run (intervals, fartlek or hills)
Sun: rest

Currently training to improve my 10k running pace and for general strength and fitness. Don’t play any sport anymore. My strength program I drew up with my physio to compliment my running. I use an awesome app called Runna for my running plan.
Day 1: Trap Bar 6 sets, OHP 4 sets
Day 2: Spin bike, 3-4 sets curls and band pulls
Day 3: Floor Press 4 sets, Incline DB Bench 3 sets, Lying Leg Raises, 25-50 reps
Day 4: Spin bike, 3-4 sets curls and band pulls
Day 5: Zercher squat 4 sets, DB Bench 3-4 sets, BB Row 3 sets
Day 6: Spin bike
Day 7: Rest

Sometimes I throw in DB Rows and extra ab work but that's about it these days.

It's pretty minimalist, I guess. I count trap bar as "leg" so I still get my minimum 10 sets of leg work in a week but if I had more time I'd probably just do a FSL/SSL Zercher 5 sets so I'd be getting 9 Zercher sets plus the trap bar sets (maybe reduced to 4) which I do feel in the legs. My starting position is different to conventional dead.

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Monday am - lighter bench press session
Monday pm - run, ride, swim, skate or life admin
Tuesday am - heavy squats & deads
Tuesday pm - run, ride, swim, skate or life admin
Wednesday am - kayak
Wednesday pm - kayak
Thursday am - heavier bench press session
Thursday pm - run, ride, swim, skate or occasionally I get roped into playing indoor volleyball
Friday am - sleep in atm
Friday pm - swim
Saturday am - lighter squat/deadlift session
Saturday pm - hike, kayak, run, ride, swim or skate
Sunday am - hike, kayak, run, ride, swim or skate.

Basically all my weight training days are set and the rest of the time I picked something based on energy, mood, weather and what I’ve got on.
Do the double kayak on Wednesday as it takes a while to get everything & get it on the roof etc so logistically it’s easier that way. Just means I’m normally jumping into wet gear in the evening which kinda sucks but is also what happens if I go camping out of it.
10-15 minutes breathing exercises(Wim Hoff method) every morning on waking, followed by 20 minutes of stretching/strengthening routine.

Hot/Bikram Yoga 3 times per week for 90 minutes early morning fasted.

Hot High Intensity Pilates 3 times per week 60 minutes early morning fasted.

I ride my bicycle to the Yoga classes, 15-20 minute ride each way which includes a couple of pretty steep hills.

1-2 hour brisk walk 5-6 days per week, usually directly after my first meal(Carnivore) around 10am.
at the moment:
Monday: Push day, bike to and from work (20min each way)
Tuesday: Pull, 45min walk
Wednesday: Legs, 45 min walk
Thursday: Push, bike to and from work
Friday: Pull, walk to and from work (50min each way)
Saturday: Legs, 45min run
Sun: 2 x 45 min walk

been doing this the past couple of months, changes slightly depending how i feel, might chuck in an extra run or walk instead of bike or whatever, but that's basically it.

before that i was only doing weights 3 or 4 times a week and running 4 or 5 times a week and wasn't walking.

going to continue as i am for another month or 2 then will change things up a bit
20-30 min walk per day.
Basketball Thursday
Soccer training Tuesday, game Saturday.

Push Monday/Friday
Pull Tuesday/Thursday
Legs Sunday/Wednesday

Skip the odd Push/Pull or soccer training if I CBF. Soccer training has become the optional basket rather than compulsory this year so less cardio lately
Monday: legs
Tuesday: Upper (chest focus)
Wednesday: cycling to work
Thursday: back
Friday: upper (shoulders focus) and cycling to work

Saturday - extra cardio.

Was running on Monday afternoons for recovery but the new leg routine kills me
What’s your weekly training schedule look like?

Mon: long run
Tues: strength training - lower body
Wed: easy slow run
Thurs: tempo (race pace) run
Fri: strength training upper body
Sat: speed run (intervals, fartlek or hills)
Sun: rest

Currently training to improve my 10k running pace and for general strength and fitness. Don’t play any sport anymore. My strength program I drew up with my physio to compliment my running. I use an awesome app called Runna for my running plan.

You need to switch the Long Run and Speed day around. You're more likely to build up CNS and peripheral muscle fatigue with that session. You're compounding it with the LB strength workout the following day. The long run day before LB strength will also compromise that strength workout.

Otherwise it looks great!
You need to switch the Long Run and Speed day around. You're more likely to build up CNS and peripheral muscle fatigue with that session. You're compounding it with the LB strength workout the following day. The long run day before LB strength will also compromise that strength workout.

Otherwise it looks great!
I've swapped my upper and lower body workouts around this week. The Runna app I use is suggesting that. I like doing my long runs on Monday. Did a PB 10k last night and feeling really good.

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I've swapped my upper and lower body workouts around this week. The Runna app I use is suggesting that. I like doing my long runs on Monday. Did a PB 10k last night and feeling really good.

Your strength workouts were on the right days, so it's weird that the app suggested you swap it.
I have sometimes thought that instead of going 6 days a week I'd actually be better off just doing PPL rest PPL rest.

Or even something like push, pull, leg, upper, lower for 5 days a week.

Then again I'm one of those weirdos that just likes going and I generally recover pretty well.

At the end of the day you’re most likely to make progress doing what you enjoy (within reason ofc lol)
I have sometimes thought that instead of going 6 days a week I'd actually be better off just doing PPL rest PPL rest.

Or even something like push, pull, leg, upper, lower for 5 days a week.

Then again I'm one of those weirdos that just likes going and I generally recover pretty well.

You don't need to follow the standard 7-days of the week cycle. See how an 8-day cycle works. That extra day off could be a game changer.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday class at 6am, boxing circuit. 2 x min rounds after a warmup and then we partner up and do a set combo for each round with one round in the ring with the trainer for pad work. Sometimes do sets of burpees, spider crawls, medicine ball shit, all sorts of different stuff, keeps you interested (and knackered!)
I've been training towards a half marathon but the time commitment around work and fatigue wise its been unsustainable to run 4 times a week. So I've cut down to running 3 times a week and hitting the weights twice a week. One long run, one easy run and one tempo/speed run and two upper body weights sessions mixed in with recovery rehab. My legs are getting ripped from running alone. Running plan has changed to speeding up my 5k time to under 25 minutes. Once I achieve this I'll re-evaluate. Maybe train towards the City to Surf 12k.
I've been training towards a half marathon but the time commitment around work and fatigue wise its been unsustainable to run 4 times a week. So I've cut down to running 3 times a week and hitting the weights twice a week. One long run, one easy run and one tempo/speed run and two upper body weights sessions mixed in with recovery rehab. My legs are getting ripped from running alone. Running plan has changed to speeding up my 5k time to under 25 minutes. Once I achieve this I'll re-evaluate. Maybe train towards the City to Surf 12k.

Sydney Harbour 5km or 10km on Sun 28 July is a worthwhile goal. Flat and Fast courses. You've got 10 weeks to work towards it. Fact that it's a couple of weeks before C2S makes it a great lead-in.

Not merely chugging my own chain, but I ran the 5km event a few years back in 18 mins. Top 15 I think. Had a 13 yr old girl freak with her well-renowned coach running me down in the final km which spurred me on too. There were no females ahead of me, and I wasn't going to let a teen be the one.

I really honed in on it with my training. The speed/interval workouts at the local oval I'd put together were intense. I used my old Garmin brick to dial in my HR zones, made sure I was in zone 4 for those runs and just below anaerobic threshold on every rep, and built up to running 3:1, or 4:1 w:r intervals. To run a good time in a 5 or 10km, you do need the endurance obviously, but you need to be comfortable holding near the redline for a decent length of time.

And a tip, I never ran a 5-10km for time in my training. Seems like some of these apps folks are using are getting folks to long run or tempo run like it's a time trial. Not surprised to see folks burn out when they're attempting to run a 10k race each week.
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Sydney Harbour 5km or 10km on Sun 28 July is a worthwhile goal. Flat and Fast courses. You've got 10 weeks to work towards it. Fact that it's a couple of weeks before C2S makes it a great lead-in.

Not merely chugging my own chain, but I ran the 5km event a few years back in 18 mins. Top 15 I think. Had a 13 yr old girl freak with her well-renowned coach running me down in the final km which spurred me on too. There were no females ahead of me, and I wasn't going to let a teen be the one.

I really honed in on it with my training. The speed/interval workouts at the local oval I'd put together were intense. I used my old Garmin brick to dial in my HR zones, made sure I was in zone 4 for those runs and just below anaerobic threshold on every rep, and built up to running 3:1, or 4:1 w:r intervals. To run a good time in a 5 or 10km, you do need the endurance obviously, but you need to be comfortable holding near the redline for a decent length of time.

And a tip, I never ran a 5-10km for time in my training. Seems like some of these apps folks are using are getting folks to long run or tempo run like it's a time trial. Not surprised to see folks burn out when they're attempting to run a 10k race each week.
I'm in Perth - City to Surf here is in August. 12km is on a very hilly course.

The long and easy runs with the runna app are meant to be done well under tempo pace. Easy runs at zone 2. Building a baseline of aerobic endurance. Long runs most under tempo with maybe some at tempo. I did a 5.5km easy run last night at 7:15 pace and felt nice and fresh at the end. Its a real battle not letting the ego take over to try and keep up with the folk who run/walk past you. :drunk:
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CrossFit 6 days a week. I also have a home gym to do accessory work a couple of times a week. I also use an app called Pliability most days to work on my mobility/flexibility.

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What’s your weekly training schedule look like?

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