Rumour white line fever

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Standing on the shoulders of Giants….
Jul 28, 2021
During my ‘enforced’ 24 hour absence after ‘alluding‘ to a cocaine affiliation - I checked my source - not on this player - but with regard to the AFL as a whole.

While I can’t ‘name names‘ or detail incidents, I found what my source said to be a little surprising, more so because of how it reflects on clubs and the AFL administration.

My source is an ex-VICPOL member, senior enough to be across who’s being watched, who’s been ‘noticed’…and where the moths are gathering.

1- He confirmed outright, that the Columbian dandruff’ is by far the most used/abused substance in the AFL…far outstripping ‘exotics’ and alcohol.

2 - He confirmed the recent absence of a Vic based AFL player was because of ‘family connections of middle eastern origin ’ distracting his return.

3- He confirmed that this ‘source’ in salubrious inner MELBOURNE is known to have several AFL ‘entities’ as customers.

So this raises several questions -

- How are these players NOT being detected…..I would note there have been Zero illicit substance detections confirmed by the AFL for sometime.

- If this issue is as widely known as my source implied, why aren’t the media pursuing these stories harder? Killing the Golden Goose perhaps?

I think we need to accept the stuff is here to stay, everyone who is anyone is hoovering the stuff, it’ll definitely impact on betting…but at this time we haven’t had an Umpire exposed as being involved in a ‘fix’.

Hate to say it but having dealt with these issues in another ‘space’…I know it’s only a matter of time.

Ask my source , he’ll tell you it has already.

Umps are sex maniacs too. 😉
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PS - There are certain details I could expand on, but I don’t think they’d add to the info - except ID the player , the suspect ump and other affiliates.

It’d just create legal issues. Sorry, but there it is.
Media won't report it because they are all on it too and hoping to be one of the boys ala Damien Barrett

Also the whole drugs are bad war on drugs thing is starting to feel so last century as more people wake up to the fact adults should be allowed to put whatever they want in their own bodies so long as they aren't hurting anyone else

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The clubs aren't alerted until the third strike at the moment, only way it gets out is if they are caught in the act
Media won't report it because they are all on it too and hoping to be one of the boys ala Damien Barrett

Also the whole drugs are bad war on drugs thing is starting to feel so last century as more people wake up to the fact adults should be allowed to put whatever they want in their own bodies so long as they aren't hurting anyone else

For the most part I agree - the ‘illegality’ creates victims, mountains of working hours and ‘leverage’…ask the Ump

However, you can’t have drug fkd people driving, flying, policing, caring etc

So enforce compulsory testing everywhere…but only those who could ‘screw up’ are ‘removed’ from their position, until they straighten up.

It’s how we handle it in some areas already
Why did I post this
I’m just surprised this is newsworthy. The more salacious parts of this sure but how are people still shocked by this?

I don’t think people are shocked or even care about the ‘hobby’.

What irked me, is that both the AFL and Media are party boys to this - but one Paramedic gets caught with a joint…and it’s headlines.

It’s the deceit I can’t hack.

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Who mentioned anyone being shocked

If I named the player, the ump and the ‘family’…people would go ‘gee wizz’…...but Chief and I wouldn’t sleep well.

Best left ‘off radar’. Just accept these grubs have them all by the balls.
Who cares!

I think quite a few, when the very real possibility of corrupt umpiring or ‘chucking games’ is an obvious outcome of half the AFL being ‘on the gear’.

But I guess that takes a tiny bit of imagination to work it through.
I would be surprised if players tested positive on match day. If that was ever going to happen someone like Ben Cousins who was spiralling from recreational user to dependent user would have been nabbed.

It is not at all surprising that large swathes of young, fit men with ridiculous amounts of disposable income are partaking in ❄️ because:

It's an elite, expensive drug so it makes them feel superior
It doesn't affect their skin folds or have calories like beers
It doesn't stay in the body very long so you can use it recreationally and clear a urine sample within a couple of days

I'm not sure there's a story here. The majority of recreational users would be smart enough to understand what is being tested when and what windows of opportunity there are to use in their off time without affecting their footy performance.
I won't name names again, but previously posted that I was told by an ex-player that his coach and captain supplied him with all sorts of drugs during his playing days. Captain said he had to take pills on his first end-of-season trip otherwise he wasn't one of the boys.
It would be rare to find anyone associated with the AFL that is not a regular user of coke - players, coaches, journos, CEOS.
During my ‘enforced’ 24 hour absence after ‘alluding‘ to a cocaine affiliation - I checked my source - not on this player - but with regard to the AFL as a whole.

While I can’t ‘name names‘ or detail incidents, I found what my source said to be a little surprising, more so because of how it reflects on clubs and the AFL administration.

My source is an ex-VICPOL member, senior enough to be across who’s being watched, who’s been ‘noticed’…and where the moths are gathering.

1- He confirmed outright, that the Columbian dandruff’ is by far the most used/abused substance in the AFL…far outstripping ‘exotics’ and alcohol.

2 - He confirmed the recent absence of a Vic based AFL player was because of ‘family connections of middle eastern origin ’ distracting his return.

3- He confirmed that this ‘source’ in salubrious inner MELBOURNE is known to have several AFL ‘entities’ as customers.

So this raises several questions -

- How are these players NOT being detected…..I would note there have been Zero illicit substance detections confirmed by the AFL for sometime.

- If this issue is as widely known as my source implied, why aren’t the media pursuing these stories harder? Killing the Golden Goose perhaps?

I think we need to accept the stuff is here to stay, everyone who is anyone is hoovering the stuff, it’ll definitely impact on betting…but at this time we haven’t had an Umpire exposed as being involved in a ‘fix’.

Hate to say it but having dealt with these issues in another ‘space’…I know it’s only a matter of time.

Ask my source , he’ll tell you it has already.

Umps are sex maniacs too. 😉
Who cares ? Cops and boomers, that’s who. All types of people in society do it.
Young men who are made to feel invincible and have bulk cash like bags? How is that news to anyone?

Agree, and I think it’d be naïve to believe it’d be limited to just the AFL.

Plenty of sportsmen fit your description perfectly and can have periods between games/meets/tournaments.
Tennis anyone?

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Rumour white line fever

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