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Why do you think you're deserving of a serious response when you can't even get the basics right?

You say sky daddy when we don't believe God is in the sky or in any direction for that matter and reject fatherhood for God. Literally the basics. You call the Qur'an and Hadith "poorly written" as if you're an Arabic linguist when it's by consensus the highest level of eloquence even by the enemies of the Prophet peace be upon him. You don't even know the language to be calling anything poorly written. You quote random English statements with no knowledge of who the author of the English work is or what their credentials are.

You're a waste of time to provide a proper response to. I swear some of you westerners think you're worth our time because you value yourself more than your actual value when you can't even differentiate between proper evidence.

I don't engage with people that don't know their level of knowledge. You'll go make a fool of yourselves and I'll do something productive with my time.

Your pearl-clutching, ignorant and emotional rants has no place in an intellectual debate. You can pat yourself on the back all you like. In reality you're just a laughing stock.

Don't bother quoting me because I'm not reading or responding to anything else you have to say.
