Current Wiembilla Shootings * Coronial Inquiry

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Agreed. To send 4 officers there for a missing persons inquiry seems a bit sus

That's why I'm leaning towards some sort of set up. Like some sort of compelling tip from them that made QLD police send 4 officers to attend specifically so they could ambush them

Yes, my first thought was that they must have been crims hiding out or growing drugs, but there has been no mention of that.
No, I'm not blaming the victims, that's just silly. I'm simply saying that if the people were considered worthy of four Police to visit then maybe there was some reason. Something we aren't being told.
Michael Smith gets in early after spreading his propaganda.
Surely the Australian authorities have offensive digital weaponry to take down Smith's site and keep it offline.

Wouldn't even call it a news site.
More like a spews site.
This is a great post, bang on I think. Some of these people also went on to get covid and unvaccinated, got it hard. I've met a couple of them, instead of taking the approach that they might have been wrong, have doubled down again.

They've become more extreme in their views.
Would they have got tested if they didn't believe in it?

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So what was Train doing? Trying to prove himself right about something after being so wrong? Forcing the police in to a position where there was absolutely no other option available but to shoot him?

He also posted about his mistrust for authorities, including comments critical of the Queensland Special Emergency Response Team (Sert), which ultimately arrived at the property and is understood to have shot him.

“If you are a conservative, anti-vaxx [sic], freedom lover, protester, common law, conspiracy talker, alternative news, independent critical thinker, truther, Christian, patriot etc etc expect a visit from these hammers,” he said.

I don't think saying that Scott Morrison didn't call out anti-vaxers in his own party, like George Christianson, is irrelevant to the story.
The dad wrote 4 books on theology lol.
God knows what crap the Train kids were indoctrinated with in their youth, that left them more susceptible to any number of BS Conspiracy theories, and irrational or unscientific/illogical approaches to issues that require rational and logical common sense approaches.
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I don't think saying that Scott Morrison didn't call out anti-vaxers in his own party, like George Christianson, is irrelevant to the story.
Not to forget how the Morrison's in some way gave cred to Aussie Q-Anon conspiracy players, like Tim Stewart.

'Tim Stewart and Scott Morrison go back a long way — 30 years to be exact. The two met at their local Baptist church in Sydney’s Maroubra, with the men’s wives (Jenny and Lynelle) becoming best mates.

The two couples remained close.'

Screenshot 2022-12-13 at 7.32.31 pm.png
Agreed. To send 4 officers there for a missing persons inquiry seems a bit sus

That's why I'm leaning towards some sort of set up. Like some sort of compelling tip from them that made QLD police send 4 officers to attend specifically so they could ambush them
Perhaps Nathan was aware of the missing persons report and then used that to their advantage, or was involved in the making of it
Michael Smith gets in early after spreading his propaganda.

Grifters like Smith need to be having a good hard look at themselves and the role they've played. They've built themselves a profile by stoking the flames under susceptible people through COVID, and its resulted in marginalised but amplified voices. The voices are marginalised in wider society, but amplified among themselves so they are both getting and giving validation.

Their tropes are so predictable and so very pathetic. Freedoms! Mandates! Fake news! Election fraud! Freemasons! Paedophiles! Big Pharma! Deep State! Cabal! New World Order! World Economic Forum! Soros! Gates!

Meanwhile the grifters sit back and watch the money flow in from the suckers they enticed into the rabbit holes. Its the suckers who lose their jobs, their families, their friends, their homes. Or in this case, their lives, and they took another 3 victims with them.
Surely this public 19 Sep 2020 post would have put Gareth Train on a watch list that would have come up before QPS visited his property?

Interesting that at the below site, since I screenshot and posted Gareth Train's 'Exactly right' post in here, nearly all of his posts on that page have had the text in the posts replaced with 'Comment has been removed by moderator'.

However the controversial below 'Exactly right' 19 September 2020 at 04:35 PM post has been completely removed, and there is not even the 'Comment has been removed by moderator', Gareth's name, or a timestamp left to show that he replied to Old Codger's 'Wait until' post which is all still there.

'Old Codger said...
Wait until these 'new police powers' say it is OK for a cop to empty his assault rifle into a crowd, simply because he THOUGHT they may attack him.
Reply Saturday, 19 September 2020 at 01:32 PM']

'Gareth Train said in reply to Old Codger...
Exactly right... Everyone has the God given right to defend themselves against all and any aggressors and oppressors!
Reply Saturday, 19 September 2020 at 04:35 PM'

View attachment 1572608

Irony is those sort of sites complain about the "MSM covering things up", and they are now all racing to delete the posts by Gareth Train and scrub his history from their site
Grifters like Smith need to be having a good hard look at themselves and the role they've played. They've built themselves a profile by stoking the flames under susceptible people through COVID, and its resulted in marginalised but amplified voices. The voices are marginalised in wider society, but amplified among themselves so they are both getting and giving validation.

Their tropes are so predictable and so very pathetic. Freedoms! Mandates! Fake news! Election fraud! Freemasons! Paedophiles! Big Pharma! Deep State! Cabal! New World Order! World Economic Forum! Soros! Gates!

Meanwhile the grifters sit back and watch the money flow in from the suckers they enticed into the rabbit holes. Its the suckers who lose their jobs, their families, their friends, their homes. Or in this case, their lives, and they took another 3 victims with them.
The police should tru suing him.
I kind of find it odd that four Police officers had to go out to ask if he had seen his brother. Maybe a phone call would have been a good idea?

If they were concerned about "trouble" when they visited, maybe they should have been a little more careful. Apparently all four jumped over the fence and walked down the driveway.

I hear you about the conspiracy theorist/anti vax/cop hating, but there seems to be more to it than that.

Were they kitted up and armed just on the odd chance a Police posse happened to come calling? Seems unlikely.

Someone mentioned earlier that perhaps they knew of Gareth Train already and that he might be a difficult person for two officers alone.

Not necessarily deadly, but belligerent or a ‘normal’ assault level violent.

If they suspected anything close to this level they’d have sent Special Operations in from the get-go.
Grifters like Smith need to be having a good hard look at themselves and the role they've played. They've built themselves a profile by stoking the flames under susceptible people through COVID, and its resulted in marginalised but amplified voices. The voices are marginalised in wider society, but amplified among themselves so they are both getting and giving validation.

Their tropes are so predictable and so very pathetic. Freedoms! Mandates! Fake news! Election fraud! Freemasons! Paedophiles! Big Pharma! Deep State! Cabal! New World Order! World Economic Forum! Soros! Gates!

Meanwhile the grifters sit back and watch the money flow in from the suckers they enticed into the rabbit holes. Its the suckers who lose their jobs, their families, their friends, their homes. Or in this case, their lives, and they took another 3 victims with them.
They are ****ing scum.

Much worse than the end product they create, because those folk are unfortunately mentally weak.

The scumbag grifters exploit this for their own ends without regard for anyone else.

Would not piss on them if they were on fire.

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Someone mentioned earlier that perhaps they knew of Gareth Train already and that he might be a difficult person for two officers alone.

Not necessarily deadly, but belligerent or a ‘normal’ assault level violent.

If they suspected anything close to this level they’d have sent Special Operations in from the get-go.

Sure, but why would he be difficult about Police wanting to ask if he knew his brother's whereabouts?

OK, let's say the Police knew the brother was living there (even though I read that the place had been empty up until a short while ago), so were they expecting to find two difficult people? Were they intending to question them about something and potentially arrest one or both about another matter (that is, something other than the missing person's report)?

There has to be some reason they were expecting the Police and were ready for them. I'm thinking that they had been tipped off that the Police were coming.

I guess we will find out in due course. Or not.
Pure speculation, but could Nathaniel have been an anti-vaxxer who lost his job because of his stance so threw in his lot with his brother?

Standing his ground on vaccination while his brother is filling his head with s**t.
Nathaniel's brother's wife is reported to have left a job in 2021 over a refusal to get vaccinated.
Probably an education related job. But could have been a different type of job, or a 2nd/3rd source of income job.

'Where it all went wrong for three members of a Christian family'
'December 13, 2022 - 8:37PM'

'A former colleague of Stacey’s claimed she left her job in 2021 over a refusal to get vaccinated.'
No one was forced to get vaxed. You're argument is ridiculous. Vaccination was required in certain jobs to save people's lives.

Vaccination was required in industries that employed 75% of WA's working population.

Despite what the altruistic mining companies told eveyone, it was mandated in the mining industry not to save lives but to make sure production didn't stop.
Vaccination was required in industries that employed 75% of WA's working population.

Despite what the altruistic mining companies told eveyone, it was mandated in the mining industry not to save lives but to make sure production didn't stop.
Good.The problem here is right wing extremism .
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Sure, but why would he be difficult about Police wanting to ask if he knew his brother's whereabouts?

OK, let's say the Police knew the brother was living there (even though I read that the place had been empty up until a short while ago), so were they expecting to find two difficult people? Were they intending to question them about something and potentially arrest one or both about another matter (that is, something other than the missing person's report)?

There has to be some reason they were expecting the Police and were ready for them. I'm thinking that they had been tipped off that the Police were coming.

I guess we will find out in due course. Or not.

To expand on what you're saying.. Police were there for a missing person enquiry only. So we've heard to date anyway.

However have the brothers done something more sinister over the past day/week/month/whatever to anticipate the police were there for more than a missing person enquiry, and actually wanted to arrest them for whatever that sinister act might be? So they're going down fighting thinking the police are onto them.

The alternative of them deliberately coaxing them to the property, waiting and ambushing random officers that turn up seems so far fetched from what we see in Australia. It's mind boggling. I know police have died while on duty but when was the last time here to in Oz that they were specifically targeted in a premeditated nature? Decades?

Also with the 4 officers arriving, they were from 2 different stations/towns. Whats protocol with newer officers? Do they provide backup until they find their feet a little across a broad range of callouts? Or are they just thrown in the deep end?
There has to be some reason they were expecting the Police and were ready for them. I'm thinking that they had been tipped off that the Police were coming.

I guess we will find out in due course. Or not.
Probably not (find out in due course), if someone tipped them off.
However have the brothers done something more sinister over the past day/week/month/whatever to anticipate the police were there for more than a missing person enquiry, and actually wanted to arrest them for whatever that sinister act might be? So they're going down fighting thinking the police are onto them.
Might be nothing more than illegal weapons for them and possibly others.

Or maybe some illicit drug manufacturing or storage to finance their weapons purchases.

I wonder what substances will show up in their blood from toxicology tests that I assume would occur in cases like this.
And if the results of them will be publicly revealed?
Many news agencies reporting the Police were lured. But like news agencies no evidence to support that. So was it a setup which mean't these guys were camo'd and armed ready to shoot. Or was it a case they saw the Police arrive out the front and then reacted accordingly. If they were living off the grid and conspiracy believers they would have no land line, possibly no mobile phone but I'm leaning towards Gareth received calls from the Police but did not respond. Not sure it will ever come out with them all dead now.?
If they had scanners they would've been well forewarned that police were on the way.
They probably sat there waiting and praying.

Feel sad for the people who got murdered but I'm glad those lunatics got hunted down in the bush,in the middle of nowhere and shot like rabid dogs.
Some of the shit the media is reported certainly has holes in it and isn't a true factual account of events one must assume.

Having a front gate locked rules out a premeditated trap, which one wonders why they were prepared for the police to enter the property.

"Witnesses" report seeing the two slain officers being executed in cold blood by people in warfare camo and taking their guns. One can only assume this is one or both of the two surviving officers, but by then it would be assumed that the female officer had fled into the bushes and her male partner has fled in their police car, leaving his partner stranded, yet some reports are that they were both in the bush somewhere.

And no shots fired by the surviving police officers during this time just watching on?

And you wonder why conspiracy theorists run rampant.

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Current Wiembilla Shootings * Coronial Inquiry

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