Wikileaks founder and good North man Julian Assange

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You're not paying attention. Please listen to what I am trying to tell you because you are continuously getting your facts wrong and I have been over this multiple times now.

The July 2010 "insurance file" was not the unredacted cables.csv file. To-date, the July 2010 insurance file has never been (publicly?) decrypted.

Which is why I said that it wasn't the insurance file in my previous post.

If you think I am lying about any of this, then either look it up yourself or ask The Warlord who was a working journalist at the time and knows that I am correct.
It has been decrypted.

But you may be right. I sent a message to someone who'd know and they told me the password to that insurance file was released by Dom Shite so it must be Daniel Domscheit-Berg who was writing a book about Assange while Leigh/Harding were competing with him to get their book out.

There was a mirror to the server with the data that was protected by Leigh/Harding's* password tho and it had been set up in response to attacks on wikileaks by unknown hackers. I dunno whether that mirror was up before or after their book was released.

All of this is irrelevent anyway because before Wikileaks released the unredacted cables on torrent they were released in full on Cryptome, which was what Blackcat was referring to way upthread.

So there are multiple ways that the Cablegate files were released before the Wikileaks torrent dump.

*Assange must have got him involved while he was a North member in the early 00s.
It has been decrypted.

I am 99.99% certain this is not true, but I'm willing to admit I'm wrong if you can link me to a source showing a WikiLeaks insurance file has been decrypted/opened/hacked/whatever.

But you may be right. I sent a message to someone who'd know and they told me the password to that insurance file was released by Dom Shite so it must be Daniel Domscheit-Berg who was writing a book about Assange while Leigh/Harding were competing with him to get their book out.

Ahhhh okay I think I know where you're getting tripped up now.

After Wikileaks published (accidentally? deliberately?) the encrypted unredacted file as part of their website mirror torrent, they went into a big damage-control mode. The stuff you're describing now is all part of their post-publication response, but a lot of it was later amended/redacted.

There was a mirror to the server with the data that was protected by Leigh/Harding's* password tho and it had been set up in response to attacks on wikileaks by unknown hackers. I dunno whether that mirror was up before or after their book was released.

What you're describing here is exactly what I outlined in my timeline on the previous page.

All of this is irrelevent anyway because before Wikileaks released the unredacted cables on torrent they were released in full on Cryptome, which was what Blackcat was referring to way upthread.

This isn't quite accurate.

The unredacted cables were published on Cryptome the day before Wikileaks formally published them, but those cables were only obtained by Cryptome from the Wikileaks mirror torrents. So it was still 'Wikileaks' that released them.

So there are multiple ways that the Cablegate files were released before the Wikileaks torrent dump.

Nah, this isn't accurate.
BTW Manafort, who is a long time US spook, involved in decades worth of susness from Angola to Ukraine, was charged over money laundering and shonky business deals, regular white collar crime of the sort that happens every second of every day in the US.

He was also charged over his involvement with the government of Ukraine in the years before Maidan, not over actual events to do with Russian interference in the election.

The charges against Mr. Manafort and Mr. Gates center on a series of criminal allegations related to their lobbying for a pro-Russia government of Ukraine, not to Mr. Trump or the campaign. It is widely believed that Mr. Mueller is hoping to pressure Mr. Manafort into providing information about the central subject of his investigation.

Anyway there was a thread we could discuss that stuff in but it was locked because Senator Chad McCarthy made it dysfunctional.
I think he was being bent over would be more accurate.

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But even if you are correct on the finer points of which files were encrypted and which weren't Chadwiko it doesn't negate any of ferball wider points re the vile hypocrisy of US whining about "election interference" given what they do and have done around the world for decades.

Nor does it change the point that the worst election interference in the 2016 and 2020 votes didn't come from Russia, but internal US political machinations themselves.

The catch all Russian interference/disinformation ... New Caledonia ffs ... boogeyman is tired and worn out, given there was stuff all there in the first place.

FWIW the Russians DO engage in pretty serious interference in some democratic processes. The Brexit vote had waaaaaay more Russian dodginess than the US ever did.
I'm a simple person. It is the US's job to prevent interference from - last I checked - their single greatest adversary in their entire history. Whinging about Assange has always seemed extremely shallow to me given their entire system is full of money, exploitation and manipulation at all levels. Frankly, them acting as if some independent journo in lockup upset their system enough shows they are lying through their teeth or their system is a joke to start with.

Worth noting as well that I - and I suspect many - aren't interested in the legal shenanigans around journalistic process for obtaining information. The public interest is in the accuracy of the information, how it was obtained is largely irrelevant to the general public. We care about murder's being committed and having institutional cover a lot more than the conventions of journalism.
Even the PERCEPTIONS created by this stuff are horrific, let alone the actual implications if it is true.

Again, the US political system is responsible for far worse anti democratic election interference than the Russians.

And wheeling out the rUsSiAn dIsInFoRmAtIoN line at every opportunity is classic boy crying wolf stuff.
I'm a simple person. It is the US's job to prevent interference from - last I checked - their single greatest adversary in their entire history.

Its worth checking that imo.

The US was allied with the Soviet Union in WW2.

They've never fought a direct hot war against Russia in any of its Tsarist/Soviet/post Soviet forms - they've been allied a lot and done lots of major business like the Alaska Purchase.

The US fought two major hot wars against Britain, and Britain openly armed and supplied the Confederate states.

Even this millennium, the US worked very closely with Russia after 9/11 to go after Al Qaeda and the Taliban.

Yes, the US has a responsibility to prevent interference and there IS a foreign power that openly interferes in the US electoral process, and brags about it - Israel.

But ahhh, hmmmm, they won't go there.

Russiagate was most a psychological reaction from Democrats that their anointed First Woman Prtesident, coming after the First Black President, lost to vulgarian game show host.

Whinging about Assange has always seemed extremely shallow to me given their entire system is full of money, exploitation and manipulation at all levels. Frankly, them acting as if some independent journo in lockup upset their system enough shows they are lying through their teeth or their system is a joke to start with.

Worth noting as well that I - and I suspect many - aren't interested in the legal shenanigans around journalistic process for obtaining information.

You'd be surprised. The phone hacking scandal was enormous and defined British politics for years.

The public interest is in the accuracy of the information, how it was obtained is largely irrelevant to the general public. We care about murder's being committed and having institutional cover a lot more than the conventions of journalism.

See above.
Its worth checking that imo.

The US was allied with the Soviet Union in WW2.

They've never fought a direct hot war against Russia in any of its Tsarist/Soviet/post Soviet forms - they've been allied a lot and done lots of major business like the Alaska Purchase.

The US fought two major hot wars against Britain, and Britain openly armed and supplied the Confederate states.

Even this millennium, the US worked very closely with Russia after 9/11 to go after Al Qaeda and the Taliban.

Yes, the US has a responsibility to prevent interference and there IS a foreign power that openly interferes in the US electoral process, and brags about it - Israel.

But ahhh, hmmmm, they won't go there.

Russiagate was most a psychological reaction from Democrats that their anointed First Woman Prtesident, coming after the First Black President, lost to vulgarian game show host.

You'd be surprised. The phone hacking scandal was enormous and defined British politics for years.

See above.
Aware of all that Russia history, perhaps more accurate to state their avowed great enemy although IMO four odd decades on the brink of nuclear annihilation isn't anything worth downplaying. The terminology was Cold War for a very good reason. Either way, point remains, politically Russia is treated as a huge enemy of the US - it is their responsibility to have a system strong enough to prevent interference. Pinning it on a convenient bad actor is laughable.
Aware of all that Russia history, perhaps more accurate to state their avowed great enemy although IMO four odd decades on the brink of nuclear annihilation isn't anything worth downplaying. The terminology was Cold War for a very good reason. Either way, point remains, politically Russia is treated as a huge enemy of the US - it is their responsibility to have a system strong enough to prevent interference. Pinning it on a convenient bad actor is laughable.

Yeah agree here.

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Wikileaks founder and good North man Julian Assange

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