Usage for hash tag: BobCarolTed&Alice

  1. Grand Uncle Horace

    Media Serial Stats: S30 Top 20 Sweet FA Gatecrashers | End of Season Rankings: #1 Revealed!

    Meh. Just assure DemonGymkhana he really came 2nd. That is what he has been committed to over a long time in the game. He is a generous and loving soul but coming 4th is TDC #BobCarolTed&Alice territory and Jim is a traditional missionary sort of bloke.
  2. Grand Uncle Horace

    Official Match Thread Season 30 Round 9: West Coast Wonders vs Roys FFC at The Colosseum

    So in summary fitzroybowiedog has gone all demure, Mobbs needs an upgrade from his old Wang and Foxpro and #BobCarolTed&Alice cannot crack it for emergencies. Have I got this right? woops: Mobbs
  3. Grand Uncle Horace

    Competition S30 Post of The Year - Round 7 Voting

    You could raffle the synapse in Couchee's post. I don't get the gang up mentality on #BobCarolTed&Alice I voted for Genghis, tho tony was again impressive.
  4. Grand Uncle Horace

    Media WIGMEDIA: Whooooo are you? Who? Who? Who? Who? I wanna know

    There is four of you after all... #BobCarolTed&Alice
  5. Grand Uncle Horace

    Media S28 Rising Stars

    Amongst the storied intake of S.28 rookies stands the paragon of Beandip From Game 1 he set the benchmark for every Rookie. His Herculean efforts from then almost got the Roy's into the Finals. We echo the comments from Mobbs and #BobCarolTed&Alice
  6. Grand Uncle Horace

    Official Match Thread Season 28 Round 16 - Roys FFC vs Gumbies FFC at Brunswick Junction Oval

    I do not want a shoot-out. I want a double shot of bourbon. That nice young fellow at the Grumpies also seems to need a Bourbon. Surely Barrybran and Roys' skipper, #BobCarolTed&Alice can sort this out amicably.
  7. Grand Uncle Horace

    Event Discussion Panel Part 1

    ...and pantskyle in their weekly rookie, media and golden pants awards. Go figure, no wonder we need a discussion panel says #BobCarolTed&Alice aka the Roys skipper. 7 Lastly I can see a small band of broken simmers and stagers of games. These are the folk who get the VIP boxes. (no...