Usage for hash tag: indimmawetrust

  1. Elmer_Hauser

    Game Day Dimwit Dimma’s Cold Goats vs Pie Fly’s Flagpies on the Sold Out Coast ft. Rowell v Naicos and a future 400 gamer

    Let the Celebrations begin #indimmawetrust Dancing to this song in my living room in my undies !!!
  2. Rubber Hips

    Preview Preliminary Final - Richmond vs Port Adelaide - Fri 16/10 7.50pm AEDT

    I’ll happily go with whatever the changes are...if any #indimmawetrust
  3. OhDustinMartin

    Preview 2019 Round 18 - Richmond vs Port Adelaide @ MCG, Saturday July 20, 1:45pm

    I mean I'm stoked for JG and Bakes as they're really solid ins but Macca hasn't put a foot wrong all year and has been super consistent. not the afternoon for him last sunday either so he's superbly stiff. regardless, #indimmawetrust