Usage for hash tag: lolhawks

  1. damicky

    Media Season 38 Posting Analysis

  2. Elmer_Hauser

    The Association Football AFL Thread 2.0

    Remember when everyone was gunning for Brett Ratten's head after round 1 ? Decent turnaround for him and the Saints #lolhawks
  3. Ticky009

    Game Day Non-Swans Game Day

    #lolhawks hahahaha. Going full tank this year it seems
  4. scaryness

    No Oppo Supporters 2020 General AFL Discussion

    General rule of 2020 is #lolhawks They are upset gold.
  5. Next Waiting

    No Oppo Supporters Non Bulldog Footy Talk - Bulldogs only - Part 4

    That Hawks goal right on 3/4 time probably not what Adelaide wanted but the hawks still need to outscore them by 4 goals in the last quarter to win. Dare to dream Adelaide and #lolhawks