Usage for hash tag: notMyPresident

  1. TubbsFarquhar

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 16: One-Hit Wonder

    ...from the results of the last two elections have been staggering. In 2016, we saw many Democrats crying in the streets, posting #notMyPresident on Twitter and threatening to move to Canada (or Jupiter in Cher's case). All Trump fans thought that was hilarious. Fast forward to 2020 and look...
  2. brucetiki

    Play Nice Politics # 4 - The madness continues here.....

    Democrats response in 2016 v Republican response in 2020 is striking. A lot of Democrat supporters in 2016 protested the result #notMyPresident (and California made an empty threat to secede) but they ultimately accepted the decision. There wasn’t even a thought of storming the Capitol...
  3. blackcat

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 10: Everything's 'Peachy...

    ...left the room. Mick how about you drop the airs and graces of this political proprietary- impropriety game and just grab a placard #notMyPresident in a Manhattan protest sense, not the foreigner passport sense. Just admit, it's a big game. As I said, they made their own bed, Trump's...
  4. blackcat

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 9 - The Shi'ites Hit The Fan (Cont. in Part 10, see OP)

    Bloomberg is a legit billionaire however, sans literary flourish of Harold, femnist Wolf and Joyce he prolly takes #notMyPresident votes, he splits the ticket(well, he splits the votes) from the Dems, paradoxically, unlikely to take votes from the drys[sic] or Austrians on the right. That said...