Usage for hash tag: Pac12AfterDark

  1. aussiedude

    NFL 2021 NFL - Week 5

    #ArmPunt taken away from a roughing call. This has turned into NFL version of #Pac12AfterDark after all its past midnight on the east
  2. aussiedude

    NCAA 2021 - NCAA - Week 6

    now time Please. its time for #Pac12AfterDark where the craziest shit always happens
  3. aussiedude

    NCAA 2021 - NCAA - Week 5

    hopefully we can get some #Pac12AfterDark madness in the Huskies/Beavs game
  4. aussiedude

    NFL 2020 NFL - Week 16

    just another Saturday night. #Pac12AfterDark It felt like a Pac-12 game the final 5 mins, it was like Pac-12 refs on the non OPI call and phantom PI call.
  5. aussiedude

    NFL 2020 NFL - Week 16

    Just another #Pac12AfterDark game. but might not even be crazy enough to count as a Pac-12 after dark.