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BigFooty Guy
May 14, 2009
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the best band there has been, or will ever be.

the only musicians that exceed their innovation and intuitive brilliance are the big composers from rachmaninov back to mozart.

the best melodies since schubert and tchaikovsky, and the greatest chord changes since beethoven.

over the top, perhaps, but im a huge fan. over the top is what i do!
the best band there has been, or will ever be.

the only musicians that exceed their innovation and intuitive brilliance are the big composers from rachmaninov back to mozart.

the best melodies since schubert and tchaikovsky, and the greatest chord changes since beethoven.

over the top, perhaps, but im a huge fan. over the top is what i do!
Would love to have a long walk and talk with you regarding Geelong, and music, which is what we do here in Melbourne most nights.
Rolling Stones, Beach Boys would have some competitive claims in those areas you mentioned, but as a 60's kid, grew up with all those amazing bands, including also the Kinks, the Animals, but who can go past the BEATLES?
Our iphones have every song from every album of both Stones and Beatles, and we often pick a song, and a group in off season particularly, great way to combat the lack of footy from Oct to Feb.
Would love to have a long walk and talk with you regarding Geelong, and music, which is what we do here in Melbourne most nights.
Rolling Stones, Beach Boys would have some competitive claims in those areas you mentioned, but as a 60's kid, grew up with all those amazing bands, including also the Kinks, the Animals, but who can go past the BEATLES?
Our iphones have every song from every album of both Stones and Beatles, and we often pick a song, and a group in off season particularly, great way to combat the lack of footy from Oct to Feb.
Sounds romantic. :eek:

I was born when let it be was released so I obviously wasn't around for any of the vibe surrounding them.
But I grew up with a brother 8 years older who played their stuff a bit and all of the solo albums such as shaved fish etc.

When they released the re-digitised albums I bought the mono box set.
My brother said "stuff paying $400 I'll just download it"
And I said "this is the beatles, you can't listen to downloaded files"

I pump the volume up on the surround sound system. Some of the grunt on the mono versions is awesome.
I must listen to it too often.
My 9 year old daughter was asked at school who her favourite band is. "Beatles" :oops: :D

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Would love to have a long walk and talk with you regarding Geelong, and music, which is what we do here in Melbourne most nights.

i can, and do, talk for hours about both those subjects if someone will let me. i would be thrilled to do the above. one of my mates in adelaide i met through playing in bands. we were chatting about the beatles the first time we met, he is a huge fan too. i told him there were two things i could talk forever on, the beatles and geelong. following footy is not that cool in the adelaide music scene (bit too 'blokey'), but it turned out he was a huge cats fan, too. hes moved to melbourne now, though.

its kind of a running joke with my friends - 'you know paul mccartney...', then queue the laughter as another conversation gets turned onto the beatles.

Rolling Stones, Beach Boys would have some competitive claims in those areas you mentioned, but as a 60's kid, grew up with all those amazing bands, including also the Kinks, the Animals, but who can go past the BEATLES?

im an 80s kid, and i grew up with all those amazing bands too.

brian wilson has a claim to being a far better composer than any of the beatles, but he also wrote a lot of naff stuff. im a huge fan, but i dont see how the beach boys catalogue comes close to matching the beatles. too many misses. same with the stones, especially post mid-70s - they became a parody of themselves.

the white album itself displays perfectly why i place them well above every other 60s band - music hall jazz, screaming rock, acoustic country, electronic sound pastiche, beach boys knock offs, acoustic balladry, all done brilliantly, and all written by one person. then add lennon and harrisons broad contributions (all brilliant), and there you have it. stylistically diverse, brilliant in every style - no band can lay claim to that. the others were good at what they do, but the beatles were good at everything.

the beatles record (1962-70) - 14 albums, countless brilliant singles (which werent on albums), every single one a classic of popular music... they could write formulaic songs, but they could never write bad songs. and they werent taught, it was all intuition. and it was unbelieveable intuition.

have a close listen to 'she loves you', and pay attention to the chord change under - 'she said she loves you, and you know that cant be bad... yeah she loves you and you know that cant be bad'.

the chord under the bolded part is a C minor in the key of G major. technically, thats wrong - by music theory that is meant to be C major. but it is, in my opinion, the greatest chord change they wrote.

these days, changes like that are common place, but in the music of the time, it was almost exclusively the 3 major chords and one relative minor. but they went from 'love me do' to 'tomorrow never knows' in about 3 and a half years.

never rested on their laurels and pumped out an imitation of their previous single, never stuck with a winning formula. by the time everyone caught on to psychedelia, the beatles had moved onto stripped back acoustic music on the white album. soon, everyone had moved on from psychedelia, and were doing what the beatles had done.

they smashed the mould, and did it in only 8 years, and didnt dilute their legacy with reunions, or crappy albums in their 70s (though mccartney is laying claims to this as a solo artist unfortunately).

the beatles have a magic and listenability that no other band touches. no matter my mood, if the beatles go on, i will love listening. cannot say that about anything else.

and, legitimately unintentionally, ive ended up running my mouth over the beatles in written form :oops:

as per the above, i actually claim the beatles to be the most underrated band of all time. they are rated hugely, but not hugely enough. its not a popular opinion with my friends, but i have actually converted a few to that view. whether with compelling argument or belligerence, i do not know. im going with compelling argument though, at least in one case :)

I was born when let it be was released so I obviously wasn't around for any of the vibe surrounding them.

But I grew up with a brother 8 years older who played their stuff a bit and all of the solo albums such as shaved fish etc.

When they released the re-digitised albums I bought the mono box set.
My brother said "stuff paying $400 I'll just download it"
And I said "this is the beatles, you can't listen to downloaded files"

some of the solo records are mind blowing! 'all things must pass', 'band on the run', 'mccartney' (released same time as let it be), 'imagine', 'plastic ono band'...

i was born in '84, so i missed the vibe surrounding them at the time, but i think it still exists.

agree re the downloading - anyone downloading the beatles is missing the point!

i blew more than a student can afford on both box sets. my collection has so many doubled up beatles songs, because i cant help buying everything they release, which these days has always been released previously.

the remasters were a brilliant new take on the old catalogue, though. love them.
If you sit and listen to those 8 years of music it's incredible how quickly they grew.

I've read both the George Martin and Brian Wilson biographies.
There is no doubt that the Beatles had far better management and creative space than the Beach Boys.

Martin pretty much just let the Beatles do what they wanted. Even letting them go and smoke pot in India for 6 months. Probably the only real negative effect he had was forcing them to produce songs in digital when they had written them to be heard in Mono.

Wilson was completely stymied by the power struggle with Mike Love.
Wilson bought every Beatles album as soon as it was released and marvelled at their creativity.
Every time he pushed to match them Love would convince the other band members and management that his drug use was pushing the band in the wrong direction. They just wanted more 'California Girls' type music.

I really do need to go and buy Pet Sounds.

They simply weren't allowed to grow. And on a side note, I've met Love and Johnston. Johnston in particular is an ******** of the highest order.

But I've got to say. I love the rip off in 'back in the USSR' :D
Oi you guys.
This is now a Beatles thread ;) :D :oops:
i was born in '84, so i missed the vibe surrounding them at the time, but i think it still exists.

Ahh, that explains this comment.

they smashed the mould, and did it in only 8 years, and didnt dilute their legacy with reunions,

Because December 8 1980 was one of the most eery days of my life.
Because you now knew this wasn't a possibility.

The release and subsequent airplay of Double Fantasy just amplified it.
Because December 8 1980 was one of the most eery days of my life.
Because you now knew this wasn't a possibility.

The release and subsequent airplay of Double Fantasy just amplified it.

hey, i know my beatles backwards. im well aware that one of my absolute idols died in '80, and that it put paid to any reunion talk ;)

im also well aware that the death of a founding member (or unwillingness to reunite of living members) has not stopped countless rock bands from reuniting for lacklustre albums/shows.

plus, they had 10 years to get back together before lennons death.

<ignoring 'real love' and 'free as a bird', which are terrific>
Not ignoring your obvious knowledge. There's no doubt you have me covered on the subject.
Just conveying the feelings I had that summer.

It was like a window closed.
It must be like being a saints supporter right now.
Maybe they need to be playing loops of (it's just like) Starting over :p
Not ignoring your obvious knowledge. There's no doubt you have me covered on the subject.
Just conveying the feelings I had that summer.

It was like a window closed.
It must be like being a saints supporter right now.
Maybe they need to be playing loops of (it's just like) Starting over :p

cant imagine the feeling at the time for you. the guy was arguably the biggest figure of the 20th century, at the very least in a pop culture sense.

i felt weird for days when heath ledger died, and outside of liking him in most things id seen him in, i had no real attachment to him.

where were you when you heard? those things always stick with people.
cant imagine the feeling at the time for you. the guy was arguably the biggest figure of the 20th century, at the very least in a pop culture sense.

i felt weird for days when heath ledger died, and outside of liking him in most things id seen him in, i had no real attachment to him.

where were you when you heard? those things always stick with people.
I actually cant remember.

I can clearly remember the morning radio when Elvis died.
And I can remember having a drink of water at the school tap that morning thinking about him. It was outside the grade 3 rooms at North Shore primary school. Really wierd

But my brothers bedroom window was on the back corner of the house. He was 18 and owned an awesome stereo.

Through that whole summer the back yard was where we played cricket and that window was where the run up started.
I'll never forget the numerous times I read the ford sticker on the window "going great in 78"

And Double Fantasy always pumped from that window that summer.
I actually cant remember.

I can clearly remember the morning radio when Elvis died.
And I can remember having a drink of water at the school tap that morning thinking about him. It was outside the grade 3 rooms at North Shore primary school. Really wierd

But my brothers bedroom window was on the back corner of the house. He was 18 and owned an awesome stereo.

Through that whole summer the back yard was where we played cricket and that window was where the run up started.
I'll never forget the numerous times I read the ford sticker on the window "going great in 78"

And Double Fantasy always pumped from that window that summer.

Here's weird for you.

I remember Elvis dying as well. I was in grade three, and I was at the drink taps at Chilwell P.S. (Newtown) thinking about him!!!

NO LIE!!!!!!

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Spooky !!!
Did you have a picture of Sam Foxes boobs on your wall too? :)

And I knew SJ would move the discussion here. Nice work Dan :thumbsu: :D
what young whipper snapper didnt?
ha ha
I dont think my mum liked it too much.
It must be in our genes. i was talking to Mel (my partner yesterday) and she said that they went to the shops and she turned around to see where Davis was.

He was over squeezing the boobs of a mannequin. :D Got to start somewhere I guess.
No love for other Metal around here? (Particularly Thrash)​

I see no mention of Buckethead either, this is highly disturbing.
Remember the day Lennon was shot - Mum woke me up around 6am to tell me the news, as I was an obsessed Beatles fan since I was in kinder (thankfully grew out of it around 12). It was the first time I noticed all the TV channels were showing the same thing. Felt really numb for a while, and also upset, as Channel 10 didn't play any of The Beatles cartoons for a few weeks. As VC says, Double Fantasy was everywhere that Summer, then you had Roxy Music's cover of Jealous Guy that was Number One was months. Then we had to put up with shit like Johnny Farnham's cover of Help and Stars on 45. Urghh!!!

Personally, I must say I find listening to The Beatles now almost impossible, as the recordings sound so dated, especially when compared to a band like The Kinks, whose recordings just burn and glow with beauty and raw-power, and The Velvets, who really took rock n' roll into another world.
i can, and do, talk for hours about both those subjects if someone will let me. i would be thrilled to do the above. one of my mates in adelaide i met through playing in bands. we were chatting about the beatles the first time we met, he is a huge fan too. i told him there were two things i could talk forever on, the beatles and geelong. following footy is not that cool in the adelaide music scene (bit too 'blokey'), but it turned out he was a huge cats fan, too. hes moved to melbourne now, though.

its kind of a running joke with my friends - 'you know paul mccartney...', then queue the laughter as another conversation gets turned onto the beatles.

im an 80s kid, and i grew up with all those amazing bands too.

brian wilson has a claim to being a far better composer than any of the beatles, but he also wrote a lot of naff stuff. im a huge fan, but i dont see how the beach boys catalogue comes close to matching the beatles. too many misses. same with the stones, especially post mid-70s - they became a parody of themselves.

the white album itself displays perfectly why i place them well above every other 60s band - music hall jazz, screaming rock, acoustic country, electronic sound pastiche, beach boys knock offs, acoustic balladry, all done brilliantly, and all written by one person. then add lennon and harrisons broad contributions (all brilliant), and there you have it. stylistically diverse, brilliant in every style - no band can lay claim to that. the others were good at what they do, but the beatles were good at everything.

the beatles record (1962-70) - 14 albums, countless brilliant singles (which werent on albums), every single one a classic of popular music... they could write formulaic songs, but they could never write bad songs. and they werent taught, it was all intuition. and it was unbelieveable intuition.

have a close listen to 'she loves you', and pay attention to the chord change under - 'she said she loves you, and you know that cant be bad... yeah she loves you and you know that cant be bad'.

the chord under the bolded part is a C minor in the key of G major. technically, thats wrong - by music theory that is meant to be C major. but it is, in my opinion, the greatest chord change they wrote.

these days, changes like that are common place, but in the music of the time, it was almost exclusively the 3 major chords and one relative minor. but they went from 'love me do' to 'tomorrow never knows' in about 3 and a half years.

never rested on their laurels and pumped out an imitation of their previous single, never stuck with a winning formula. by the time everyone caught on to psychedelia, the beatles had moved onto stripped back acoustic music on the white album. soon, everyone had moved on from psychedelia, and were doing what the beatles had done.

they smashed the mould, and did it in only 8 years, and didnt dilute their legacy with reunions, or crappy albums in their 70s (though mccartney is laying claims to this as a solo artist unfortunately).

the beatles have a magic and listenability that no other band touches. no matter my mood, if the beatles go on, i will love listening. cannot say that about anything else.

and, legitimately unintentionally, ive ended up running my mouth over the beatles in written form :oops:

as per the above, i actually claim the beatles to be the most underrated band of all time. they are rated hugely, but not hugely enough. its not a popular opinion with my friends, but i have actually converted a few to that view. whether with compelling argument or belligerence, i do not know. im going with compelling argument though, at least in one case :)

some of the solo records are mind blowing! 'all things must pass', 'band on the run', 'mccartney' (released same time as let it be), 'imagine', 'plastic ono band'...

i was born in '84, so i missed the vibe surrounding them at the time, but i think it still exists.

agree re the downloading - anyone downloading the beatles is missing the point!

i blew more than a student can afford on both box sets. my collection has so many doubled up beatles songs, because i cant help buying everything they release, which these days has always been released previously.

the remasters were a brilliant new take on the old catalogue, though. love them.

You sound like a reincarnation of a bloke I went to Uni with. An obsessed Beatles fan, a brilliant student. The secret to his studying success was 24/7 Beatles music, on vinyl. If the music went off, he couldn't study...
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This gr8 pic of The rabbi's was a blast from the past, bought my 1st vinyl here, Back in Black of course. Also took acoustic lessons on the 2nd story there like Turbocat, got as far as playing Rock My Soul then whimped out coz of the damage it was doing to my fingertips.. :oops:

Listen to all sorts of music but fav is Rock/Alternative and being a supporter of our home grown artists (always sending tracks to US friends in particular) I wanted to know who your favorite Aussie bands or solo artists are..?

Some of mine & almost all of them are older..

1927 - Ararat Town Hall
Australian Crawl - Geelong Civic Centre
Baby Animals - Lady Bay, Warrnambool
Ben Lee
Bernard Fanning
Birds of Tokyo
Black Sorrows - Lady Bay
Chocolate Starfish - Lady Bay
Cold Chisel - Waurn Ponds
Diesel - Lady Bay (Yeah, I know he's American but been here so long we can almost claim him)
Divinyls - Lady Bay
Grinspoon - Tivoli
Hoodoo Gurus
Hunters & Collectors
JET - Bris Entertainment Centre
Jo Jo Zep & The Falcons - Pub? Little Malop St. left side of Moorabool travelling to Melb
Midnight Oil
Mondo Rock (Ross Wilson/Daddy Cool)- Collendina
Paul Kelly - Lady Bay
Powderfinger - Big Day Out GC
Russell Morris - The same Pub as JJ Zepp
Screaming Jets
Silverchair - Big Day Out GC
Swanee - Waurn Ponds (Had to mention coz Jimmy also put in an appearance!)
Wendy Matthews - Lady Bay

NZ - Crowded House/Split Enz, Dragon, Icehouse/Flowers - Waurn Ponds, Noiseworks - Lady Bay

Of all the 1's I haven't seen ACDC & INXS (with Michael) are the 2 I regret most. Think it was Partridge that mentioned the Palais, I always hung out to be old enough to go there but by the time I was they had turned it into a bingo hall! :eek:
Thanks vc, can't believe I missed The Church, a friend's bro had tickets to some American band (so bad I don't rem their name) and invited me, Church was the backup, they played so much better than the 'main gig'!

I work @ Suncorp as a 2nd job so get to see a few bands a year, very pleased that it seems to b a condition they now have an Aussie band as backup :cool:
No love for other Metal around here? (Particularly Thrash)​

I see no mention of Buckethead either, this is highly disturbing.
Not so much, I'm loving the new Behemoth though, I know I'm in the minority "amongst hardcore metal fans" but I think it's ****ing great.

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