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  • Hey I read that you had travelled to Cuba. Im going next July, do you have any travel, accommodation tips?

    Dirty Bird
    Dirty Bird
    Please inform me when Mew and Arceus are ready to permanently come to me.
    Stewart2Austin Reborn
    Stewart2Austin Reborn
    I'm just getting myself some Dittos so... after that I can clone Mew and Arceus too.
    Dirty Bird
    Dirty Bird
    btw - Do you have a shiny Ditto at all?
    I don't care one iota whether it's 6IV or not, but I'd love to get my hands on a shiny 1.
    I would love to use it to turn to a shiny version of your opponent at times.
    Hey mate. I'm interested to know how you go about supporting FCUM.... I find it a romantic sort of club just because of the fact that it is rebelling against the norm. Are there ever any streams of matches online? Do you have a solid knowledge of the players etc?
    Will see what I can do when I get home. I don't have a bookface account and I'm not creating one just for the purposes of voting you a holiday. If I can vote without one, then I'll do that. If not..
    Can't vote for you from my work computer. Facebook is a banned site. I did try to follow the link in your post.
    So how about Northwich Vics eh? You must be brimming with joy seeing them get the arse end of the comp.
    How does Wednesday sound? The game was Sat night, so that would give people 3 full days to vote. Happy compromise?
    I didn't add me, think that was Vader, back when NN was still there. Then when WALL-e came I added him but since NN wrote the message I left her there. Consider it a line of credit =D
    The other one wasn't specifically stated as being a Gameday thread. Besides which, we already have a thread for discussing the likely R3 team..
    You wont find one until the NFL hands out the compensatory picks. Not sure when that happens exactly, i think mid-march.
    China don't let you log on to yahoo either? You're going to win your game against Maud Mongrels. Score currently sits at 259 v 191 and there's no way he will catch you on the MNF game.
    i havent actually played mbfl since i got banned in march. a couple games then i dropped out again a few months ago, and i also pulled out of it before m12 season started in september. just too busy even for random online games. plus video games is getting a bit too lonely. the outdoors, hanging with people etc.
    i havent played madden for about a month. i cant tonight, i gotta get up 5am. tomorrow night tho, anytime after 8pm AEDST, when i get home.
    You got your wish on the SEC schools losing bit :p Auburn/Utah St was a total and utter boilover in the making, too. And now there's all this talk about T A&M coming to the SEC. Crazy shit.
    So I am active on the CFB discussion post now - got the KU-WKU game on the box. Ah, the wonders of satellite and 600 channels...

    Crowell better be good because he might be the only bloke carrying the ball for us Saturday night!
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