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  • Hey mate if your interested in coming out to ardy to give us a hand give me a call on 0457422424 or shot me a msg.
    Hi mate...in what capacity?
    In anyway way you can, weather it be playing or possibly helping out on the sidelines.
    Mate I just feel for the guys that are there. I don't think Necko ever had it. I agree hank that they will be in the KDL and it might just be sooner than 5 years. Thought tucks might have had more sense. Hope all is well Hank
    Yeah can't believe it myself, necko has lost it, Went over late to the Presentation Night Friday night after they had announced, he was there and they said he made a speech etc. Spoke to Tucks about if he was involved with the decision and he said he was and I couldn't believe that either. They know what they are getting themselves into but they think he has a great football brain blah blah, sounds like he spoke a heap of shit to them and they fell for it. Really dissappointing and would think the club will be in the KDL within 5 years after this. Feel like writing on here but think its best for the club I don't say anything because its going to be hard enough as it is, but only got the powers to be to blame.
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