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  • Big Ant, just bought the game yesterday. I know, I'm light years behind, but Year 12 and it's associated nonsense does that to a person.

    I just want to congradulate you on what you guys have achieved. Minor bugs aside, I've gotten a more than satisfactory football fix in the off-season with the sleekest AFL game to date. I hope the sales are enough to get the suits upstairs convinced that we need this to occur on a yearly basis again.

    All the best, and I just want to heap my praise. Well done (Y)
    Sorry i haven't checked this wall more often!
    The sales are good and all things point to another game.... not for me to say though :)
    Hey mate,

    I've done a fair bit of whinging about the bugs in AFL Live, but I just wanted to make sure my praise is also heard. I reckon you've done a fantastic job on your first effort in terms of building a control system with a great learning curve and a tactically deep game. I've played it a lot, so I think fundamentally it is a good game. The bugs shit me, but that doesn't mean you and Big Ant have done a poor job. The game has huge potential and I reckon it's a credit to you.

    Keep and the good work, and most importantly - thank you.

    Love the game Ross, I really hope that sales are still going well ( are they ? ) and we see more AFL Live games!
    Hey mate, just wanted to say thanks for the game and how much I'm loving it. I'm a hardcore gamer and an afl fanatic. The game is a great. I read the ign review and have read some negative stuff on here and I'm at a loss. I've played through the season mode twice and played online and I haven't had this much fun with a game in years. Fantastic. Please make it a yearly release heck I'll pay double if I have too. Top work! thanks again!
    Ok hopefully there will be would love a copy in N.Ireland big fan, game looks class :) Cheers for the info.
    Hey Ross, Just wondering any chance of any copies of AFL live to ship over to us fans in the UK :)
    what have the crowds been like at the the playtests and what kind of numbers are you expecting?
    Gday mate i cant wait for this AFL game to come out and i havent entered an online league. Would it be too hard to get me a list of player ratings to help me with my draft in the league??
    Hi Ross

    Is the game still on track for a April release?

    Starting to get worried a little as we are in March now and still have not seen a press release
    I'm hoping you can provide us with something a bit more realistic. Perhaps a close up of the scoreboard with Essendon on the receiving end of a mauling.
    hey was thinking about sending u an annoying msg just to get under your skin like most of these and then thought otherwise...

    p.s your a legend for putting in so much time for the fans of afl game as im sure ppl on this thread would buy it anyway! (due to the fact they are writing in a forum about the game!)

    p.p.s. whats the go with the sock length feature???
    Ross, just thought I'd say thanks for sticking around, and answering the continuing queries.

    If the amount of expectation and interest is anything to go by, the game should be a big winner.
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