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  • for years my mates told me my old man was cool so i brought him along to prove it wasnt true, didnt help any now they KNOW he is cool.

    falcoon is just dumb, fireman and jeff dunne are insanely stupid, only hawthorn one that really grated was a guy called chewy dumb as dog shit and JohnD who has a fascination with collingwood
    i took my old man to see borat, me and 5 or 6 uni mates and my old man. Was awesomely funny

    yeah i know the feeling, St,kilda supporters lately are beyond stupid and of course essendon and carlton and richmond
    Dont let them watch the hangover, sound advice lol

    and you started posting for the same reason i did charmer
    im sure vegas will be on the journey, they will probably be stressing like crazy knowing my parents

    you post on nicks too? whats you nick on there
    yeah 5 years is longer and harder then i remember.

    Yeah trip is in the off season mid November to late December, back before xmas so my parents dont crack it lol. Will be cold but start off in New york and finish in LA should workout well.

    Yeah im pretty lax too, all through school and now uni.

    Ah you know of the legend of DTM, Dave makes me lol so much
    Yep 5th and last year this one, then hopefully a trip away to the states and back into either work or dip ed, probably teaching.

    Melbourne then monash, just a little smart then? and girls at la trobe yeah 100 times better then engineering buildings at RMIT in the city

    Knight is well a strange cat is my best description, hopefully its just the off season has driven him wild because he has gone bullshit post and thread nuts (extended post size too)
    I study at LaTrobe, and my course should be intense but somewhere along the line i stopped enjoying it as much as i used too, regardless 1 year left and then i think im going to do a dip ed...

    Yeah my mates are all good guys and gals mostly

    journalism/politics/international studies. Thats intense where do you do that?

    and knight yes he sure makes my head hurt
    No I study electronic eng and masters of biomedical eng

    it's just my friends and I have opinions on anything and everything

    you at Uni?
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