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  • Suspended? not again!
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    Reactions: CM86
    Brunswick Trap King
    Brunswick Trap King
    I always get frustrated that we can't find out the reason why people get banned!
    Compliments? I should get banned more often!
    I rate you both as well. Even if I sulk when you don't agree with me!

    It was a post on the conspiracy forums, so I've changed my posting style there...
    Was a minor infraction that pushed points from July last year, over the limit.

    I can share the post via pm if you want to see it.
    Brunswick Trap King
    Brunswick Trap King
    I'm certainly fascinated, I can already imagine how scathing your comment was lmao so do send it to me.
    Chill mate. I'm sitting here with a scotch in hand and a smile on my face
    Dammit! Turns out I'm the idiot again! ;)
    bartel magic
    bartel magic
    Not at all had me going for a bit. But it's the old saying, never get into an argument with an idiot, he'll only drag you down to his level and beat you with experience! I'm an experienced idiot!
    All good mate,

    My wife was in surgery today, little edgy. Appreciate your POV.


    It was a great game, I'm hoping for a rematch next year! Good luck on the bay, be prepared to defend the indefencible.
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