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  • maybe fed now has dual or triple from mono LOL.Whats his excuse now? oh wait...he is 29 probably? lol
    Yeah as good as we have done this year, we need heaps more depth and Kitey would definitely help that!

    Still spewing from Friday night :(
    So how badly you hoping Walker's left off the teamsheet tonight to reach the magic 5 games? :D
    You are the one who wrote on my wall.... How old are you? About 22-23 from when I met you, so how about acting a little mature and stop fighting with a 19 year old over a forum website?
    Well done keyboard warrior, I wish you all the best on your internet ventures.:eek: Seriously, you are the one who posted on my wall, I think I have a little bit of leverage here. Always good to have Carl Spackler, tw13, birdman etc etc on your side!
    There are far more posters sick of your sarcastic rubbish than my posting, I would say you are the one in need of a check up.
    Here we go, Craig bashing yet again. The one sign when you know a poster has given up and resorts to the same old repetitive rubbish.
    I accept mediocrity? Geez mate, clutching at straws there. I'll fire my critisicm when needs be, but not at every single little thing the club does. I love this club to death, what about you? I can handle missing the finals for a year when we are there nearly every year, don't you think I know about the missed oppurtunites in 2002, 2005, 2006 and 2009? Don't think they didn't hurt? **** mate, pull your head in. You aren't involved in any of the inner sanctum at Adelaide, and nor am I, pretty easy to fire shots over a keyboard, why not go express these to NC in person and see the reaction? I'd pay to see the pwnage he'd hand out to the pathetic posters on our board.:D
    Are you kidding me mate? **** sakes, you disagree with anything the club does each week, whatever suits your arguement. Can I put my life savings on you shutting up when Adelaide are back in finals again? It is like you are a baby who can't go without finals for a year, even though we have been there 8 of the last 10 years.
    what can i say drummo.....LEGENDA? EL MATADOR? GENUIS???? I am at a loss for words... VAMOS!!!!!!!!!! the doubters can stick it up their arse
    a lot of people wrote him off last year.Gaelictiogar where art thou? seriously this is an epic performance.It will take a monumental performance by the birdman to stop him in the finals
    Wheres all the fed fans gone???? oh sorry, no ones in the bandwagon anymore :D Cue gaelictiogar, thrawn, canonno1, timeisrunningout :D
    add to that the joke of a draw he got.He was prolly on his knees when the draw was held. Seriously i really hope he faces rafa in the finals...rafa will smash the living daylights out of him and send him crying back to his fat wife again
    Been enjoying my stanley cup celebrations.

    Champions bitches. Suck on that you redwing scum.

    Whats that? Youve got like 10 of them already? Shut up.
    No shit Drumm the man is a star! He is the best player in the AFL atm - maybe even with Hodge. Has been everywhere!!!

    Hows ur DT going? Better than your crows I hope
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