m8, is it true that in less than 26 days a supernatural milf will come through your television a la the bird on 'The Ring' and funt you senseless to mark such a momentous milestone in the life of finny?
i went there the other day and read a thread that gave me a few lols, but overall it seems to be pretty bad, worse than the tlc when it was just a board.
How are you son? Still in the milf paddock! I hope so
You're a good bloke aren't you? Very underrated. Always make me laugh anyway
Good old finbarr. Were' mate's aren't we? I'll have to come over to adelauide one day, and see the crows play the port and shit, and have a drink. Good on ya mate, you are a star i think.
how are you going? I'm fooking freezing even though i'm tucked away in my warm house, i think i need to work up a sweat, might go for a jog or something.
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