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  • Oh man.

    What a shit decision. I hope you guys contest it further, even if it means he might play vs us. You guys should come out pumped this week and annihilate Essendon.
    hahahaha best part was, I just found it, someone else had edited it hahaha. I wonder if they were from the bay
    lol - for some reason I can see it today - not sure why/what happened

    There is far too much fringing in that pic - it's rather gaudy :D
    The AFL is not going to do a thing about it unless the leadership is changed with people who actually give a damn. While it may be a successful organisation, it is at times incredibly incompetent. The clubs don't seem to have the balls to confront said issues. I really do think next time a club president is fined for criticising umpires, they should contest it in court. Quite pathetic freedom of speech is restricted like that, especially when it is warranted. If any of them had the balls and time to take it that far, I'd suspect you'd see such a ruling changed quickly. Umpiring school? Wtf? Poor Jeff. Always liked the guy, even if he was arrogant, he got things done.
    Oh yeah, like school kids. I'm still expecting for one of them to say "eat your veggies".

    You're right about them being smartarses though. They treat players like they don't know shit - I mean, "free kick, holding" should be enough. But stuff like "you're holding, you're holding - you can't do that, it is against the rules" is extremely condescending, and I actually wonder if such a trend started with the introduction of the mics. Seems like they want their 15 mins of fame because they can't do so any other way. In the perfect match, umpires should be barely recognised - that means there is actual fluid consistency and the right decisions are being made.
    I feel your pain mate. Fev gets 50s just because he back-chats a little. Pfft.

    And I also hate that they have mics. It just seems so out of place to hear them and ruins the spectacle... plus I hate their scrawny little voices, have you noticed they ALL seem to sound the same? Broadcasters said they were added to have people understand their decisions, but that seems quite like a cop out to me. More like spoon feeding stupid or ignorant people, and even if one doesn't understand the rules, then that's what the commentators are for. I think it more has to do with the fact that they're trying hard to pander towards the umpires. It's really sad to see that the focus is on them, rather then the games and the players themselves... it never really used to be like that.
    okaaaayy - honestly - there's nothing there - I can't see anything for some reason - is it a pic? Gawd.

    I will be though.
    what's going on legend??!!! When are we catching up???

    I don't think so m8- she's come back with an alias once or twice and been banned again, but not recently that I'm aware of. Pretty sure Lance keeps in touch with her, so try him.
    H2F "Alright, Biffinator, you prick - check!"
    Biffinator to himself - bugger, when am I going to nail the bastard.
    "OK, well then let me move this piece to here and quess what - it's check on you !"

    Keep it coming - I love it. Keep safe, B
    Whats Up Bra2panties amazing to think the Boys are still a Chance for the finals Go Hawks later champion Noose!
    I don't know buddy, I don't really have one. Just read what interests you and go with it, it's what I did!
    I don't really need one atm, I have a perfectly working handset. I don't use my phone for internet anyways. Or games, really. But when it carks it, I'll be sure to look into it. ;)

    Oh, and I have a really good feeling about Friday night's match. Just a gut feeling, and the feeling within my bones... I sense an upset...
    absolutely!!!! I'll let you know when I'm coming over. Got another trip elsewhere next week for a few weeks but will be over after that during the finals I'd say. You'll be the first to know. ;)
    I don't like blaming umpires for footy results but your call on the crows before the game was so prophetic it scared me ;)

    Spot on and a sensational call mate :thumbsu::thumbsu:
    hahahahaha, that's sensational, and probably true! ....I just saw the nutter is back. It's like Fred is Fritzl and every few months he lets his freak out of the basement for a run around the yard b4 returning it underground for further "treatment"
    I have to say this is the funniest thing i have read on BF

    I have a theory on your conception, was mulling over it today.

    A whole bunch of inbred degenerates, bukkaked into that thing that you hold the toilet brush in ... This cocktail of genetic putridness eventually mixed with the little fragments of excrement in the holder just before being poured into your mother.
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