Les Norton
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  • I wondered that myself MD. Les must have timed it with the Queen's Birthday long weekend.
    What do you think the Queen's bewbs would look like these days Les?
    Giddy Les
    I've scored a 2012 hawthorn signed jumper that I'm looking to offload to a keen collector. It's signed by the entire list. Its on a 5 decades of premierships jumper, with the feature team being the 1961 team. Also listed on the jumper is every premiership player from the last 5 decades. If you know anyone who wants to buy it, let them know I have one and they can make an offer..
    I am banned from Bay 13 forever. It is over for me. I have been obliterated and I melted down everywhere. I just wanted to say that Grant Birchall is a superstar and good win over WCE. LOL west coast.
    Les Norton
    Les Norton
    Seriously, that is a shame mate. I did enjoy your work.
    What happened
    Stronzo went all tyrannical on me, he beheaded me. I went crying to the Chief, but Chief didn't help either. Fyfie3011 hates me too. They got all autocratic on me and now I am banned for good.
    Don't forget to put your tips in, Les.
    Les Norton
    Les Norton
    Took me a some t to see what you did there. 10. Everyone says its a great rivalry; but 10 in a row to your mob makes a mockery of that doesn't it. Too good for us mate
    Your geniality makes it very difficult to troll you sometimes :(

    I will continue to do so anyway. 10-0.
    Les Norton
    Les Norton
    0-10 - Beat that
    Les........I am so so so sorry......I am just swampedo at work at the minute. I meant to message you the other day.......I'm really not going to be able to give this great thread the respect it deserves. Do you have someone who can step into my role, as I'm not going to be around for the next week because of work commitments.............I am so so sorry
    C'mon les.....we nuked another lads story in the funniest thing youvev ever herd at the footy thread...get cracking
    Hey Les,

    Firstly Merry Christmas and Happy New Year dude.

    On a serious note, I here you may have some poon pics, I hereby stand before you grovling for a look in.

    If you want to help out a brother, I would appreciate it greatly ;) ITS XMAS Dude ;P

    No pressure though...yeah get rooted SEND EM' NOW!!! LOL
    Les Norton
    Les Norton
    I don't mate quite seriously. Have a ripper Christie mate, roll on 2013, let some those catters
    All good Les

    have a good one :)
    Following mate. I enjoy your posts.
    Les Norton
    Les Norton
    Thanks MD, much appreciated. With Bartel Magic you guys are 2 of the better Cat poster. You give it out and take it as well
    Jhye Clark 13
    Jhye Clark 13
    Looking forward to another year of fantastic banter, which can't come soon enough.

    The Hawks will get us soon enough.
    it's still unlucky. how do these blokes go over summer? I'm currently working out where to go with my next avatar. I don't agree with it.
    Hi mate, why do you think i have a mulleted homo as my avatar? I got in before i was told. My original one of Selma i stole off a mod who was told to change his. So in short, i have a greased Fabio as a pisstake on the hypocracy of the site.
    • Like
    Reactions: bartel magic
    Les Norton
    Les Norton
    I do remember your avatar.
    I got away with mine for so long coz I pretty mch stick to the Bay.
    Haha no worries mate. Sorry for accusing you of being anything other than a passionate and loyal Hawthorn supporter. Take care mate and GO THE HAWKS!!!
    Don't worry about the Garry Lyon thread, I'm trying to prove a point that dead-beat threads get just as much, if not more of a response than witty, well-researched sledges. I should have posted it earlier in the evening, however, so more people could have a gripe :p Will be back on the bay properly once the finals start up :thumbsu:
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