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  • Hey m0nty.
    You really must stop this obsession with always giving players in the winning side the star. Sloane was twice as good as Kelly!!
    Hey m0nty, is there a coaches box podcast this week? (Pre R20)

    Will there be a download link on the coaches box website?
    Hey mate,

    Wanna take the NAB Cup GF goals out of the 'Goalkicking List'? Would love to see an actual tally, hate having to use AFL.com. Cheers.
    Hey mate,

    just tried to send you a PM however it said you had insufficient space in your inbox. The message is not ideal for public space so could you let me know when you've cleared some space? Would be greatly appreciated.
    G'day m0nty, how are you? I have been having issues getting into fanfooty.com.au, everytime I went to the website it said error 502 then just before it came up with a blank white page saying "it works!" and nothing else. I'm sorry to bother you and I understand your busy, however if you could please reply via message or through conversation that would be much appreciated. :)
    Hey m0nty, just wanna say congrats on your work on Fanfooty! Keep up the great work!
    I was wondering if you had the Champion Data Predicted Brownlow for 2007 and/or 2008? I'm comparing the CD Brownlow to the actual results and cannot find them anywhere on the net.

    Thanks for everything!
    G'Day m0nty. For season 2010, I would like to see quarter by quarter SuperCoach updates during the Home and Away season.
    Hello m0nty. As a new user of Bigfooty and Fanfooty having just found them in February I'd like to thank you sincerely for the site. I have seen all the mindless complaints on the match blog and BF and applaud your measure of self control. I see these ungrateful idiots don't say anything about new prices and breakevens nor fanplanner all of which are very valuable tools.

    Thanks again m0nty. Keep up the good work.
    All good Monty. I have discovered that by clicking on any of the player names you listed as most popular I am taken through to the data base and the change focus facility is there availablke for me (even when I'm not logged on!). I think the whole problem was that the text link fanfooty feature which i was using before to access fanfooty stopped working. At least I can navigate through from the player names.

    Ollies, I think you may be using the wrong page to log in. If you're not logged in then you'll see two boxes at the very top of the page. If you are logged in, you'll see "G'day Ollies" at the top of the page and a link to one of your teams. I would suggest using the change focus page instead of the Fanplanner page.
    Sorry Monty to be a pain but I don't get that far. I've used fanplanner many times and know about the change focus function but what happens is I log on then I find the fanplanner thread (is there a short cut?) then I click on the fanplanner feature hightlighted in the text but what then happens is I get sent to log on again and this second log on attempt never allows me in.
    Ollies, try using the Change focus link at top right and clicking on your team.
    Hi Monty
    I'm logged in but can't access fanplanner. It tells me to log in but if I try to login again (even though I am already ) I get attempt failed. Can you help? Also can't seem to find the page where you give match reports etc. Has it been changed?
    NAB Cup yes, NAB Challenge no. That's also a no on the indigenous all star game too.
    M0nty, will Fanfooty be covering the DT/SC scores for the NAB cup? Also how about the NAB challenge?

    Hey Monty
    Any idea when you'll be starting the podcast up again. You and Molly do an awesome job. Good luck this season :)
    Ollies, I don't have control over any leagues of my own. The best way to get a good reputation - which is the way you get invited to the important leagues - is to make yourself known on the boards with intelligent contributions which show off your knowledge. Plus, reciting your high finishes doesn't hurt. ;)
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