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  • G'day Andy.

    Send me a postal address and I will endeavour to send you up some Box Hill and Hawks footy records so that you can feel a bit closer to it.

    Top work Noosa. She still looks shit hot!

    Must be my old age but she looks better than all these new plastic things that are out and about. Even the Farrah Fawcett hair.
    yep, meet up & drinks would be great!
    I'm heading over for the Rnd13(kangas), Rnd17(cats), & Rnd18(pies) games too if your down for any of those also?
    G'day NHM

    I think it was you who posted the "Born Leader" pic of Luke recently.

    If this is the case, do you mind if I use it for my avatar? Its an excellent pic.

    Noosa Hawk never lets a article/bulletin slip by, your always first with the big scoops. While your around mate I'll always be up on the news. Keep up the great work cobber!
    Cheers mate already got my ticket's! I will be there can't wait! Will be at the German Club after 4pm for some pre-match drinks hope to see ya their...Andy!!!!
    Hey Noosa, I've just accepted you're friend invite. I'm not to sure what it all means though?

    Are you going on Sat night? I have my ticket but may not be able to go yet..Work stuff!! If I can't go, would you like a free ticket? If I do go (wont know till Sat morning), we will have to catch up at the game. Catchya...Dave.
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