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  • lol. Gotta so something, rip out his nipple peircings
    or you can do what you said

    As you may know im doing a security course atm, armour is illeagal in SA :(
    have to avoid it getting into the wrong hands
    ill do something
    gotta see cmndstab again. He's nice and knows what he's talking about. Unlike some others here (like Drummond)
    firstly - what balls
    secondly - i would consider going to the BBQ, just have to make sure no one will kill me from my walker comments in the past
    I dont make personnal attacks anymore.
    and he does have friends. Just 2-3 nerdy looking people at the footy, who he kicks a footy around with and complains that he cant kick, or needs to take his shoes off wrecking his socks, oh and CG.

    Be mature about it. You may know he's worse then me, but you're lowering yourself to his level by attacking him. Just ignore him. I ignore STO, Drummond, BACCS and Elite Crow, all because they talk crap and argueing with them is just lowering yourself to their standards.

    EDIT: your comments are ****ing funny. You dont need help embaressing him, you're doing quite effeciently yourself
    what the hell is up with Drummond
    he's acting like you have no brain and are regurgitating crap from others.
    I would back you up but there's no point. He's ignored me so he wont get my comments
    but keep it going. You're one of two people on the draft threads I bother listening to.
    no where near as much anymore.
    just makes me think how annoying I used to be when i was talking non stop.
    eh. who cares.
    draft tomorrow. Excited?
    I spoke to the normal person.
    Yeah, I need to shut up. My constant talking probably annoys her, she's probably annoyed atm because I just sent her a message in facebook.
    are you going back to the same school next year or are you leaving too?
    niiiice work babe! i dont know much about players pre-draft but it was a good read! :)
    i havent spoken to you for yonks! i don't go on msn much these days but when i do go on, YOU'RE NEVER ON! :thumbsdown:
    just went throgh the rest of it then. Hard to argue with you with the good explanations you put in, I wouldnt take butcher if I was sydney, would much prefer that KPD you gave to Port, but that's personnal preference.
    But you did a pretty good job
    ok. I was in a hurry and only read picks 1-7 + ours, ill read the rest later
    firstly, great description
    secondly, I think all players bar 1 in there are a good match
    the one I dont agree on is Sydney taking a KPF. I rate White very highly, and they still have Lewis Johnstone from last years draft, and the possibilty to play Goodes up there. Ill read the rest when I have a little bit of time, but it was a very good read and I admire how much effort you put into it. I would be too lazy to do that.
    dont tell me what to do. Ill do what ever the hell I want.
    I feel like seeing your phantom draft now.
    Ill comment once I read it :)
    Haven't seen your name on my visitor's page for a while

    Hope you are going OK
    Hey PIHL, nice effort on the Phantom :) Good luck with your aspirations of becoming a journalist :) One piece of advice from someone who has continually deferred his journalism degree. Write about anything and everything. It is a competitive market and experience is pivotal in becoming successful.
    Keep up the good work :D
    ok. i just went to youtube to see if you had a new video up and you hadnt :(
    Im looking forward to it :)
    nah. I never subscribed. The last video I had seen of yours was the cupcake making one.
    But Dill Doe. Stalking people on the street. That video was just funny :)
    shit. I should of gotten that from your previous comment.
    :( You're a bad bad girl
    When you get home go on MSN and tell me
    And btw. I went onto Youtube and I saw dill doe. Quite funny :)
    lol, my comment 2 days ago.
    1 day later, it's all over :(
    and yes, you're right, he's ****ing immature :)
    Haha. I saw Vince his suit was like a flanno underneath and I just went BOGAN.
    I hope my formal date doesn't wear that hahahaha

    Oh god just imagining scares me.
    omg we need to chat footy!
    Sooooooo pumped after the Swannies trade week!
    McGlynn, Kennedy, Mumford AND Seaby! haha
    Another solid trade week by Adelaide :p

    We need to do a phantom together as well! I'm hoping the Swannies get Rohan, Martin or Butcher but not so sure about Pick 14 yet. Maybe Christenson or if Talia or Panos drops. Wbu?

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