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  • RoooooBBBBBBBBBBBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR - yes you have done something wrong! You havent been on since early March 2008 and everyone is missing you!!!
    H2F - its important to me ok....another notch in the belt.... u can have her back when im finished...surely you cant ask more than that. Dont ask me not ok. Its the thrill of the chase.
    yeah thanks KS, I actually had a nightmare last night about it.

    I can't fight him because he is too big, and I have tried everything to convince my girl he isn't the lovable little bear he portrays himself to be ...
    Stop trying to cut my lunch ... It was one thing Number13 (I mean 24) actually launched outwards with his eyes crossed to go the grope, but to sneak around behind my back ringing the house is another.

    I really love her Rusty and it's hurting me.
    H2F - I'd be more worried about what Rusty was doing with his tongue:p:p
    Keyser I actually have a photo of her tongue in his ear.

    no jokes...

    not happy about it.
    Stop sniffing around my girl Rusty. I'm sick of her telling me how much she likes you.

    I've had enough !!!
    Should H2F ever have a wedding day - my money is on Rusty pulling a stunt like tis.

    Tigerboyz - your frecken me out everytime I see your user name haunting my little area.

    Ah no that would be Number 24 ...

    He licked the seat my girl sat on. I caught him in the act...
    H2F - EXPOSED - Your really Troy Buswell from WA!!!! Now we know who you really are :) Bummer dude.
    If you tasted sawdust and dirt a tiny hint of Portsea sand, yep, that was mine!!! (NExt time can u do da other ear.... im tilting at the moment.....
    Rusty I could have sworn I could taste your ear the other night when kissing my GF...
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