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  • Thank you :) Oh there is so much to do on a Thursday night! I'm doing something tomorrow anyway.

    Oh I didn't meant too I don't know, I let the moment slip and by the time, you were all there I was too scared haha. Next time though... I should be over my nerves by then :)
    Lol! Yeah I can't usually convince that many to come, let alone one, but its my birthday so they were forced to :) Next week I may be flying solo!
    Pardon me? 300 yards buddy.... Pack the box all you want and he will BURN you :D

    HE won the Superbah for us... You know that drive at the end of the game?

    Nabbers throws up when the going gets tough and fumbles the ball or totally ****s it up when he tries to win the game.
    Haha hope Nabbers enjoys his return to mediocrity... Which dumbarse QB doesn't know there is a tie?
    Piss off Westbrook is gonna be stuffed for a loss so many times by the end of the match he'll be eating out of his own arse :p
    Hmmm but that'll be ya plan, extra sauce on Eli... I wouldn't be taking away your chances too quickly... At all...
    No Plex... The guy almost always has a TD vs the Eagles. Without him, the secondary doesn't have to worry as much and you guys will be packing the box much more and getting more blitzes going.
    Hey I'm a Giants fan, its what we do!!!

    I know we are favourites, and we should be, we are the better team, one of the best. But that doesn't mean shit half the time. ESPECIALLY in a division game against an opponent who is better than their record (save inconsistency).

    The only thing that gives me the most hope is that you are 2-5-1 outside of the NFC West.
    I personally reckon you have a great chance of winning this week with no Plex...

    Bit scary tbh :p
    Haha now now... IF you win, you can't go around bragging when you already concede :)

    How the mighty ants are returning to their nest (Boys fans) is pretty funny :p And they have the audacity to suggest its for anything other than being a Boys fan us and being other Beast fans :eek:

    Should be a good game though... Hopefully we can reverse Nabbers and Westy's form from last week :p

    Reckon we will go 2-2 with whats left and end up 13-3 so who knows.
    I would assume tomorrow, but wouldn't think they'd be doing too much. Then I reckon the only next open session would be Thursday.... I am contemplating going tomorrow but I've still got this damn cold I can't shack off and reckon Thursday would be better anyway.
    yeah i did thanks! yesterday was probably better though cos i wasnt sunburnt so therefore not as uncomfortable. did you? hung out on the hill i guess?
    What's goin on with the Iggles. Last in the east, New York and Dallas... ok, but the Skins... Yikes :eek:
    A local media celebrity.

    I am tired and going to bed, thats what i am!

    Damn. I should've made my username 'The Coolness'!
    I was getting a bit sick of the other one, but this way, people still know who I am.

    Ahhhhhh very smart!
    Yeh I've noticed you've copped a bit of a hammering in that thread, nothing you can't take though I'm sure. :p Perhaps a yes man no more? :D ;)
    Southerntakeover has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.

    Haha, ahh sorry I nicked off pretty quick today, will catch you guys another time.
    G'day STO. Are you still interested in the BFFFL MkII league? If so, please send me your email addy.

    There's a new thread re the league.

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