Toots Hibbert
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  • Top-notch effort on the "Paris Hilton" thread mate, and I noticed your work on the "Chipscab McLeod" topic a few days ago too :thumbsu:

    Some people - like the old grey mare - are so utterly ignorant, wilfully obtuse, and committed to denial that it still boggles the mind, even after having dealt with many dullards of a similar nature before now.

    Check out the YouTube clip I added on my latest post...

    Mate, thanks for the kind message but one goal in a half of football really does put us in perspective. Gees, your boys are travelling really well - and making a mockery of so called experts such as yours truly. Keep giving it to those Crowbot flogs - you know where my allegiance lies.
    Cheers Toots........
    Turned into one of those threads where almost every post by every contributor was chuckle worthy.
    Our Defense is woeful. Warner has killed us and yet we're still in the game????

    If we could get an interception...
    Yeah, great win on the weekend. I have my doubts though - especially in defence but anyhting can happen on the day. I'd love to knock off the Vikings if we can....
    Hey Toots, mate, I've emailed you before, but under ComradeKane, many moons ago. I work with C_B_A, who claims he knows you. I love the song "pressure drop", and although my favourite artist is the brilliant new age composer MIke Olfield, I dont mind blue's or reggae. Love the song Pressure drop. What else, would be "Toots personal selection" Cheers mate
    It must have been 30 odd years ago a guy from the Packers organisation was travelling the world looking for teams with green and gold uniforms to get memorabilia for their museum. There was a piece in the local paper about him going to Woodville Football club (also known as the Peckers) who had those colours. Anyway, same as you, I liked the idea they were publicly owned so I remembered that. They used to show gridiron on the ABC for a while and when I saw Green Bay playing I went for them. I've actually missed most of their games this year but normally see most and try to catch all the play off games.

    I've followed Man U since before they dropped to the second division. Used to have tea at a workmates house on Friday nights when the ABC showed British soccer. He was a City supporter and his wife followed United so I started following them to pay him out. Have gone so far in the days of Alec Stepney and Joe Jordan etc. as to interrupt a canoeing trip down the Snowy in order to catch them in the FA cup final! It's been a great ride for the last ten years.

    So yeah, football first, then soccer and the Packers take third spot.
    Geez, it was a while ago now - around 1991-92 - and they were on the telly playing the 49'ers and being green and gold, I went for them. Also during the game SF were the defending champs, so I went for the underdog. I also found out they were publicly owned and a (relatively) small club from a small town, so it just grew from there.

    Guys like Favre, Reggie White and Holmgren and then winning the SB in 1996 sealed the deal.

    I enjoy watching the NFL (not as much as AFL) so I'll pretty much watch anyone but I always catch the GB games on Foxtel.

    What about you.
    Yeah, that was a load of shyte. After last season I was hoping for a big year but not to be. Geez we've been stiff. Feel sorry for Mike McCarthy too.
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