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  1. W

    Black Diamond AFL Part 2

    We've been rambling on about umpires of late and umpy's who have gone. Have they crossed to the 'dark side' or gone to a far better place? This also applies to those lucky sods who are playing footy in sydney..!! BTW when r we going to get our act together and have clubs with all 3...
  2. W

    Black Diamond AFL

    Again we seem to be missing the 'bigger' issues. :confused: All the talk has revolved around the umpy so far. They seem to have their house in order. Not that the same can be said about clubs at this point in time. Borgsta has some very good points and as the last commentator indicated, the...
  3. W

    Black Diamond AFL

    Hilariously funny to see clubs bickering about clubbies with stubbies. :) The important issues..!! :rolleyes: Maybe the BDAFL should go back to the drawing board with all these cricket scores each weekend and introduce a method to even up the competition? I'm sure reading some of the dribble...