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  1. D

    Premier A - 2013

    We were told that the council is not letting anyone on the ovals until further notice. Does that mean that they will move games to other grounds in that council?
  2. D

    Premier A - 2013

    ive dealt with racism from students against them as a coach on multiple occasions. not against me but against my players dont know if thats just a couple one offs or culture though
  3. D

    U19 Premier 2013

    Wrong thread mate. this is under 19s:D My Tips SBMT XAVS SKEVS DELA BERNARDS
  4. D

    U19 Premier 2013

    heard that they might be getting rid of it or that some big issues about it have risen already
  5. D

    U19 Premier 2013

    heard de la was up 35-0 in the first quarter and looked a quick sharp team then started to lose their shape a bit. ended up winning by 6
  6. D

    U19 Premier 2013

    Round one this weekend, lets get the chatter starting on the teams this year. De la back to back? or will xavs have it this year.
  7. D

    Premier A - 2013

    at the scotch v de la game yesterday. Gilbee's kicking is going to be the biggest weapon for scotch this year. watched the game yesterday and he kicked one from the back flank deep into the forward pocket, then kicked out from a behind and hit a man half way between the benches on the wing...
  8. D

    U19 Premier 2012

    Some people might. 18-19 year olds. Grand final. A lot of the talk from behind the goal is in your face and constant. You never know.
  9. D

    U19 Premier 2012

    I just dont get how you could get a broken nose and cheek from an innocent back hand to the face And their argument was he was getting tackled when de la had the ball at the time of the incident. Anyway moving on Great game on Saturday. Thought xavier was going to make a run in the third and...
  10. D

    U19 Premier 2012

    ive heard that the game was filmed by xavs and that de la have several witnesses to the incident i also heard that the kid who go hit is actually getting surgery next week to repair a broken cheek and nose using that im thinking hes in trouble
  11. D

    U19 Premier 2012

    i believe dees will win this game comfortably and come back and beat xaves in the final in a close one #4 from xavs will be suspended im guessing from what i saw on sunday and he was probably top 2 most dominant players on the day for xavs. i know one player isnt everything but a player of his...