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  1. strauchy

    Player Watch #22 Sam Lalor

    Shocking news. Will likely miss most of the year if the jaw is broken which Edmund is reporting
  2. strauchy

    Captain Season 2025

    Taranto is the most obvious captain choice! By such a long way
  3. strauchy

    Vacant guernsey numbers

    Can see Smillie in 29 but would prefer seeing him in 9. We all know Lalor will get 4 in 2026
  4. strauchy

    Game Day 2024 Draftmatmas live celebration and melt thread

    Anyone who says PJ aren't good deserves a life ban effective immediately. PJ, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains all amazing bands from the 90's. Charlie Comben standed next to me in the crowd - loves PJ. Hope we get another F1s't tonight! should accept nothing less!
  5. strauchy

    Podcast BigFooty Tigercast - A healthy dose of reality - the message all tiger fans need to hear

    The trade even looks worse today for them!
  6. strauchy

    Podcast BigFooty Tigercast - A healthy dose of reality - the message all tiger fans need to hear

    I was jumping up and down when it happened and laughed hard at your comment 'Someone's getting fired if this happens!' Rawlings!
  7. strauchy

    Podcast BigFooty Tigercast - A healthy dose of reality - the message all tiger fans need to hear

    Watched the draft with mates, in a cinema room. then lying in bed after, watched your whole show again to see reactions and knowing what was coming. Was so good waiting for the trade at the end. I wonder what we do tonight, could be another F1'st coming our way.
  8. strauchy

    List Mgmt. 2024 Draft - Draftmas Day

    Updated ODDS: Richmond Pick 1 Sam Lalor $1.07 Finn O'Sullivan $6 Richmond Pick 6 Josh Smillie $1.33 Bo Allan $1.40 Alix Tauru $6 Harvey Langford $7 Richmond Pick 10 Bo Allan $2 Xavier Lindsay $2.50 Jobe Shanahan $3 Jack Whitlock $4 Harry Armstrong $6 Toby Travaglia $7 Murphy Reid $18
  9. strauchy

    List Mgmt. 2024 Draft - Draftmas Day

    If we pass on Smillie at 6 for Allan..then he 100% goes next pick to saints. That is an absolute certainty. For someone who was touted pick 1 for majority of the year, this seems absurd.
  10. strauchy

    List Mgmt. 2024 Draft - Draftmas Day

    Jesus, this is Conca all over again. If we take Allan at 6, we may as well not show up to the draft. A mid who averaged 11 touches? Vs someone who has Cripps potential and touted as a number 1 pick ALL YEAR
  11. strauchy

    List Mgmt. 2024 Draft - Draftmas Day

    Allan will be a flop, calling it now. Bookmark this post
  12. strauchy

    Pearl Jam are BACK

    Was amazing tonight in melb! About 40m away in golden circle. Was incredible, such a distinct sound.
  13. strauchy

    List Mgmt. 2024 Draft - Draftmas Day

    If they do this, they would have a very good reason to believe Carlton are taking Jagga at 3 so they can essentially get in front of them to take him. After all, if that happens it makes no difference to us as jagga is incredibly unlikely. Won’t make it past pick 5 it seems as the latest mail...
  14. strauchy

    List Mgmt. 2024 Draft - Draftmas Day

    Updated ODDS: Richmond Pick 1 Sam Lalor $1.19 Finn O'Sullivan $2.95 Richmond Pick 6 Josh Smillie $1.33 Harvey Langford $5 Alix Tauru $5 Richmond Pick 10 Bo Allan $1.87 Jack Whitlock $2.10 Toby Travaglia $5 Harry Armstrong $6 Jobe Shanahan $6 Murphy Reid $18 Xavier Lindsay $21
  15. strauchy

    List Mgmt. 2024 Draft - Draftmas Day

    I get the feeling we will take Smillie now no matter what at 6. Unless FOS is there, which is extremely unlikely.
  16. strauchy

    List Mgmt. 2024 Draft - Post Trade Period Edition

    Couple of months ago, the likely number 1 for us through speculation was Jagga and then maybe FOS. Lalor wasn't mentioned in pick 1 contention. We were actually linked to Lalor at 6 What's changed to suggest we MUST take Lalor at 1? If we took FOS at 1, would we be ANY chance of Lalor at 6...
  17. strauchy

    List Mgmt. 2024 Draft - Post Trade Period Edition

    Updated ODDS: Richmond Pick 1 Sam Lalor $1.21 Finn O'Sullivan $2.85 Jagga Smith $8 Richmond Pick 6 Josh Smillie $1.95 Jagga Smith $2.87 Harvey Langford $5 Alix Tauru $5 Murphy Reid $9 Harry Armstrong $14 Richmond Pick 10 Toby Travaglia $3 Bo Allan $3 Harry Armstrong $5.50 Jobe...
  18. strauchy

    List Mgmt. 2024 Draft - Post Trade Period Edition

    Has the best highlights package by FAR! Makes things happen, had the X factor, looks like a genuine top pick and breaks lines. Gets the hard ball and runs away from the pack.
  19. strauchy

    Podcast BigFooty Tigercast - A healthy dose of reality - the message all tiger fans need to hear

    1 Lalor 6 Jagga/Smilie/Reid (in that order) 10 Armstrong (unless Smilie or Reid are available here) 11 Travaglia 18 Hotton, and if gone then Berry 20 J Whitlock/Shanahan Trade the rest for early selections next year or maybe use one more for anyone who has majorly slid or dattoli/hannfaord etc.
  20. strauchy

    Podcast BigFooty Tigercast - A healthy dose of reality - the message all tiger fans need to hear

    Yep, been saying for years his voice is under rated. For anyone who gets offended by the lyrics..just listen to the music and his voice, and it's actually amazing. Loved when they had to catch his hat. They should have kept playing the music for that, sounded so good.
  21. strauchy

    Podcast BigFooty Tigercast - A healthy dose of reality - the message all tiger fans need to hear

    Just starting tonight’s ep, looking forward to more draftee discussion. Grockadoc how good was steel Panther! I was also in GA. John5 also great.
  22. strauchy

    List Mgmt. 2024 Draft - Post Trade Period Edition

    I do hear you, but prepare to be disappointed. Sounds like Lalor is all but locked in. Could just be noise at the end of the day as Jagga was all but locked in earlier on. However, whoever has the most noise in the lead up to November usually prevails so I would be absolutely shocked now if it...
  23. strauchy

    List Mgmt. 2024 Draft - Post Trade Period Edition

    Immediate ban. No one is and will ever be like Dusty
  24. strauchy

    Podcast BigFooty Tigercast - A healthy dose of reality - the message all tiger fans need to hear

    Great ep. My biggest take away was Langford being slow. I never wanted him anyway. He has never wow'ed me with anything, and always seems under no pressure, so nothing stands out from him. Other big take away was learning that the only thing that can sway players in favour or out of favour are...
  25. strauchy

    List Mgmt. 2024 Draft - Post Trade Period Edition

    No chance we pick smillie ahead of Jagga, None. We are considering Jagga at pick 1. Along with FOS and Lalor. Latest mail seems Lalor is most likely at 1. Smillie isn't our contention for 1, where Jagga is. I would rather Smillie though personally. And also FOS at 1. If we could get FOS and...
  26. strauchy

    List Mgmt. 2024 Draft - Post Trade Period Edition

    STAY TUNED FOR ODDS AT EACH OF OUR PICKS IN THE FIRST ROUND! (Currently top 10 for now) MEANWHILE: Updated ODDS: Richmond Pick 1 Sam Lalor $1.87 Jagga Smith $2.15 Finn O'Sullivan $2.50 Harvey Langford $14 Richmond Pick 6 Harvey Langford $1.95 Josh Smillie $2 Murphy Reid $3.55 Sid...
  27. strauchy

    Review delistings 2024

    Bytel would be an upgrade on McIntosh, also factoring age. You'd think the obvious delistings are Cumberland, Colina, Coulthard at least..
  28. strauchy

    List Mgmt. 2024 Draft Thread

    STAY TUNED FOR ODDS AT EACH OF OUR PICKS IN THE FIRST ROUND! MEANWHILE: Updated ODDS: Richmond Pick 1 Jagga Smith $1.23 Sam Lalor $2.10 Finn O'Sullivan $2.50 Harvey Langford $9 Josh Smillie $81.00 Sid Draper $151.00 The Field $1001
  29. IMG_9258.JPG

