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  1. Big_Birdy

    Christian Porter

    It's called the cab rank rule. A barrister can set their speciality in law and their price. Generally, if the case is relevant to their speciality and the client accepts the price, the barrister must accept them as the client. A conflict can exist where it would be inappropriate to represent...
  2. Big_Birdy

    Anthony Albanese - How long?

    I'd be surprised if it isn't at least indexed. Otherwise the claims that it only affects 0.5% of the population are either dishonest (in regard to the government) or credulous at best (in regard to the reporting). Compulsory super only commenced in the mid-90's. Sure the number of people who...
  3. Big_Birdy

    Anthony Albanese - How long?

    Will the $3M dollar figure be indexed or does the increase have a sunset clause?
  4. Big_Birdy

    Christian Porter

    Would have been hard to claim he had no experience in defamation to not be the next cab off the rank
  5. Big_Birdy

    Christian Porter

    He didn’t withdraw the case was settled.
  6. Big_Birdy

    Christian Porter

    Which I distinctly said was one of the possibilities earlier in the thread. That post was in response to a poster claiming Hooke confronted porter about the alleged rape and Hooke being told about the rape by the victim. Right now neither of those appear to be the case.
  7. Big_Birdy

    Christian Porter

    So basically what it boils down to is you believe Reynolds about her explanation for the comment, and I don't. That's fine. If she is lying about her explanation about the comment, then yes she is a coward for not reporting the rape.
  8. Big_Birdy

    Christian Porter

    There was no defamation case in 2019 because Reynolds hadn't said it yet. Not disputing it could be worse, did you read my post?
  9. Big_Birdy

    Christian Porter

    "I continue to be repeatedly contacted by numerous journalists seeking public comment, and in response, I make the following personal statement" So we can either believe the man in his own words, or we can believe you based on your thoughts and feelings as to why he did it. Apparently he made...
  10. Big_Birdy

    Christian Porter

    This is a forum. Its not supposed to be a pissing contest. I gave examples of other relevant discussions to the case which were possible and just asked for clarification from you. Funny how you say I shouldn't comment on it, and yet.... Linda Reynold's paid damages to Brittany Higgins in a...
  11. Big_Birdy

    Christian Porter

    Fair enough. Well if it is the case that he was waiting then that's one thing. But considering he stated he "made himself know to NSW Police" after Kate's death, it seems highly unlikely.
  12. Big_Birdy

    Christian Porter

    Was she waiting? She gave a statement according to Hooke. Or are you referring to a sworn statement?
  13. Big_Birdy

    Christian Porter

    He explicitly states as to why he is giving the statement and the reason for the timing in the first paragraph. It has nothing to to do with claims around her mental health. "I was mentioned in the Australian and The Adelaide Advertiser this week, and I am referred to in Kate's unsworn...
  14. Big_Birdy

    Christian Porter

    How is it clear? I agree that he thinks they have a conversation, although he caveats it, discussing he understands memory is fallible (an odd caveat to be honest if the conversation is “ Christian Porter r*ped me”. Sure it could be a reasonable caveat to say “she told me Christian Porter...
  15. Big_Birdy

    Christian Porter

    There are lots of options: That Porter r*ped Kate That Kate thinks she was r*ped but not sure Discussion on Kate being very intoxicated/not remembering that night Kate refusing to discuss that night Kate regretting them having consensual sex Kate being totally fine with them having...
  16. Big_Birdy

    Christian Porter

    Where has James Hooke stated that? Has he added to the statement below?
  17. Big_Birdy

    Christian Porter

    Good segment on the law report Tuesday regarding an inquiry, with views from experienced lawyers from all sides
  18. Big_Birdy

    Christian Porter

    Sorry? It’s the full quote and I didn’t add any words to it. It begins the section on how the legal profession is at a turning point. It appears to be a separate discussion to Porter, but relating to inquiries in general, although it could be sloppy writing, hence my comment on context.
  19. Big_Birdy

    Christian Porter

    As in by you? I did (where did you think I pulled the quote from?).
  20. Big_Birdy

    Christian Porter

    Leaving aside the rest of the article, I spotted this quote Mr Bradley said that on top of the confusion around basic legal concepts, Mr Porter and the government’s subsequent response has effectively sent a message “that there is more or less impunity available if the criminal justice system...
  21. Big_Birdy

    Christian Porter

    I haven't read the whole email (as far as I know the entirety hasn't been released), but it hasn't been denied that it included the following: "did not go through the Firm’s due consultation or approval process. Had it done so, we would have considered the matter through the lens of our Purpose...
  22. Big_Birdy

    Christian Porter

    Basically. The lawyer who took the case has practiced law for 50 years and I assume is an equity partner at the firm (based on his experience). The approval process referred to may or may not even exist, but doubt it applies to lawyers of that rank. The idea that you cannot take on a client...
  23. Big_Birdy


    Pretty serious probity issue, made worse by the fact that it doesn't appear to be criminal. Using the company at arms length under the protection of private political donations feels like money laundering as others have said. In terms of wasting money, well, depends on what is achieved with the...
  24. Big_Birdy

    Protecting George Pell

    Civil? You've called me a racist with no basis. That was simply an example used in regards to funding, used in direct rebuttal to a claim made specifically regarding a comparison between the two religions. I did not "post about the damage that Islam does". That implies I posted on the...
  25. Big_Birdy

    Protecting George Pell

    Once again, you show a complete lack of comprehension skills. That was regarding a disagreement with madmug regarding the relative funding spend. Now either you aren't smart enough to understand that, or you are being deliberately disingenuous by attempting to cherry pick quotes without...
  26. Big_Birdy

    Protecting George Pell

    No I haven't. Not once. Keep making a fool of yourself. Please
  27. Big_Birdy

    Protecting George Pell

    I never said you said they were being protected. As I have stated, I don't believe Islam is being protected. I was simply saying the opposite (Catholic Church being protected) is not occurring either.
  28. Big_Birdy

    Protecting George Pell

    Why would I? That is not what we are arguing about. Once again, you may be able to read words but you clearly can't comprehend a sentence.
  29. Big_Birdy

    Protecting George Pell

    If that's what you got from what I have written then you are a fool. I have simply defended the government's (and in this case, both the previous and incumbent) handling of the royal commission, and the funding they put into issues in religious sections in Australia. I have made no comment...
  30. Big_Birdy

    Protecting George Pell

    Pardon? I'm an atheist. Who am I biased towards?