Protecting George Pell

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Got anything to back up your statement that we spend more money on Islamic concerns than Catholic Concerns? Royal Commissions are very expensive.

This budget alone allowed an extra $450million for extremist counter intelligence activities. We spen millions for ongoing deradicalisation programs.

That doesnt even allow for the huge cost of sending our forces over to confront ISIS.

The RCC has destroyed more lives in this country than ISIS.
This budget alone allowed an extra $450million for extremist counter intelligence activities. We spen millions for ongoing deradicalisation programs.

That doesnt even allow for the huge cost of sending our forces over to confront ISIS.

The RCC has destroyed more lives in this country than ISIS.

What's extremist counter intelligence got to do with Islam?

I thought ISIS has nothing to do with Islam either? That's what we keep getting told.

Similar issues in Islamic Society that are comparable to issues in the RCC are Female Genital Mutilation and Underage Marriage. The amount of money invested in those issues is far less than investigating the Catholic Church and Paedophilia.

I am in no way saying the money being spent is wasted or that the royal commission isn't warranted, it absolutely is. But any claims that Islam is being picked on while the Catholics are being protected are well off the mark.
You don't believe that people are saying that Islam is being ignored, while Catholicism and Christianity are being attacked?

I have not seen it however I don't doubt there are people claiming it.

I meant I don't think the picking on or protection is occurring
Let's cut a two page discourse of misunderstanding, short.

Your stance is, from what you seem to be saying that, is that if we are attacking a Catholic religion, we need to also focus on an Islamic religion.

But the fact that you don't make that statement in the anti-Islamic threads, makes me believe you hold a bias to a certain religion, or that you're a racist... And you're just anti-westerners.

All religion is stupid, and it should be discarded.
Probably make the world a more peaceful and more tolerant place at least.
Let's cut a two page discourse of misunderstanding, short.

Your stance is, from what you seem to be saying that, is that if we are attacking a Catholic religion, we need to also focus on an Islamic religion.

But the fact that you don't make that statement in the anti-Islamic threads, makes me believe you hold a bias to a certain religion, or that you're a racist... And you're just anti-westerners.

All religion is stupid, and it should be discarded.

If that's what you got from what I have written then you are a fool.

I have simply defended the government's (and in this case, both the previous and incumbent) handling of the royal commission, and the funding they put into issues in religious sections in Australia.

I have made no comment what so ever regarding being able to criticise one religion or the other. You have either made that up, or deduced it due to a severe lack of reading comprehension skills and/or intelligence.
If I can provide even the slightest hint on you defending one religion, or attacking another... Will you delete your account?

I mean... you're so confident...

Why would I? That is not what we are arguing about.

Once again, you may be able to read words but you clearly can't comprehend a sentence.
What's extremist counter intelligence got to do with Islam?

I thought ISIS has nothing to do with Islam either? That's what we keep getting told.

Similar issues in Islamic Society that are comparable to issues in the RCC are Female Genital Mutilation and Underage Marriage. The amount of money invested in those issues is far less than investigating the Catholic Church and Paedophilia.

I am in no way saying the money being spent is wasted or that the royal commission isn't warranted, it absolutely is. But any claims that Islam is being picked on while the Catholics are being protected are well off the mark.

I've never said any such thing about Islam being protected. I was only refuting your comment. In fact I see the opposite.

I see that this Gument is bashing the security & defense thing for all its worth. Like the USA, Rabbott seems to need to create fear over 'the enemy'. Whether thats ISIS, Muslims, Aged pensioners, anyone else on welfare, mothers, backpackers or whoever.

Rabbott doesnt want solutions or middle ground. He sees all this as a way to generate fear & suspicion. His, 'good' versus everyone else as 'evil', political method.

They have spent 100s of millions so far. He wont stop, unless his party gets sick of his madness.

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I've never said any such thing about Islam being protected. I was only refuting your comment. In fact I see the opposite.

I see that this Gument is bashing the security & defense thing for all its worth. Like the USA, Rabbott seems to need to create fear over 'the enemy'. Whether thats ISIS, Muslims, Aged pensioners, anyone else on welfare, mothers, backpackers or whoever.

Rabbott doesnt want solutions or middle ground. He sees all this as a way to generate fear & suspicion. His, 'good' versus everyone else as 'evil', political method.

They have spent 100s of millions so far. He wont stop, unless his party gets sick of his madness.

I never said you said they were being protected. As I have stated, I don't believe Islam is being protected.

I was simply saying the opposite (Catholic Church being protected) is not occurring either.

Once again, you show a complete lack of comprehension skills.

That was regarding a disagreement with madmug regarding the relative funding spend.

Now either you aren't smart enough to understand that, or you are being deliberately disingenuous by attempting to cherry pick quotes without context for an attempt at a gotcha moment.
I said you posted about the damage of Islam... You said you never have, not even once... I quoted you stating the damage of Islam...
You continue to attack and insult me, when I've been civil.

Civil? You've called me a racist with no basis.

That was simply an example used in regards to funding, used in direct rebuttal to a claim made specifically regarding a comparison between the two religions.

I did not "post about the damage that Islam does". That implies I posted on the consequences of Islam in the community.

I posted about the relative funding to investigate Peadophilia in the Catholic Church and comparable issues in the Islamic Church (without comment by the way, I never said the Islamic Issues should be investigated more, as I have no reason to believe it is as prevelant, at least on a per capita basis, as Peadophilia was in the RCC)

If you don't understand the difference between posting EXAMPLES of damage and ABOUT damage, conversations like this are always going to be tricky.
Can't recall Pell ever giving evidence under oath. I think he has only appeared at Vic. Enquiry and made written statements.
Now he is in witness protection at the Vatican.
Victorian enquiry was a comittee of parliament it cant be used or reviewed by the courts

Tricky heh
Can't recall Pell ever giving evidence under oath. I think he has only appeared at Vic. Enquiry and made written statements.
Now he is in witness protection at the Vatican.

:p. I know its not funny, sorry, but.

Lately over here in W.A. those busted are from all walks of life
Sports coaches,civil servants,teachers even a social worker

An ex cop once told me that the public would be shocked if they knew the half of what some of the high profile 'big end of town people' actually got up to behind closed doors. He said they were warned not to say anything about such matters outside. Or Else!!

Victorian enquiry was a comittee of parliament it cant be used or reviewed by the courts

Tricky heh

The 'big end of town' people like to keep such matters cloudy & messy so the truth cant get out too easily. Victoria has always been under the heal of the CC so this stuff would be causing a lot of concern in the halls of power.
What astounded me was that this is said to have happened in the 90s. For so long we had been assured that the abuse and cover ups happened in the dim, and distance past, and that the modern Catholic church had no truck with this sort of thing.
It's probably still happening now.
I'm not religious, but think that innocent until proven guilty should apply, or at the very least that it should require more than idle gossip before people get subjected to trial by media on any issue, but more especially on one as nasty as this.

Sworn testimony before a Royal Comission is more than just idle gossip.

It is an allegation that he must answer.

He has also been warned that refusal to answer will likely lead to an adverse finding by the RC.
What this needs is the media to isolate Pell instead of doing their regulation prodding for a pollie grab. The RC will not get his testimony if we start pointing fingers at catholic pollies just for the fun of it. It goes wayyy beyond poliitics so treat it that way. Get public opinion firmly around Pells neck and force HIM to come up with reasons NOT to appear at the RC. Let the pressure off any religious leader and they always try to squirm off the hook...they need to be reminded they are not a protected species and treated like anyone else that avoids scrutiny.

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Protecting George Pell

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