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  1. sauce_head

    Autopsy 2024 AFL Season Round 17 vs Sydney Swans

    I thought Arie finally showed some signs in the second half running the ball through him. Looked good. I was a vocal critic in the first half but he looked to lift. Hope he goes on with it!
  2. sauce_head

    Autopsy 2024 AFL Season Round 17 vs Sydney Swans

    I was in isle 30 and it was amazing! You are right, isle 32 was going crazy! Loved it!
  3. sauce_head

    Autopsy 2024 AFL Season Round 17 vs Sydney Swans

    No but he didnt give one away despite hitting Webster in the head and causing him to bleed... The very next play he got a Heeney free kick for mild contact. That was his two in 60 seconds. So Heeney.
  4. sauce_head

    Autopsy 2024 AFL Season Round 17 vs Sydney Swans

    That was amazing! Extended family at the game for our one saints match of the year. Can head home to Sydney and walk around making sure they all know about it! 🤣
  5. sauce_head

    Game Day 2024 AFL Season, Round 17: St Kilda Saints v Sydney Swans, Sunday 7th of July 3:20pm AEST, Marvel Stadium

    Glorious day to be back in Melbourne! Go Saints!!!!
  6. 1720161780176.jpeg


  7. sauce_head

    Preview 2024 AFL Season, Round 17: St Kilda saints v Sydney Swans, Sunday 7th of July 3:20pm AEST, Marvel Stadium

    Suspect it will be those two and Membrey. Perhaps Jones the sub but I’d prefer Byrnes as sub. Or have I done one too many there?
  8. sauce_head

    Preview 2024 AFL Season, Round 17: St Kilda saints v Sydney Swans, Sunday 7th of July 3:20pm AEST, Marvel Stadium

    IN: Byrnes, Howard, Jones, Membrey, Paton, Phillipou OUT: Caminiti (injured), Dow (injured), King (injured)
  9. sauce_head

    Preview 2024 AFL Season, Round 17: St Kilda saints v Sydney Swans, Sunday 7th of July 3:20pm AEST, Marvel Stadium

    Probably the same thing as if I win a gold medal in the 100m sprint wearing thongs…
  10. sauce_head

    Autopsy Round 16, 2024: St.Kilda v Port Adelaide

    Ironic that he played his best periods of the game with a season ending knee injury. Shame he won’t be playing this week as heading ti the game and live screaming out MAXY!!!! Might help our performance though… Hope he recovers swiftly and fully.
  11. sauce_head

    Preview 2024 AFL Season, Round 17: St Kilda saints v Sydney Swans, Sunday 7th of July 3:20pm AEST, Marvel Stadium

    You must have missed 97 through to 2011?
  12. sauce_head

    Preview 2024 AFL Season, Round 17: St Kilda saints v Sydney Swans, Sunday 7th of July 3:20pm AEST, Marvel Stadium

    Or maybe rotating through the ruck. I don’t think we are as worried about putting him in cotton wool anymore, given we usually perform better when he is not playing (as much as it kills me to say).
  13. sauce_head

    Autopsy Round 16, 2024: St.Kilda v Port Adelaide

    Hasn’t he already done that? In the last quarter? Max looked better for a few minutes then, albeit did that stupid late hit. Max has no full forward craft. Higgins is twice the full forward he is, twice the smarts. I want King to succeed as well, but his work rate is so average. Move and...
  14. sauce_head

    Autopsy Round 16, 2024: St.Kilda v Port Adelaide

    I think we rely on Marshall and Higgins more. But to your point that is a relatively small sample set (especially Marshall). Imagine the pressure of expectation on him if he played for West Coast or one of the big four clubs… on field performance is fair game. Personal lives are no go areas in...
  15. sauce_head

    Autopsy Round 16, 2024: St.Kilda v Port Adelaide

    Thats the pressure of professional sport. Some can take it, some can’t. Being okay if there is no pressure to perform is not, unfortunately, a realistic expectation nor a realistic solution. Sure, he could get another big body to support, but he could also lead…
  16. sauce_head

    Autopsy Round 16, 2024: St.Kilda v Port Adelaide

    I had similar thoughts about Owen and said the same thing at the time. I suppose another possibility is that he wanted to bring his team mate into the game. Either way the decision was incorrect o suppose. I thought we looked better when Max was off. His last stint in the ruck looked better...
  17. sauce_head

    Autopsy Round 16, 2024: St.Kilda v Port Adelaide

    Heading down from Sydney to watch the game this week. Spewing we are actually playing Sydney. Entire family will be there, over 20 of us. I just hope we get there before the game starts so that we can sing the song. And kick the first goal so we can cheer something. After that it’s all just bonus…
  18. sauce_head

    Autopsy Round 16, 2024: St.Kilda v Port Adelaide

    Like the umpire that always calls not 15 combined with the one that never does (especially if it’s an 8 meter kick to one or their forwards from the boundary line)?
  19. sauce_head

    Autopsy Round 16, 2024: St.Kilda v Port Adelaide

    Same reason Marshall didn’t get a 50 for a late in the back and they were able to run over the mark without being punished when we marked it in their goal square. Because the umpires aren’t accountable for StKilda stuff ups.
  20. sauce_head

    Votes Round 16, 2024: St.Kilda v Port Adelaide

    5. Marshall 4. Hill 3. Henry 2. Milera 1. Sinclair
  21. sauce_head

    Autopsy Round 16, 2024: St.Kilda v Port Adelaide

    Higgins today was out full forward and competed against three. Sure his finish was terrible when he went around the corner but at least he moved and presented. I wish he could do a body swap with King. Agree on the rest of the message.
  22. sauce_head

    Autopsy Round 16, 2024: St.Kilda v Port Adelaide

    Can we trade him. We look so much better when he is not on the ground. He’s fallen behind Higgins and Marshall as the best full forward in our team. Too many passengers today. That, King and the 50/50 decisions that never go our way made it a hard loss. I know it’s better for draft picks, and...
  23. sauce_head

    News 2024 St.Kilda Media Thread

    Good on Ross. Hopefully over the next two weeks he does (1) fixture inequality and (2) the appalling deal we got at Docklands and the fact we paid that off for the AFL to the tune of 800,000 more supporters through the gates. Then the AFL can just ignore it all at once. Again.
  24. sauce_head

    Fixture 2024 Fixture

    Thants so good. That and the fact the saints paid off the docklands for the AFL (put 800,000 more people through than the next team), yet the “big clubs” complain about equalization payments!