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  1. SplintWhisky

    List Mgmt. 2024 Draft Thread

    100% agree 16 ain't worth shit. I am more point out the fact of the matter and not commenting on the actual value of Bolton.
  2. SplintWhisky

    Free Agency Compensation must be abolished

    It does but I guess it also screws up other clubs who have their later picks values change more dramatically because the drop in value is not linear. Going from 50 to 52 at the moment is a 9% drop, 60 to 62 is a 15% drop.
  3. SplintWhisky

    List Mgmt. 2024 Draft Thread

    You've fallen for a logical trap there. 16 doesn't become pick 21 with all those moves, it only becomes pick 18 F/S and Academy players don't move your picks back in a bid (unless it is a situation where you can take your first round before a bid comes). If we bid on Ashcroft and the Lions...
  4. SplintWhisky

    Free Agency Compensation must be abolished

    With the points changes as well being made I have one extra to add to this list. - Free Agency compensation picks are worth no draft points. The point associated with any draft pick are locked in. For example, Brisbane are now getting really screwed as they will have to sell a player because...
  5. SplintWhisky

    Free Agency Compensation must be abolished

    The issues the fans always seem to have is the secretive and opinion based nature that the compensation seems to be. If they made it transparent and published the salaries, then the fans would be fine. If the formula is known and other rules are brought in to remove "smoothing" contracts, then...
  6. SplintWhisky

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency Part 10

    I mean if collingwood did do the 900k per year then yeah, that seems normal.
  7. SplintWhisky

    Universal Love Welcome to Richmond Adem Yze

    I think a PR course would be wasted. I think those Harvard leadership courses that we sent Hardwick on constantly would be the ticket.
  8. SplintWhisky

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency Part 10

    We could get pick 12 in the rioli deal through wage paying and picks being sent with rioli. Depending on the wage, we either pay 20% more points or 10% more points.
  9. SplintWhisky

    Universal Love Welcome to Richmond Adem Yze

    I am not going to have a go about the presentation skills of the man. He can improve those easily. The content was what is troubling. It seemed too soft and nice from him. He could of gone through and made a speech that was firm and made clear the standards that the club will stand for whilst...
  10. SplintWhisky

    Universal Love Welcome to Richmond Adem Yze

    I would say, that if we come out and look bored and uninterested in the early rounds from the senior players guaranteed to get a game, he should be sacked mid year. Early year is when everyone should have hope and try hard, if we don't then...
  11. SplintWhisky

    Universal Love Welcome to Richmond Adem Yze

    On the back of his speech tonight at the JDM, i really hope he is put overseas to get some leadership skills. He has been lambasted as being too soft and close with the players and thr JDM was the perfect place to come out firing and make a statement. Not stumble through his words and keep...
  12. SplintWhisky

    Player Watch #21: Noah Balta

    Thought this thread being bumped was going to be the annual, "Balta can be the next full forward" delusion.
  13. SplintWhisky

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency Part 10

    As Jeremy Clarkson once said "Like the menu of a Scottish restaurant. Not much there and nothing you want."
  14. SplintWhisky

    What the heck? Andrew Bassatt's Weird Speech

    "We are here to just make up numbers, we have a lack of access to proper talent long term," looks over at playing group, "Oh but not you guys, you guys are the tops," as he gives them a thumbs up.
  15. SplintWhisky

    Toast Jack Dyer Medal 2024 - Positive vibes only

    After his first video on the club website I imagine he will have the winning idea that "trusting the words" of our staff over objective data is the way to go because we are so well run and in a great space off the field. Jesus I have turned on this guy so quickly after that one speech.
  16. SplintWhisky

    Toast Jack Dyer Medal 2024 - Positive vibes only

    That is what I will be watching tomorrow. I want to see some fire from both of them.
  17. SplintWhisky

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency Part 10

    I don't know, the ads they play over and over just kill me. Actively makes me want to boycott the companies.
  18. SplintWhisky

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency Part 10

    Have some inside info about Oliver. I just don't think we have the culture or leadership to support him/get him right. Also not the type of player I would want young draftees looking at and thinking he is a role model.
  19. SplintWhisky

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency Part 10

    I can't since Gibcus will most likely be injured and isn't SDK the same way?
  20. SplintWhisky

    Universal Love Welcome to Richmond Adem Yze

    A lot of historical revisionism here. In 2021 the Sub was not a tactical sub but a medical sub. Yes it was abused constantly but you wouldn't want to risk a granny being the first club the AFL decides to come down on for it. Also Vandermeer was also left as the sub.
  21. SplintWhisky

    Universal Love Welcome to Richmond Adem Yze

    I am starting to become more and more worried with the club as information and people speak. New CEO has come out and proudly said we are well run off the field No we are not. I am 100% certain if Gale had the discussions he said he had last year with O'Rouke with Peggy as President, Peggy would...
  22. SplintWhisky


    Yup and he wants to go to the suns.
  23. SplintWhisky

    Player Watch #4 Dustin Martin GOAT and King of Punt Rd - OFFICIALLY RETIRED

    Dusty not on the parade. Must be heading to the suns.
  24. SplintWhisky

    Keep it Positive - A thread where we find genuinely good things going on.

    No one has decided to test if fire is indeed hot and burnt the building down....yet.
  25. SplintWhisky


    Nah the "Good for the game" will be Freo beating Carlton in the Granny. Cant have too many years without a WA team going far in September. Today will be about Sydney winning. Its been 10 yrs and they need a flag to keep NSW onboard.
  26. SplintWhisky

    Player Watch #3: Dion Prestia Re-Signed for 2025

    Massive shit post and I am all for it.
  27. SplintWhisky

    Universal Love Welcome to Richmond Adem Yze

    If Bolton was a complete success and elite, then he would of been our best player all season. He isnt and he wasn't.
  28. SplintWhisky

    Coach Assistant coaches 2025 - Jake Batchelor VFL Coach Morris AFL Assistant

    Mate we are screwed for 20 years. I was excited for this new CEO to come in and make it look like he is taking control of ship under fire. But since his first presser where he said we don't have any 10 year goals and the reason is we are stable off the field lost me. You can't hit what doesn't...
  29. SplintWhisky

    Universal Love Welcome to Richmond Adem Yze

    I would disagree with this sentiment a little. I remember having this distinct thought watching the last 5 games of the season when players who had played a decent number if games (Rioli, Broad, Vlas and a few others) would all seem to look the same way at certain parts of the ground as though...
  30. SplintWhisky

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency Part 10

    16 is probably the "fair value" for Bakes. Think we will be trying to get an extra back draft pick to sweeten the deal or an "upgrade" of like our 73 moving to their 63 or something.