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  1. J

    AFL LIVE 2011 - 360, PS3 & PC - Part 18 - READ FAQ BEFORE POSTING

    have to say thanks to ross for everything he has done involving the game. For a CEO to come on here, answer peoples questions for over a year, go to the public play sessions and release screenshots and information for us is just outstanding. pretty sure everyone was getting frustrated with lack...
  2. J

    AFL LIVE 2011 - 360, PS3 & PC - Part 15 - READ FAQ BEFORE POSTING

    ross a while ago you hinted there may be some tv advertisement for the game. can we expect anything at say half time of the carlton v richmond game?
  3. J

    AFL LIVE 2011 - 360, PS3 & PC - Part 10 - READ FAQ BEFORE POSTING

    found a article on MMGN on how they think the game could be awesome, it has screenshots you have shown and the video clip. i think they have gone over the top with what they are expecting. here is the link in the game i remember you...
  4. J

    New AFL Video Game - Part 7 - READ FAQ BEFORE POSTING

    with the two most recent screens under the players name there is a blue bar, presuming its obviously a stamina metre im just wondering how it is used. Is it one like the older games where you run for a certain amount of time and it refills? Or is it a permanent type one where it goes down...
  5. J

    New AFL Video Game - Part 7 - READ FAQ BEFORE POSTING

    pre-ordered my copy last week. It is listed on the computer just as 'AFL'. yeah i have been waiting for this for a very long time, it has dragged on a lot. It is a little annoying how there has been limited information for so long and it is only about a month and a half from release and we...
  6. J

    New AFL Video Game - Part 7 - READ FAQ BEFORE POSTING

    has anyone actually pre-ordered the game? because ive heard the release is the 1st of March. Yet the Wii date is the 31st of March and the Wii version was meant to come out first? so has anyone actually pre-ordered the ps3/360 version
  7. J

    New AFL Video Game - Part 6 - READ FAQ BEFORE POSTING

    hey ross just a few questions about the game, just let me know if you cant answer. with the quarter updates will it include goal scorers and players with most possessions? also how you mentioned there will be training that you choose in a different menu. does this mean that there will be no...
  8. J

    New AFL Video Game - Part 5 - READ FAQ BEFORE POSTING

    It was correct with the email. Now a long wait ahead for a next year release sucks because the wait has been so long already and it means now cricket will be released before it. AFL 2011 hopefully will be a great game with good commentary and fun gameplay.
  9. J

    New AFL Video Game - Part 5 - READ FAQ BEFORE POSTING

    hey people, just got some news regarding the game so i thought i'd join and let you all know. its not great news but gives you a indication of when to expect the game. i sent an email to HES a few weeks ago and recently got a reply. the email is below: Dear Jammo, AFL on Playstation...