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  1. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    2436, was enough to move up 2 spots and finish 8th overall
  2. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    Haha, was a strategic pickup. Made the decision while needing to trade Sexton and Fisher. I already had Heeeney, Flanders, Zorko, Caldwell and Moore, so I decided to double down on forwards not just for backup but to loop the best score. Wasn’t sold on Daniher or McKay, Rankine too damaging to...
  3. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    2482 for the week, having Daniels seems like the big win. Hopefully another slight rise in the rankings. Out of trades though, so next week might be interesting.
  4. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    I can’t complain too much, as a lot of things have gone right for me this year. However keeping Salem has been one of my biggest mistakes of the year, if not the biggest. The decision to keep him over Stewart after their bye, while justifying the extra ~100k for his DPP has probably cost me a...
  5. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    2416 for the week and up 2 spots to 16th overall. Slow crawl to the top ten, however running out of time. I need some type of carnage over the next two rounds to make the jump up (while avoiding it myself.) As I still have a trade, have a decent F7 in Miers / Daniels and Salem floating between D/M.
  6. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    2427, 3rd score of 2400+ in a row and upto 18th overall. Messed being able to loop Xerri, then put the captain on Zorko instead of Whitfield ( missed the first bounce after working night shift)
  7. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    I can take Xerri VC but now need to cop Miers score. Or I can bounce Miers score and run with Zorko / Whitfield / Gulden as captain
  8. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    2458, Trade in preformed well enough, Daniels and Miers. Went with an extra forward to be able to loop, once Dawson returns. Should see a slight rise in rankings, like last week with a similar score
  9. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    VC Sheezel is my only decision today. 118 a lot more can go wrong than right, but kinda wanna run with Captain Gulden.
  10. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    2449 for the round (33rd overall) moved back up to 27th overall. Had been losing some momentum lately, was good to have a decent round again. F6 has been a real problem lately with Sexton / Fisher. I have 3 trades and seriously thinking of making a correction there. No one really standing out...
  11. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    2318, held off trade Sexton and copped the Richards score. Bit strategic as I think other would have burnt a few trades and hopefully pays off in the end. Hopefully with Fisher back next week, I seen it as a luxury trade as Sexton is F7/D7
  12. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    2235 and dropped to 33rd. Just a bad Sunday, captain Gawn hurt and Dawson. Had a decent run up til now, so was due for a bad decision and a few scores go the wrong way.
  13. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    Messed my captain loophole up a little this week. I planned on getting another designated 0 player, ended up with Gray from Richmond for Fwd/def looping with Fisher/Sexton. Now I haven’t used my VC and only non player is Livingston. I’m just going to lock Gawn. 1523/15 Eliminator is going to...
  14. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    With Freijah being named sub this late in the year and close enough to maxing out, he’s going this week for me. With Reville potential sub candidate also, might trade both this week and get a 24th man to cover Fisher absence and avoid Richards emergency score
  15. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    449/4 after I bounce Richard’s emergency score. I don’t own Krueger, obviously a decent enough score considering, but still an awkward score. Those that are forced to trade (Richards loopholers) will likely get a slight advantage in points this week.
  16. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    I’m possibly over stating McKercher return, there was plenty of points to go around between those two. Started to get a bit tight with Sheezel there also. Best play might be to keep him a week if Richards affords us hat luxury. If I had Simpkin I’d run him too, as that’s the reason you brought...
  17. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    I’m thinking Fisher has to be a trade this week. With no defined timeline and McKercher returning, it might be riskier keeping him than trading him. I will be loopholing Richards tonight and just see what happens however. Rankine seems the obvious replacement for those that already have...
  18. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    Very similar match up in the eliminator this week. Basically Sinclair, Dawson, Steele and Xerri vs Ryan, Richards, Brayshaw and English. Match up wise I think i might be in trouble, Sinclair likely Jordan tag, Dawson likely Berry attention vs Ryan and Brayshaw against Richmond
  19. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    Seen the Witts news last night, helps ease my Xerri concern for sure. There’s a lot of discrepancies with the 2nd ruck choices, Xerri 35%, English 30, Marshall 20 and Grundy at 16% ownership. This was one of the big reasons why I was concerned with the Xerri match up. I’d be very wary of...
  20. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    Any thought of picking up another basement priced designed Loopholing player ? Last week was a great example where the likely VC options failed early and potential to that people got stuck with a Gulden into Zerrett type scenario ? Richards is a hold for me, straight back in the side and scored...
  21. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    Was legit a bit disappointed in the round, after starting with unrealistic projections of 2500+ and Young being a real down score. Turns out it was good for 60th for the round and now I’m up to 26th overall. Still want to be aggressive and attack the overall, but starting to think hanging...
  22. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    2380, had the makings of a good round with everyone scoring reasonable except Young. A few really good score with Whitfield, Sinclair, Bont, Walsh (c) and Cadewell With a few sub score with Fisher, Heeney, Martin and Gawn that most other own anyways. I’ve held Reville and Freijah, they’ll...
  23. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    Nice work mate, it’s only one half of the equation but hard to see Rozee going 150+. Dunkley is the one that got away for me, if I were in a better position with trades (like you) I would have made the play for him this week. He’s had a pretty consistent year, expect that little patch a few...
  24. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    There definitely still a play there for him, but im happy to see him for another week. For me, his potential price rise will be offset by not trading Reville this week. You’ll be still in a position with Graham / Frejiah trade next week, to easily afford him and keep your team moving forward...
  25. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    Nice team mate, can see why you’re going alright on the overall. Are you confident that Rozee is back to full form ? all Ports mid had a fantasy field day against us on the weekend. Also reckon Rozee might be in Steele sights this weekend. We’re in a similar position, and think being placed...
  26. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    2012 for the round, which was 230 for the round and a bit surprising. Upto 50th overall, unsure how I’ll go about this week
  27. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    Agree with you on the best players. I don’t have Ryan as I stated, getting him is points chasing at his current price, and would feel like the horse has bolted for those big scores already been scored. Zerrett I’m up in the air with and I have Xerri Instead of Marshall (who well on my radar for...
  28. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    Having a look at the top 1% teams, after trades this week I will have all the top 24 players excluding Luke Ryan (22nd most common player) Fair to say I’m pretty vanilla amongst those rankings. This made me start to rethink my trades this week (Zerrett) who’s now in 72% of side with 26% of...
  29. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    Slight improvement overall, moving up to 67th overall. Team will be complete this round basically. There’s a few players I’m not 100% happy with, Green is the biggest annoyance as I just brought him in. Trades are going to be an issue as I’ve burnt through them chasing overall, so will likely...
  30. L

    AFL RDT 2024 AFL DT

    Always hard to gauge it isn’t it, those scores stack up reasonably well in BF league, where there is a few high ranking teams in there. 7 scores in the 1800s and no run away 1900+ scores. As your stating, most teams are basically complete in this format with those luxuries. I’ll be basically...