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  1. ChipSpackle

    I'm gonna totally tame Foofa's strange

    I'm gonna totally tame Foofa's strange
  2. ChipSpackle

    Hockey jerseys

    I'm looking for Anahieim Ducks jerseys, was hoping to get a Mighty Duck jersey this year for the 20th anniversary but they got scooped up real quick. I was even in New York City a few months ago and went to the NHL shop there but they didn't stock Western Conference teams so i was pretty bummed...
  3. ChipSpackle

    Who do you support in the NHL & who are your favourite players?

    Anaheim Ducks supporter, favourite player of all time would be the 'Finnish Flash' Teemu Selanne. Cannot believe it's his last seaso, as for other players anyone who's been a Duck holds a special place in my heart. Enjoy seeing the Sedin brothers and their twin magic, Dion Phaneuf always good...
  4. ChipSpackle

    Opinion Obligatory "How we'll go in 2014" Thread

    I think the club at the moment is beginning its rebuilding phase, so cannot expect that many more wins than what we got this season. Hopefully we draft well this year and start bringing up younger players, 2-3 years we could be knocking on the top 8's door. To answer on how we'll go in 2014 it...
  5. ChipSpackle

    ChipSpackle doesn't abbreviate. Each letter is as important as the one that preceded it. Maybe...

    ChipSpackle doesn't abbreviate. Each letter is as important as the one that preceded it. Maybe more important! No, as important.
  6. ChipSpackle

    Hockey jerseys

    Is there an outlet that sells in Australia?? I live in the N.T and so jerseys are rarely seen and never sold here.