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  1. C

    Picola & District Discussion 2024

    The PDFNL's points system is simple and effective. It is a realistic method of equalization that is transparent and can provide some form of assistance to a club needing to rebuild. I think it's bound to be adopted in other leagues as the "one size fits all" model is not at all assistive to a...
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    Picola & District SE 2018

    They have also signed a guy from NEAFL Alistair Gillespie. 6’5” Tall. Played for Claremont and south Fremantle prior.
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    Picola & District NW 2018

    I'm thinking orange....
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    Picola & District NW 2018

    The blue umpires uniform sounds ideal for most teams. The current green umpires uniform clashes with the standard club runners gear. Roar, Any plans for a change of strip for either umpires or runners?
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    Murray FL 2018

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    Picola & District SE 2018

    What in my post do you see as whinging? In fact quite the opposite. The above was a question more so as to what effect would it have hence the ?. I wish REdniewell for 2017 and am happy to see them climb the ladder as they are a good club with some great volunteers. I just wonder what the...
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    Picola & District SE 2018

    what about $85k afforded to the KDFL or $100k that was flagged for the PDFL? That might have slowed down the action?
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    Picola & District SE 2018

    Lucky for Rennie the salary cap isn't coming in!!
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    Picola & District NW 2018
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    Picola & District NW 2018

    Ok, how does it create so much more admin work for a club? Keeping records of player payments? Yes of course I agree that clubs could choose to hide player payments. Mind you the consequences need to be and from what I have read do appear very severe if a breach was to be proven. Like a drug...
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    Picola & District NW 2018

    According to memo released 24th October PDFNL clubs had until the Wednesday 9th November to contact Martin Gleeson regarding any issues with the salary cap of $100k.(and points 43) After which time this would be formally ratified?? It's not the 9th yet therefore what is the story? Also were or...
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    Picola & District NW 2018

    PDFNL not in CCSP 2017
  13. C

    Picola & District NW 2018

    So at this point do PDFNL clubs ignore any possibility of a salary cap and work on recruiting to around the 35 point mark?? Is there any indication of a timeframe that clubs will know exactly where they stand in regard to both points and cap?
  14. C

    Picola & District NW 2018

    Hearing 41 points and ability to apply for more depending on club circumstance? What will the salary cap be set at as I believe the points and cap operate concurrently? What happens if a club has already signed players up and end up committing over what the cap may be? Say approx $85k if it is...