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  1. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    You’d be better driving down to Katoomba that way you can get a later train back. There is one that goes at 11.18 from central gets into Katoomba at 1.17am or 12.18 gets in at 2.17am
  2. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    It’s looking that way.
  3. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    Ooooh let’s not get ahead of ourselves (I’m a nervous Nellie)
  4. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    I actually like Chris Fagen.
  5. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    Wow - 4 states competing in the prelims. It is a national comp. Great comeback by Brisbane.
  6. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    It’s 3/4 time, what’s with the cage fighting stuff on Fox. Do,people really watch that?
  7. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    Like Horn-Francis ?
  8. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    Belt the tripe out of each other is preferable.
  9. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    Yes we like that idea.
  10. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    That’s alright then, I an old lady, but been called a tough old boiler on my time!! 🤣🤣
  11. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    They were good and rather large!!
  12. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    Agree I wrote my car off in Melbourne the night of the 2006 GF - well an idiot Victorian driver hit me and I hit a tram. It was one bloody expensive weekend and we lost by 1 bloody point.
  13. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    Hey I’m old - and after two G & T’s I slept through the first half!! Don’t be mean to the elderly! 🤣😉
  14. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    Mitchell was a snippy nasty player, he’s in no position to throw criticism at anyone.
  15. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    Such a fine upstanding chap.
  16. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    And the grand final, unless he gets a bad case of gastro.
  17. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    OFFS This was all caused by again by Ginnivan. Let’s not forget that. It seems he can do what he wants, but if someone reacts in the negative they cry wolf. You can’t have it both ways.
  18. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    Hinkley has apologised - hawks are to grow a set.
  19. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    Given the chance and the rolls reversed Mitchell would be giving it to the opposition.
  20. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    Hope they have put on extra police in Adelaide tonight coz it’s going to get ugly.
  21. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    I loved how his teeth were clenched. Well the thing is if ginnivan hadn’t been such an arrogant dick and let’s face it he’s got form, none of this would be happening.
  22. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    The press are going to have a field day with the Kenny Sicily Ginny stoush
  23. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    Bring on Kenny!!!
  24. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    Hinkley having a go at Ginny, then hot head Sicily put his 10 cents worth in. Mitchell is seething, his teeth are clenched.
  25. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    Ginivan started it all, so he had to deal with it.
  26. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    Oh Mitchell, is a real sook. He’s furious. As brownie said the karma bus got em.
  27. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    Sicily has a face you’d like to slap.
  28. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    Geelong the only Victorian team left in it!!!
  29. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    Suck eggs hawks.
  30. GoulburnSwan

    Game Day 2024 Non-Swans Game Day

    Blow the siren