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  1. M

    The Stadium!

    I look look forward to the costings and other information being revealed during the POSS process. Many people opposed to the deal don't understand a lot of the information they are after will be revealed during the POSS. The government is also unable to release all information because some of it...
  2. M

    The Stadium!

    I think that would be great, but I can imagine the backlash from a lot of the locals down here
  3. M

    The Stadium!

    I'm not going to turn up to an anti stadium when I support a stadium and I also agree it has to be based down in Hobart. The stadium up here is getting an upgrade so has a big future and it has been guaranteed by both the state government and just this week by the Devils that it wont lose any...
  4. M

    The Stadium!

    I hope you are right, but if the Projects Of State Significance comes back and recommends it doesn't get approved then how can you say it will definitely go ahead?
  5. M

    The Stadium!

    You honestly think the government is going to contribute even more money especially with the opposition to afl funding down here?
  6. M

    The Stadium!

    That's true!!
  7. M

    The Stadium!

    That makes sense but it would be good to have a bit more content to go around considering Hobart will only have 7 games being played in a brand new stadium.
  8. M

    The Stadium!

    Both North and Hawthorn are looking at playing they're Tasmania home games in Tasmania so maybe an arrangement could be made for one game each. This will mean more content for our stadiums and Launceston especially will be happy knowing they will get more than 4 games.
  9. M

    The Stadium!

    Ok apologies for that,I'm definitely a supporter, but nothing wrong with wanting a few answers to some controversial topics that some bring up. When it comes to the stadium I'm very hopeful it will go ahead, but at the same time we have to have a plan b if the POSS recommends it doesn't get...
  10. M

    The Stadium!

    More content for Tassie will be a big plus for both the stadium's in Tasmania but who would pay them?
  11. M

    The Stadium!

    Hobart is not going to accept hosting only the low drawing teams especially after the years of hosting North Melbourne.
  12. M

    The Stadium!

    It was interesting to hear someone say to me recently they don't think the Projects of State Significance that is assessing the stadium is legit. The Projects of State Significance is very comprehensive and was responsible for assessing the Pulp Mill and Ralph Bay housing Estate which were both...
  13. M

    The Stadium!

    So possibly will just be a regular game in Launceston against the Devils according to this but I have heard other things saying they still want to extend the 4 game deal. I honestly don't see this as likely, because the government is not going to pay for them and the Devils.
  14. M

    The Stadium!

    Yes I'm with you there,I'm not sure if maybe they have another plan in mind to fund them.
  15. M

    The Stadium!

    I'm very aware of that, but Launceston business's are still nervous about it apparently and it looks like Hawthorn may continue to play games there as well.
  16. M

    The Stadium!

    Launceston business's are being assured they will get their fair share of big Melbourne teams when the Tassie Devils enter the competition in 2028. It is also looking possible according to some that Hawthorn will likely keep playing their games in Launceston as well. I don't personally think...
  17. M

    The Stadium!

    Do you know if the TPC will likely keep the public up to date on the assessment of the stadium application over the next year?
  18. M

    The Stadium!

    Thankyou kindly!!
  19. M

    The Stadium!

    If the TPC doesn't have details of the private investors signed up then how are they meant to access the cost side of the assessment for the stadium?
  20. M

    The Stadium!

    Thankyou kindly,hopefully it includes private investment details etc etc.
  21. M

    The Stadium!

    So would this include private investment details?
  22. M

    The Stadium!

    Thankyou for your advice,I will keep it in mind.
  23. M

    The Stadium!

    Every detail of the Macquarie Point stadium application is expected to go public in the next week according to the examiner. Do people know if this will include a lot of information that is not currently known to the public?
  24. M

    The Stadium!

    Sorry you are right,please forgive me.
  25. M

    The Stadium!

    Just from different groups down here and some everyday people in public. I think you are probably right about needing to relax,but i just think with the state in serious debt calls for it to be axed are only going to come louder and louder.
  26. M

    Tassie afl fixtures 2025

    So you mean Hobart will have no afl after next season until 2028?
  27. M

    The Stadium!

    Honestly have you seen the massive opposition to it down here?.. and with the state in serious debt that will only make calls for it to be axed louder unfortunately.
  28. M

    Tassie afl fixtures 2025

    So what do you reacon will happen when North's tassie deal expires next year?.... I know some have suggested the tassie government may pay big clubs to come down here for one off games until tassie enters in 2028.
  29. M

    The Stadium!

    Ok I understand all this, but I still believe a renegotiated deal is not completely out of the question. I'm passionate about the team and a team playing out of Bellerive is still better than no stadium and no team.
  30. M

    The Stadium!

    I'm Interested to know who on here would still back hosting the team out of Bellerive along with Utas if the stadium did end up getting knocked back. I certainly prefer a new stadium, but if Bellerive could be made suitable like a lot of naysayers say then would people be OK with it if it meant...