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    Preview Round 4 - Changes/Prematch Discussion vs Adelaide Crows

    You forgot to mention our atrocious kicking skills. Simpkin and Turner can’t kick 30 meters. McDonald and Williams are one sided and continually turn the ball over. Who is our skills coach. Kicking has been poor for years under Brad. Poor Polac Hall and Pittard. They must be wondering what they...
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    Prediction Bard Scotts' Excuse This Week

    "The signs are good" "We have a sound foundation" I must have been watching a different game. "Just need to hang in there "Work Hard" Do we know what we are working to, about?
  3. T

    Ahoy mateys, we be sailing the seas of misery!

    Signs are good. Sound foundation. Just gotta hang in and work hard. Hopefully it will rain as we have know idea where we are and which way is land. Captain Bligh event looming on the horizon.
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    Game Day Round 3 NMFC v Hawthorn MCG 3.20pm

    Individually our list isn't that bad. Unfortunately our weakest link is coaching. No game plan. No fitness. Poor skills. Shinboner spirit not enough. Apart from Cunnington and Higgons, our most skilled players are Polac, Pittard, Tyson and Hall. A good coaching panel can turn it around. Look...
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    Autopsy Round 2 vs Brisbane Lions

    Pittard, clangers?? You obviously don't watch McDonald, Turner and Sympkin. Pittard was 1000% better than all of those put together.
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    Play Nice Bye Bye Brad [v4.0] - IT'S HAPPENING!!!

    Our coaches missing in action yesterday. Beverage had 2game plans. 1st half full ground press didn't work so he implemented plan to run& spread. The Bont had 17 possessions and nobody went near him. Hunter,Daniels and McRae running riot on the outside. NADA reaction from our box. Have we got a...
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    Realistic expectations

    It is time to be realistic and ask is it the players or is it the coaches? We are in the 8, chance at playing in finals. You would not know that from the way we play. Flat, dull, lifeless footy. One quarter of spark last night. There is no football skill in effort, yet we don't show any. Is...
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    Preview Changes next week

    Time to make some hard calls. Too many of the same type of players in the mid field. Plodders, not pace or zip. Out. Adams, Bastinac, McKenzie, Gibson. Same type of player as Swallow, Cunnington and Ziebell. We are not going to go far in finals, if we even get there. Plan for future. Blood...
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    Preview Changes & pre-match discussion v Dees

    How long are we going to persist with a blue collar midfield. A call needs to be made, to blood a future midfield that is capable of winning the flag. This lot clearly is not. We are not good enough to go far into the finals this year. We have a good draw. So time to get some fresh blood into...
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    A Heads Up To Campbell Brown:

    As Jack Dyer would say, CB is a good average player. He's living on his dad's reputation so he needs all the smoke and mirrors he can generate to hold his position in the team. He's a poor man's Max Rooke.